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Why there is swelling after a fracture and how to treat it?

Swelling after a fracture is the result of impaired circulation to the damaged area of the body. Often it occurs when damage to the feet.

problema oteka posle pereloma

Swelling after a fracture develops immediately or after some time. It is possible his appearance in a few years, when the wound has completely healed. To avoid swelling, you should determine a clear cause of this process and to resort to preventive measures.

Causes of edema

In medical practice there were cases when consolidation of the bone has occurred successfully. The plaster was removed, the fracture site was not disturbed, but the swelling persisted. This problem was related to the number of lymph: swelling is triggered by disruption in production of lymph and its outflow. The functional part of this process is not performed, which leads to severe swelling. The cause may be trauma, accompanied by damage to blood vessels. Lymphedema can cause a lot of complications:

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  • ulceration;
  • elephant disease;
  • the development of fibrosis and kastosov;
  • considerable thickening of the skin.

Swelling develops on the background of severe injuries. Serious damage can lead to reduced mobility of joints. Sometimes there is abnormal motor activity. The swelling may increase and bring the man a lot of inconvenience. If you ignore the symptoms and refuse from the quality of the treatment may be incorrect fusing of bones.

To objectively assess the human condition can only physician. Based on the quality of diagnosis and clinical picture treatment. Immediately eliminate the tumor after a fracture will fail, because it is just a symptom. It will disappear in the course of quality treatment. However doctors recommend to eliminate the swelling by means of folk medicine.

Ways to prevent edema

In order to avoid the onset of swelling should work correctly with the limb. After fixing her leg (or arm) must be in a horizontal position. For the lower limbs it is necessary to provide a little elevation. Fit pillow, a chair or something soft. Injured limb should not be overloaded; to stand on it.

ispolzovanie elastichnogo binta dlya profilaktiki oteka pri perelomeTo prevent swelling you should apply an elastic bandage. It is wound on top of the plaster, it should slightly compress the bandage, thus providing a reliablefixation. Do not try to run down the plaster, it will lead to deterioration. Elastic bandage in this case, can disrupt blood flow, causing strong pain. The correct winding is the key to quick and successful recovery.

After getting a cast must be taken to the damaged limb. A week later, conducted x-rays. This method will allow you to assess the condition of the hard and soft tissues. In order to avoid stagnation of liquid is recommended to disperse it. To do this, do a light massage aimed at improving muscle tone. It allows nutrients to enter the muscles. When it comes time to remove the plaster, the recovery period does not end, but continues for some time. Should avoid exertion, wear elastic bandage and not to make any sudden movements.

The muscles under a tight bandage is able to atrophy, because they need to be returned to its former state.

Compliance with all recommendations will allow swelling to pass quickly, and the injured extremity to recover.

Treatment of the disease

If preventive measures were not implemented or were partially observed, there is a need to address the swelling. There is nothing complicated today, there are several basic methods of treatment:

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  • traditional methods;
  • traditional methods;
  • alternatives.

The traditional approach to treatment. For removing the swelling use the facilities, which included a heparin and anti-inflammatory agents.

Beautiful effect betaproteobacteria drugs. They allow you to remove the swelling in the short term. It is recommended to resort to using warming ointments. They are applied to the damaged area according to the dosage the doctor, rubbing in slow movements. Ointments can improve the flow of lymph and blood. Help to cope with swelling traditional massages, including hydro massage. The victim can self-massage his leg after a briefing conducted by the doctor. Actively used electrophoresis, electrostimulation and ultraviolet irradiation of the tumor.

The methods of traditional medicine. Based on the application of various oils. Particular efficiency different hot tools, they are able to cause tissue regeneration. Before use it is recommended to consult with your doctor. To remedy edema it is necessary to RUB the affected area with oil fir. It is possible to make the “cake” on the basis of blue clay and attach to the fracture (this should be done as often as possible). The effectiveness is shown and compresses. Formake one of them should mix one liter of hot water with 30 grams of Arnica. Infuse the mixture for one hour. Swelling takes place almost instantly.


To treat yourself without their physician's approval is not recommended. Any methods must be discussed with a specialist. This is to avoid complications.