Home / Hematoma / The rules of first aid in case of bruises

The rules of first aid in case of bruises

Every man must know what should be the first aid for bruises. According to statistics, even the most attentive of people at least once in life, but faced with such unpleasant phenomena as the contusions and bruises. Ugly yellow-purple spots on the skin can spoil the mood and bring a lot of trouble. Bruises appear after a heavy blow which causes the rupture of blood vessels located under the skin. As a result, the filling with blood the surrounding tissue, changing the color of the skin.

problema sinyakov na kozhe

It should be noted that most people take completely wrong actions, trying to get rid of bruises on the body. This ultimately leads to the deterioration of the situation. To quickly bring yourself back to normal, you must know some important rules.

Measures first aid in case of bruises

If you avoid injury not happened and the bruise is still there, then you need in the first minutes after its discovery, to take all necessary measures to nasty blue one is gone for a short time. First aid for bruises consists of the following operations:

It hurts to have to apply some cold object. Best of all, if it is ice. If ice does not, you can use any cold item (frozen meat, a pack of cold ravioli, a wet cloth, a metal object).

prikladyvanie lda k mestu ushiba dlya profilaktiki sinyakovRemove cold damaged places it is necessary only in 30 minutes. After that within several days the ice should be applied to the bruise for at least 10 minutes daily.

Many people wonder: why ambulance with bruises is to use cold? The answer is quite simple. First, the cold does not develop edema, second, the ice quickly and effectively constricts blood vessels, and, third, decreases pain syndrome. To be drugs local action, which included various ointments and gels. Plus these funds is that they can be purchased in any drugstore without a special prescription from a physician. The most popular are the following brands local effect:

  1. Heparin ointment - a tool that not only helps reduce swelling and improves circulation. Because of this bruise goes for the shortest possible time. Method of application same as Troxevazina. If you do everything correctly, by using a heparin ointment to get rid of the yellow-purple spots on the skin in just 2-3day.
  2. Troxevasin is a very effective ointment that promotes rapid resorption of bruises. This remedy strengthens and repairs the walls of blood vessels. Apply Troxevasin in the first days after the appearance of the hematoma is necessary every hour, and in the ensuing days, 1 every 3 hours.
  3. Vitamin K contributes to the rapid resorption of bruises. This means it is necessary to take a few days after the discovery of hematoma.

maz dlya rassasyvaniya sinyakovIf, after injury, there is a very strong pain, the victim can be given Ibuprofen. Many make the mistake and take the pills of paracetamol or aspirin.

These medicines contribute to thinning the blood. And it becomes a cause of increasing the area of the hematoma.

When bruising your doctor may prescribe a drug like Kapilar. The basis of this drug are plants, strengthen blood vessels and promoting normal blood circulation.

What to do to after impact, the skin was covered with bruises?

If you take all the necessary measures, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of hematomas or at least reduce their area after impact. To avoid yellow-purple spots on the skin, as well as after the appearance of a bruise on the body, especially to the injured place put cold.

If the bruise appeared on the arm or leg, the limb can simply be placed under running cold water. Cold should be applied to the injury site in the first few hours, until he developed persistent inflammatory edema. Than before to resort to cold compress, the greater the likelihood that the bruise does not appear.

To prevent the appearance of bruising on affected areas of the skin bintovuju to impose a tight bandage. This dressing will squeeze the skin around the lesion, so the blood from the damaged vessel will not be able to form a pathological cavity.

bintovanie povrezhdennogo uchastka dlya predotvrasheniya krovopodtekovExperts recommend to use for this purpose an elastic bandage. He stretched and winded very easily on the sore spot. Every next turn of the bandage should cover the previous 1/3 of the width of the fabric. If you keep the bandage on for too long, there is a risk that there will be serious blood disorder.

You should also understand that the use of such a dressing only in the case that was injured limb. If a bruise appeared on the torso or face, use an elastic bandage is impossible. It makes no sense to use tight bandaging after 2-3 hoursafter receiving the shot.

To reduce the possibility of bruising is possible if immediately after impact to lift the injury site as possible. The fact is that the heart is very difficult to drive a large amount of blood to great heights.

Folk methods of dealing with bruises

While hematoma is possible to use not only drugs, but also recipes of traditional medicine.

Such recipes often help to quickly get rid of the yellow-purple spots on the body. Red hot chilli pepper. A tool that will help to get rid of the extensive bruise. A few grams of red pepper should be mixed with 1 spoon of sour cream. The resulting consistency should coat the injury site. After the use of such tools can appear enough strong burning sensation. Do not worry as this reaction of skin to a red hot chilli pepper is a natural.

polza aloe pri sinyakahTo wash off the cream you only need 10 minutes. Then on the affected area apply a little nourishing cream, which will help prevent the appearance of strong irritation. This mixture will help get rid of unpleasant phenomena in just 1-2 days.

Aloe with honey. 5 spoons of aloe juice should be mixed with 3 tablespoons liquid natural honey. You get a homogeneous mass. It should pour into molds for ice and place until fully hardened in the freezer. Cold icicles of honey and aloe should apply to the bruise for 10 minutes every 2 hours.

This tool should be used in the first days after the hit. In the days that followed, more suitable for another home remedy. Cook it very simple. 3 large aloe leaf, passed through a meat grinder, to mix with 3 tablespoons of honey. The resulting mixture should be slightly warm and apply on the injured spot. This remedy will not leave bruise no chance.

Lotions from chamomile and celandine. An effective tool, which is most often used on 2nd day after receiving the injury. You should first prepare a healing broth. 3 tablespoons dry celandine herbs and inflorescences of chamomile is necessary to mix and pour 1 liter of water. The resulting mixture should be brought to the boil and cook on medium heat for at least 20 minutes. Then, to the obtained consistency it is necessary to add 3 tablespoons of honey and leave her to cool down under a lid.

Ready broth should strain and pour into a glass dish. In the medicinal liquid is necessary to moisten a small piece of gauze bandage and apply it to the bruise for 20 minutes. Such gadgets to do every 2-3 hours.


Before using any folk remedy for bruises, consult a doctor. Inotherwise there may be unforeseen complications. Help with bruising should be correct.