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How to treat a foot fracture

Fracture of the foot compared to other similar damage is less common, but can completely deprive people of the opportunity to move. Foot fracture with displacement of people unable to when skiing, falling from height, etc. There are other types of this disease. If a person has had fractures of the foot, diagnosis and treatment process should be conducted by a specialist. Self in this case, you must not do, as the wrong therapy can remain disabled for life. There are many types of this disease, which will be discussed below.

problema pereloma stopy

Fractures to stop of different types

These diseases occur in 9% of the total number of applicants to the medical facility of victims. All of the elements of the foot are interrelated, therefore, damage to or displacement of at least one of them or change its shape can complicate stop discharge of their functions.

Often the foot fractures result in disruption of normal support her and contribute to the development of such dangerous ailments as arthritis or flat feet. The foot consists of 26 bones that are held together by the joints and ligaments. The damage of each bone has its own characteristics and features. You'll find most of the damage to the navicular, talus, cuneiform, cuboid, metatarsals and phalanges in the toes.

Fractures of the talus

padenie - prichina pereloma stopySimilar damage is different from injuries in other parts of the foot. This bone is not attached no muscle, and she takes on the entire weight of the person.

Injury of this kind occurs not so often. It is a heavy damage. Often while a person is combined with other types of fractures, for example, with dislocation of the foot, ankle injuries, etc.

The main reasons that lead to this state are indirect injuries that people can get when jumping, exposed feet, falling from various heights.

Occasionally a fracture of the talus bone may lead punch a very heavy object or pinching of the foot. The main symptoms in such damage to the following:

  1. The victim complains of severe pain in the lower leg.
  2. At the ankle joint there is swelling.
  3. On the inner parts of the ankle visible hemorrhage.
  4. The displacement of bone fragments deformity can clearly be seen.
  5. The patient cannot move the foot at the ankle joint due to severe pain syndrome.

To determine the fracture of the talus, doctors use x-ray equipment.

fracture of the foot" alt="diagram of the broken foot">it is Necessary to differentiate this type of damage from others who may have similar symptoms. These include:

  1. Fractures of the heel and ankle.
  2. Contusions and sprains of the feet.
  3. Breaks, sprains and various sprains of the ankle joint.
  4. Bruised heels.

Therefore, doctors for accurate diagnosis performed a comprehensive examination of the patient.

Fractures to stop treatment

If a person has a significant gap of the talus bone with the offset, then the doctors are doing the so-called repositioning of fragments. If the damage is chronic, joint bone structures for the most part fails. Therefore, doctors in such cases, use skeletal traction or open spravku bones.

The demolition of the back bone, the patient must wear a cast for at least one month, and in other types of fractures this should be done four to six weeks. Already after 21 days, the patient should pull the injured limb from the bandage and make it the active motion. Therapy may be continued with the help of special therapeutic exercises, physical therapy and massage. To eliminate possible flat feet of the patient 12 months have to wear arch supports.

Different types of injury on the feet

konsultaciya vracha pri perelome stopyFracture of cuboid bone happens when you drop heavy things on the rear part of the foot. While there is swelling on the soft tissues in the part where the damage occurred. When turning the foot or palpation of the patient a strong pain syndrome.

Damage that gets cuboid bone can be identified in the diagnosis by using x-ray equipment. Treatment may last up to 2 months. It is performed by a so-called imposition of a circular plaster bandage.

Fractures of the metatarsal bones in the feet occur most often. Their causes may be a drop on the foot heavy things or falling under the wheel of a car. Such damage can be when squeezed. The fractures may carry both single and multiple character. The first type of damage is almost no displacement of bone structures. Single fractures have the following symptoms:

  1. Pain at palpation of the damaged place.
  2. There is swelling on the back of the foot area of the sole.

If damage is multiple, that breaks the 4 and 5 metatarsal bones can cause swelling in the entire surface of the feet. On palpation, the patient suffers pain, possible bleeding.

Signs of such an injury, do not allow the person to walk normally. If the broken fifth metatarsal bone, for accuratediagnosing damage to the doctors use x-rays in three projections.

rentgen stopy dlya diagnostiki perelomaThis disease is treated by applying a leg plaster. The cast need to be in a period of one month. If there is a displacement of bones, then the patient makes a closed reduction, or use a method of skeletal traction. After all the bones are reduced, the damaged area is put into a cast. If necessary, further treatment doctors use a so-called orthotic inserts.

Fractures of the navicular bone of the foot result from direct impact. This may be caused by the fall of heavy things on the back of the foot. Such injuries often occur in children. Sometimes (very rarely) this occurs when compressed, when the navicular bone is clamped between the talus and the cuneiform bone structures. Often there is a gap in conjunction with other fractures of the bones of the feet. The main symptoms are as follows:

  1. The patient cannot rely on the legs due to strong pain syndrome.
  2. On the back there is swelling, possible bleeding.
  3. Stop turns inside out, their divorce or connection can cause severe pain and shock.

For the diagnosis of the injury using x-rays in two projections. If the damage happened displacement of bones, then a plaster bandage (circular). She should be well hotmodelforu vaulted part. If the bone fragments have shifted, it will reposition. If it is impossible, it is a special operation in the alignment of bone structures.


Plaster bandage, the patient should not wear more than six months. This must be done even if damage is not a serious one.

The rehabilitation process after various fractures in the feet starts after complete removal of the tires. Long-wearing plaster casts negative impact on the lower extremities, therefore, to eliminate this phenomenon, the patient prescribe complex therapeutic exercises. The recovery process can last for years if the patient will comply with all recommendations of the attending physician.