Home / Hematoma / The child had a bruise on the forehead: what to do

The child had a bruise on the forehead: what to do

The child has a bruise on his forehead - what to do? This question is asked by many parents. Small children are mobility and activity. As a rule, this mobility ends with the child falling, and it appears the abrasions, bruises and bumps even. Most parents are at a loss, not knowing what to do.

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If a hematoma due to a blow or fall, the actions of parents can be very different. Not always a bump on his forehead - the phenomenon is completely harmless. Sometimes you may need the help of doctors.

Why may form a hematoma on the forehead of the child

In fact, the reasons for the formation of a hematoma in a child incredibly much. The most common - kick for a forehead about a solid subject. In this case, the bruise is formed inevitably. There is nothing wrong there. Usually it goes away on its own and medical help is not required.

Hematoma is called minor bleeding, which occurred due to damage to soft tissue during impact. Look like a bruise maybe a little scary, but the forehead is strong, much worse, if the blow fell would be in the temple area or back of the head.

However, after hitting his head, especially if the child is small, you should show it to surgeon. The most serious can be the consequences if hurt the baby. You need to show it to your doctor regardless of whether there are symptoms of injury or not. In any case, you need to put a cold compress on the injury site, some time to watch him.

What to do if a child hit his forehead

However, there are times when you need to contact the doctor immediately if:

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  • child is crying and is restless;
  • at the site of hematoma is not a bump, and a small hole;
  • baby sick;
  • on the contrary, the child is behaving too quietly;
  • the child has marked weakness, pale skin, lips bluish and noticeable signs of shortness of breath;
  • pupils changed the size, noticeable astigmatism;
  • momentary fainting;
  • symptoms of seizures;
  • there are problems with speech and orientation in space;
  • there are problems of motion, pain when trying to move my head or stand up;
  • bleeding from the nose or ears.

If your child has these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

These symptoms are very typical of brain injury. The danger is that they may not manifest immediately, but gradually, sometimes up to several days. So, if you injury does not seem serious, it's not a reason to relax, at leasta couple of days.

Not so bad hematoma on his forehead as its consequences. The most important thing in such a situation in time to render first aid and call a doctor.

But what if the hematoma is not on strike? However, the situation is quite the opposite. Occasionally bruising in the forehead appear without apparent reason. In some cases, the bumps on my forehead are completely harmless because they can be linked to heredity or individual characteristics of the skull. Gradually they absorbed or made invisible.

holodnyj kompress pri gematomeBut sometimes, such lumps are benign tumors. They can gradually grow and not to change its structure. As a rule, such formations are called atheroma and lipoma.

Cause their may be a blockage of the sebaceous glands. The rate of growth may be different, also, the sebaceous cysts may suppurate, and can occur inflammatory process.

Treatment of benign tumors can be only by surgery. In any case, if a bump on his forehead appeared without apparent reason, you should consult a specialist and get tested. If the cause of the hematoma is negligible impact and no serious consequences, you should be able to render first aid.

How to provide first aid for injury

  1. If you take action right away, then maybe the hematoma is not gonna turn into a lump.
  2. If the injury took a little time, you need to attach to the head a cold compress. It's important to regularly change it, and not to SuperCool the skin.
  3. Many parents prefer just to bash the child's head with cold water. The therapeutic effect is not has no, but you can freeze the baby.
  4. Please note, if the site of the injury a laceration or bleeding, no compresses to do. You should treat the wound and call a doctor.
  5. In the house where a small child, you need to keep on hand special ointments, for example, "Lifeguard", "Aybolit", "Tinakoff", which relieve swelling and have analgesic effects.
  6. If not under arms ointments, you can use folk remedies. Mash the leaf of the burdock or cabbage. Put ' em on the sore spot and make a bandage.

maz Of course, better than any treatment is prevention, but since there was an unpleasant event, we must take measures that allows you to avoid the consequences.

Do not be afraid and worry, pull yourself together. If the child is very small, it can not produce under its control, the older need to explain the rulessecurity.

The most important thing after the injury to calm the child. If the injury is not serious, the lump will resolve in a few days. Most of the ointments, for example, Caffeine, or veterinarian are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. As we have said, need a few days to observe the child. If no signs of relief condition of the child is not, and there are complications, you should visit a doctor.

How to avoid serious consequences of a bruise on his forehead

The most dangerous are the injuries of infants under one year of age. This is because the skull have not yet so strong, and the chance of serious injury is very high. Even a fall from standing height, can easily cause concussions. Even if there are no complaints, you still should visit a surgeon or neurologist. Very often it happens that the effects of trauma lead to a sharp deterioration and may even cause coma.

If the injury is serious, it compresses there is not enough, you may need even surgery. It is better to consult a doctor immediately, this will prevent serious complications and shorten the time of treatment. Often school-age children do not respect basic safety rules. Especially during games at recess or in the yards after school.


Therefore, it is necessary to them to conduct preventive conversations to avoid serious injury. Do not leave the child unattended and pay attention to even slight changes in his behavior and condition. If after a trauma of the forehead, the child began to act up and does not behave as usually, it is a chance to observe him.