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What are the characteristics of fractures in children

Characteristics of fractures in children require a special approach and attention. This is because the structure of the child's bone tissue, and the nature of fractures differs significantly from adult standards.

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After identifying the problems and action the process of bone healing in children is happening at an accelerated pace. This is due to the lack of violations in the activities of the circulatory system and adequate blood supply of bone tissue.

Diagnosis of children's fractures

To determine the presence of fracture in a child does not represent special complexity. The child begins to lead a restless, cranky, crying. In addition, it is possible to identify some of the key signs and symptoms: the apparent presence of constant pain, detection of swelling, edema, possible development of deformation processes in the individual segments of damaged bones. There is a lack of the ability to reproduce normal movements and to fully move your limbs. In areas of occurrence of fractures often appear bruising and hematoma.

mrt dlya tochnoj diagnostiki perelomaA separate subgroup of fractures are vertebral compression damage caused by injuries of the back, usually when falling. The main danger in fractures of the spine lies in the difficulty of diagnosis even in the case of timely hospitalization and delivery at the children's medical facility. Back pain is manifested to a small extent and has a tendency to completely disappear for weeks. Difficulty in establishing an accurate diagnosis based on the fact that x-rays do not in each case gives the opportunity to determine the presence of damage or lack of it. For purposes of diagnosis used more modern equipment that allows to CT and magnetic resonance imaging.

In the case of fractures of pelvic bones there is the appearance of a distinct pain, severe swelling and deformation of the pelvic regions. In rare instances there may be cracking and creaking of fragments of bones in the body.

Causes of fractures are injuries and the fall, in rare cases, slight with increased bone fragility.

The provision of independent aid for fractures

pervaya pomosh pri perelomahAs first aid it is necessary to reproduce the action, ensuring the fixation of the damaged bone. You can use any means available, such as boards, sticks, pieces of plastic, etc. Fixingis done by means of conventional elastic bandage or by applying a not too tight bandage. If bandage is not at hand, you can use scarves or fabric lengths. Immobilized with not only a broken bone and adjacent joints. For example, in the case of fractures of the forearm limb is fixed with the capture of lucysebastian and elbow. And at fractures of Shin bones the feet the damaged area is fixed together with the knee and ankle.

In order to relieve discomfort to the patient it is better to give pain medication. The child is imperative to provide emotional calm, to try to bring him out of shock and call an ambulance.

What should be done in open fractures and injuries of the spine

vidy perelomovIn the case of open fractures violated the integrity of the skin. In this situation it is possible is the occurrence of bleeding. The wound should be promptly treated and bandage it up. The person who is taken for first aid, do not, in any way, we should not forget about hygiene.

The treated area must be completely freed from clothing, hands it wash soap and treating with an alcoholic solution. In case of bleeding from the arteries, when the blood starts flowing jet, it is necessary to stop, holding his hand a vessel, which is slightly above the bleeding point. Then, finding the place where there are large concentrations of muscle can be relatively easy to pin down the artery to the bones. Fractured region it is necessary to impose a sterile bandage.

The indication for vaccination against tetanus is an open fracture.

Before the arrival of the doctor should examine the wound at neustanovivshiesya bleeding and try to reduce it by closing the damage with a piece of gauze or clean sheets. For these purposes you can use towels, diapers, tissue cuts, and even sanitary pads.

In the case when an open fracture is no bleeding, should, as carefully as possible to treat the wound. From the surface, remove the dirt and pieces of clothing. Then the need to rinse and pour peroxide. The foam is easily removed using sterile wipes.


When falling from the height and appearance of suspicion for fractures in the spine and pelvis, the child is placed on a hard surface such as planks, boards or stretchers. In this scenario, under his feet rests the roller. These actions are designed to cause a relaxation of the muscular corset and to prevent the possibility of re-displacement of the bone fragments. In the case whenchild damaged upper limb or broken one of them, but he has the ability to walk independently, it must be delivered to the nearest collection point for any clinic. In the case of injury to the feet, spine or hip bones when there is no possibility of independent movement, the only correct decision will be taken by ambulance or delivery of the child to the hospital ward, and other ways.

Treatment of fractures in children

The implementation of the diagnosis made in the emergency rooms of children's hospitals surgeons and traumatologists. An important role is played by direct visual inspection of the patient experts, the detailed questioning and the clarification of the circumstances of injury and fractures. Further provides for x-rays, and CT and magnetic resonance imaging. If the injury combines with the unusual condition of the internal organs, the ultrasound is produced and assigned to the delivery of clinical blood and urine.

nalozhenie gipsa pri perelomeGiven the time that the bones in children grow rather quickly, the use of conservative methods is the most appropriate way. Frequent childhood fractures with no offset are treated by affixing a plaster splint: a process which is a kind of plaster bandage that captures not the entire limb, but only part of it. This bandage is much more comfortable to wear. Most often these types of fractures are treated in outpatient basis without hospitalization. Needless to say that the trauma surgeon must maintain constant detailed examination of the patient.

If the plaster bandage applied correctly, there is a gradual abatement of pain, normalization of sensitivity at the wiggling fingers. In the case of the suspicious feelings of discomfort and compression which is accompanied by swelling and impaired sensitivity of the fingers, you must immediately report to the lead specialist.

The application of the methods of treatment, unfortunately, is not suitable in all cases. In injuries with displacement and intra-articular fractures is assigned an operation under the influence of General anesthesia. Next is a standard plaster. Before going home, the child needs to recover after anesthesia. To do this, it is left in the hospital under medical supervision for a few days, as there are different cases.

A method such as crescita fixation is carried out through the use of metal wires, is used as a Supplement and is performed in the presence of unstable fracturescharacter.


Among the modern methods have found their application method glued traction, most commonly used for fractures of the feet. The technology relies in the conduct of the spokes through the bones of heels or tuberosity greneway bone with subsequent stretching of the limb by means of cargo. The technique is not complicated, with differing sufficient efficiency. However, its use requires constant supervision until complete bone healing.