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Fracture of the parietal bones in an infant: causes and consequences

In some cases there is a fracture of the parietal bones in an infant, the consequences of which can be quite varied. This injury is very common in children, especially in infancy.

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Anatomical features

The parietal bone is called steam flat design in the human body, with 4 corners. This bone design is located in the upper and lateral parts of the skull. If we consider the bone design on the outside, it is convex and smooth. In the place where the bulge are more pronounced, you can find the hill that is most often injured the baby.

Part of the parietal bone consists of several buildings. The front edges are connected with pubic bodies, and the occipital region with the occipital structures. The lateral surface intended to be adjacent to the temporal bone structures, and the medial edge to the opposite regions, resulting in a center seam that goes through the entire skull.

Types of skull fractures

There are several types of fractures in this region of the skull. Depending on the kind of injury or fracture choose certain methods and schemes of treatment of this pathology. For this reason, broken bones need to be addressed as early as possible, to quickly determine the type of fracture.

konsultaciya vrachaFor example, a linear fracture is observed in the case when in the parietal bone structure diagnosed or crack, or insignificant divergence of the bones of the seam in those places where there is a connection of the skull bones. In this case, when the linear injury to the bone structure is not transferred inside. In children this type of injury is most common.

However, there are other types of injuries of the skull, which can appear in children. For example, fractures may be depressed, i.e., the parietal bone can be a bit push inside the skull. Distinguish between open and closed type of injury. In addition, the patient may experience damage to the fascia in some cases.

There is a third type fractures of the bony structures of the crown that can appear in children. A very dangerous injury is a comminuted type of fracture. When the bone in a certain place may be destroyed, and then there are the scattered isolated fragments of bone. This injury is considered to be one of the hardest.

Depressed and comminuted fractures are considered the most dangerous, especially for children. They can lead to serious injuries like brain and its membranes. As a result of these concomitant injuries, a child may develop serious abnormalities and diseases. It is very importantto consult a doctor as soon as possible, to reduce the risk of complications.

Causes of the fracture on the top of the head in children

There are various reasons that lead to such a serious injury.

Most often, the crown fracture occurs when a force acts on the bone on the outside, pushing her. A strong blow with a blunt object to the skull of the baby is also able to lead to such serious consequences.

perelom temennoj kosti u grudnogo rebenkaWe should not exclude from a number of causes-and-drop various items on a baby's head from a great height. In addition, the child himself can fall headfirst and injure the skull. Quite often the baby is observed in this pathology is due to the fact that the process of childbirth was injured.

During hydrodynamic impact can detect this phenomenon. It is very important to avoid road accidents, the child was not injured during the accident. Any clenching exposure can lead to pathological changes in the skull.

Be aware that a depressed type of fracture on the crown is formed only in the case when the skull is the impact of the object with a small contact area with the very skull.

The symptoms of fracture of the parietal on the skull structure

There are various signs that a child bruised the crown. For example, when receiving a fracture during impact or fall, the child may lose consciousness. In addition, at the time of the attack he will experience severe pain in the injured area. After that, the head will hurt badly.

If the fracture is open, then the baby's head can detect a small tear in the skin, various wounds degloving type. Sure to be a small bruise. If under the skin the child started bleeding, it will form a hematoma. If the fracture is linear type, the head may detect various abrasions. Often it will appear swollen.


In case of very serious fracture for example, if it is formed at the base of the bone structure, the patient can be observed cerebral symptoms with different severity. Often in this case the child starts bleeding from the nose, eyes, ears. The blood can flow down and along the back walls of the larynx. This is because the hard shell of the brain could crack or break, especially in areas where there is a patchwork of all bone structures of the skull. After this, blood fluid begins to fall in soft tissue. The child can detect a hematoma in the tissue of the eye.

What to doparents in trauma

If a strong shock or drop the child may be very frightened and start to cry. But then he quickly calms down and subsides. Do not think that this all ends happily. The child could injure his head, even if he managed to calm down quickly and no longer pays attention to the fact that recently he has caused pain. In any case, better to be safe and consult a doctor for diagnosis of the health of the child.

upotrebleniya produktov soderzhashih kalcijThis will prevent various complications after a blow to the head. It is best to call an ambulance to the house or to take the baby to the hospital, but the child it is necessary to keep the horizontal position of the body.

The more parents are putting off a trip to the hospital, the more dangerous can be the consequences after the injury (up to coma). It is important to make a diagnosis of the skull. In some cases, the rehabilitation period after such a fracture will take a very long period of time.

In addition, parents need to know that the head injuries the child doesn't always have any neurological deficits.

Treatment of crown fracture in a child

In order to choose the tactics and regimen, you first need to diagnose this disease.

In those cases when the injury is negligible, there is only the crack or the level of brain damage is not serious, choose conservative methods of treatment. They are appointed in cases where no displacement of the arches of the skull were not recorded. Child prescribed bed rest. To the child's head you can apply a cold compress, it is superimposed on the hour. However, it is necessary to make a break for 3-4 hours. In addition, the permitted painkillers, antihistamines and sedatives. In some cases, the necessary antibiotics. In more severe cases will require surgical intervention.

Fractures of all types of cranial bones including the parietal, are very serious injuries, so it is crucial to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


Such injuries can lead to disorders in the brain and other severe consequences (especially for children) that will affect the entire human body.