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Signs of arm fracture in a child

A broken arm in a child is one of the most common injuries. Children are very active and curious. Not feeling fear and not thinking about the consequences, they commit risky actions and get injured. Children so often fall, that the parents lose vigilance. If there are no obvious signs of fracture, parents can take an injury for a normal injury. Any disturbance in the limbs of a small child can't explain and therefore not complain.

problema pereloma ruki u rebenka

An untreated fracture may not heal, which will limit the actions of the baby. Subsequently, the trauma can affect the growth of the limb. The arm may not grow to normal or become warped. To treat malunion harder - the bone has to re-break. It is very unpleasant procedure, and therefore it is better to diagnose the fractures in time. And to correct a situation where a child has grown up, is almost impossible.

The fracture and its types

A fracture is considered to damage the integrity of the bone under load or impact. Share fractures because of their appearance. Traumatic fractures occur as a result of the injury. Her children can get, jumping from trees in the fall, during a fight, etc.

padenie s dereva - prichina pereloma rukiPathological fractures occur on the background of diseases of the skeletal system, leading to changes in the structure of the tissue of bones. These changes make the bones fragile and brittle. Due to the lack of calcium in children may develop the disease osteoporosis. A tiny load to cause osteoporosis bone deformation.

Fractures are complete and incomplete. Incomplete fracture can be a fracture. Cracks occur from impact or crushing. The child may get injured during the fight or in the classroom in the sports section.

  1. Complete fractures can be simple or with an offset.
  2. Depending on the direction and force of impact, the fracture may be comminuted, when the injured bone is fractured and pieces of it cut into the surrounding tissue.
  3. The longitudinal fracture is rare. In this case, the bone breaks down strictly along its length.
  4. With a wedge fracture of one bone is inserted into another.
  5. Spiral fractures are when the bone is rotated into the site of injury.
  6. When an oblique fracture of the axis line of breaking perpendicular to the axis of the bone.

nehvatka kalciya - prichina perelomovIn addition, fractures are divided into closed and open. In a closed fracture the outer skin of the hands remain intact andsound. It is often such injuries are mistakenly mistaken for a bruise.

With an open fracture on the surface of the hands are formed of the wound, in which you can see fragments of bone. This type of injury the most dangerous. Through the broken outer integument into the body easily gets infected. It can greatly complicate the injury and require further treatment.

In children often there are double fractures, for example, when falling on a straightened arm. In this case there is a fracture of the ulna and radius.

Signs of arm fracture in a child

Severe pain often signals the turning point. However, the pain is intense. Require attention to the following signs:

  1. The growth of pain syndrome during the movement of the fingers or hand.
  2. The pain appears or increases when feeling the injury.
  3. The deformation of the bone may appear swollen in the joint.
  4. The child is limited to the health of the hands.
  5. Sharp deterioration of health of the child until he lost consciousness as a result of the injury.

vidy perelomov rukiIf displaced fracture, the arm may look shorter. Feeling the hand, you can hear the crunch of the rubbing together of bone fragments.

Sometimes a hand can hang like a whip or become unnaturally twisted or bent. In such cases, there is reason to believe damage to the radial nerve.

Hand is cold. This symptom indicates poor circulation in the limbs. It is possible that there is a rupture of blood vessels.

First aid for injury

Competent first aid helps to avoid many complications.

If an open fracture is accompanied by bleeding, you must use a harness or other tie up the funds to stop the blood loss. This needs to be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile dressing.

The injured limb must be fixed via a field bus. If the bus is nowhere to take, you can use any means at hand: a stick, a ruler, a straight tree branch. Fixed the limb will make it hurt less. And the likelihood of further displacement of the bone will be minimal.

immobilizaciya pri perelome rukiIn any case, do not attempt to straighten or align the hand or change its unnatural position. If unbearable pain can give your child painkillers. After treatment of the wound and fixation of the limbs of the child as soon as possible deliver the victim to the emergency room.

When obvious signs of fracture are not visible and the child feels well, it is necessary to examine it. Ask to move your fingers and brush. Ifany problems the child is experiencing, let him try to raise his hand up. Limitation of motion of the arm, hand or fingers may indicate a strain of the bone. In such cases, and if swelling in the joint, you need to go to the emergency room.

In cases of a sharp deterioration of a child, loss of consciousness should immediately call an ambulance. In addition, urgent hospitalization is needed, when you cannot stop the bleeding. Large blood loss is dangerous to a child's life.

Treatment for a broken arm

Before starting treatment, your doctor will carefully examine the child, interviewing parents about how he was injured. So the doctor figures out how damaged bone tissue, whether the blood vessels, joints, and nervous tissues. With the help of x-rays is determined by the deformation of the bone, the presence and degree of displacement, the location of the fragments. If the fracture is not complicated, as a rule, the child soon allowed to go home, put it on the arm plaster or bandage.

fizkultura v period reabilitacii posle perelomaCorrectly applied bandage or a plaster reduce pain. They applied for the time period necessary for fusion of the bones. The period is determined depending on the severity of the injury, its location, and the age of the child. At the same time the baby can prescribe decongestants and pain relievers.

If the fracture is complicated by displacement, the presence of traumatic fragments, tendon damage, nerve tissue and blood vessels, child hospitalitynet. Hospitalization subject children with a large blood loss.

Surgical intervention is produced in cases where the reset bus is not possible. If there are splinters which can injure surrounding tissue are removed surgically. When there is concern that the bone will heal incorrectly schedule the surgery. In more complex cases, damage to the joints, blood vessels and nerves, surgery is inevitable.

The operation is performed in the next 2 weeks after injury. Should be eliminated the effects of blood loss and inflammation, if any. If the operation is successful, then after a month the child will be healthy.

Rehabilitation after injury

After the bandage is removed you must take measures to restore blood supply to the limb. Need to strengthen the muscles and develop a stagnant joints. For rehabilitation, the doctor will prescribe exercise therapy, physiotherapy and massage.


Very useful after injury to swim. This physical activity has a mild effect on the skeletal system, toning effect -on tissue and body systems.

For the best fusion of bones and increasing their elasticity you must ensure that the daily menu of a child was necessarily the foods rich in calcium: dairy products, sesame seeds and parsley.

To calcium from the foods digested properly, you need vitamin D. Vitamin D is synthesized in the human body under the influence of sunlight. In winter, this vitamin can be obtained by eating fatty fish and cod liver oil.


Protein is the main Builder of bone tissue. During rehabilitation after an injury, you need to eat protein foods in sufficient quantity. Sources of protein is meat, fish, eggs, cheese.