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The symptoms and treatment of mandibular fractures

Fracture of the lower jaw is quite dangerous type of fracture. Often accompanies severe brain injury, such as concussion. Besides the fractures of the mandible quite difficult to treat, although, of course, medicine has achieved certain successes in it. It is very important to seek medical help. Try to carry out any therapeutic measures in the home is highly undesirable as it is impracticable, with the exception of first aid. How to identify a fractured jaw and it could be caused by?

problema pereloma nizhnej chelusti

Symptoms of a fracture

The nature of the manifestations is directly related to the severity of the injury, and dependent on many crucial factors. These include: the nature of displacement of bone fragments, number of fractures, presence of traumatic brain injury, particularly concussion, damage to facial tissues, skull bones and base.

A single fracture is characterized by severe pain, which appear immediately after the injury, compress the teeth is almost impossible, speech becomes difficult, as attempts to chew. The sensitivity of the external soft tissues of the face are also reduced.

nizhnyaya chelustMultiple injuries, for example, a double fracture, triple, etc. cause more difficulty swallowing. What are the main signs of a fracture of the mandible can be identified? The characteristic symptoms of fracture are:

  1. The asymmetry of face shapes and possible hemorrhage in area of fracture.
  2. Pain, especially aggravated by touch.
  3. There are fracture of the mandible with displacement with the presence of mobile debris. It is very easily determined during the survey.
  4. Broken bite.
  5. Increased sensitivity teeth.

Cases when it is limited to only a broken jaw, is quite rare. During the examination the doctor can detect additional damage to various other organs. In this case the direction of the survey among experts from other areas. This will help to determine the most effective therapy for a particular case. All inspection must be conducted in compliance with all possible precautions.

A thorough examination of the victim will help identify:

vozmozhnye mesta pereloma nizhnej chelusti

  1. The presence of possible asymmetry of the facial tissues, bruising, swelling, and trauma of a different nature.
  2. Damage to the gums, tongue and overall mouth.
  3. Accumulated blood clots in the mouth and the nasal cavity.
  4. Selectionfrom the spinal cord through the nose and ears.

It is important to be examined by a neurologist, since it is possible serious concussion that often accompanies such fractures.

Such injury can include such symptoms as mental impairment, headaches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

Often patients with a broken jaw marked deterioration of the trigeminal nerve, manifested by paresthesia, a complete lack of sensitivity of the teeth and the lower lip.

Possible causes

immobilizaciya pri perelome nizhnej chelustiQuite often, the fractures of the jaw are of accidental origin. This can happen at work, in road accidents, agricultural work, etc. the Mechanism is simple - mostly a fracture may cause a direct or side impact - intentional harm is more common. Sometimes the injury happens due to medical errors, for example, in dental surgery.

This kind of fracture is more common in men than women, due to their greater employment in hazardous occupations, driving cars, participating in the fights. During the holiday season when the risks of injury at rest significantly increased, cases of fracture of the jaw is significantly greater.

Classification pathology

Distinguish between open and closed type of fracture of the lower jaw, full or partial, single and multiple, linear and comminuted and fractures of the articular and the coronoid process. Possible which restores a fractured jaw.

Diagnostic measures

You first need to determine the location of the fracture and the degree of its severity. To establish a more precise diagnosis is carried out x-ray radiography, it is desirable to have the presence of two projections, lateral and anterior-posterior.

rentgen dlya diagnostiki pereloma nizhnej chelustiWhen michalkovice fracture process occurring quite frequently, in addition to x-ray it is advisable to use such research, as orthopantomography. In addition, it is possible to computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance study.

Types of fractures (depending on location):

  1. Average runs between the two Central incisors.
  2. Tool - passes between the lateral and the first cutter.
  3. Klykovo - is right in the middle of Fang.
  4. Mental - takes place at the level of the mental foramen.

In addition, different fracture which restores or as it is called, angular, cervical or cervical and michalkovice fractures, coronoid, articular process. Perhaps a combination offracture with vivica, in particular, fracture michalkovice process and further dislocation of the mandibular head.

First aid for fracture of the lower jaw

While rendering the necessary measures to help the most important to prevent the occurrence of asphyxia and possible shock.


If there is bleeding, you must stop, this must be used with sterile bandage. Especially dangerous arterial bleeding. To avoid possible asphyxia unconscious, the victim should be stacked or put on side. We should try to fix the language as being unconscious, the person can swallow it and choke. In some cases, without the use of tracheotomy is complete. To transport the victim, you must be careful, using a special chin bandage.

Treatment of mandibular fractures

The victim is usually delivered in oral and maxillofacial surgery center, where the first is rapid diagnosis by palpation of the damaged area. It is important to ensure maximum rest. To relieve suffering may cold compress.

mestnoe obezbolivanie pri lechenii pereloma nizhnej chelustiIf the comminuted fracture with bone splintering, the first thing the specialist is required to collect all the pieces together and tightly fix them. This is done usually under local anesthesia. Bone sewn nylon or metal thread. Additionally they must be a special bonding with knitting needles or plates.

Further treatment is a restorative and anti-microbial measures that will significantly accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. These include medication antibiotics and vitamins. It is not excluded physiotherapy rehabilitation therapy.

It is important that the recovery process of injured fed in sufficient quantity. Due to the fact that chewing him hard enough, as the alternative may be suitable infant formula. They are quite nutritious and contain many vitamins and minerals. You have to eat with a small spoon or a special device - a Cup. It is desirable that the food is mixed into antibiotics, it prevent the possible development of infectious power.

Prevention and forecasts

I probably don't need to remind you that the victim must provide full rest the broken bone. Food should be liquid, especially in the early days. Should not ahead of time to begin to try to chew and to move to more solid foods. To say when it can be done, can onlydoctor.

During the process of regeneration is very important the attitude of the patient and the conditions in which he lives, because stress is not a beneficial effect on the processes of accretion, it has long been proven by many experts.


In General, the forecasts after the surgical procedure and positive - within a few weeks the bone heals and safely restores its functions. This happens when the severity of a fracture is low. If was broken or the articular of the temporal bone, the consequences will be more serious. The task of the doctor is to do everything possible to provide it and to avoid similar consequences.