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How to treat a fracture of the upper jaw?

Upper jaw fracture is recognized as one of the most difficult to treat. The cases when a person might get a fracture of the facial bones of the skull are fairly common. Approximately 5% of cases of damage occur fractures of the upper jaw.

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Which leads to the upper jaw

Classification of major causes of this severe injury created at the beginning of the last century, Frenchman rené Le Fort. However in the Russian practice it is different. Types of fractures classified depending on how and in which direction is the offset of the upper jaw.

Such damage can cause by the following reasons:

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  1. Blunt heavy object on the front of the skull.
  2. Injuries during sports.
  3. Falls from height.
  4. A work injury when a man collapse building structures, any goods or materials. Such situations are quite often (almost 13% of cases, according to medical statistics).
  5. Dorozhno-transport incident. Transport injury is found in almost 20% of all cases of such fractures, indicating the need for increased attention to the problem of road accidents in our country.
  6. Collision with obstacles.

When the diagnosis of fractures of the upper jaw in medical practice they are usually referred to type I-III according to the classification of Le fora.

The hardest option is usually followed by breathing problems and even suffocation, is a fracture of the type Le Fort III.

Symptoms of fractures of the upper jaw

Any fracture is very painful, but the symptoms of fracture of the upper jaw differ significantly from other variants:

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  1. The pain occurs at the site of injury and when attempting to close the jaw.
  2. Profuse bleeding from the nose and mouth.
  3. Facial muscles twitch, from eyes shed tears.
  4. Disorders of speech and chewing function.
  5. The fracture usually occurs with a traumatic brain injury, so it may be dizziness and nausea.
  6. By visual inspection it is easy to detect bruising around the eyes, reminiscent of spectacles.
  7. The bite is broken, there may be a shift of the wreckage.
  8. A serious complication is respiratory failure.

First aid for fractures of the upper jaw

If you notice signs of a fracturethe upper jaw should immediately call an ambulance and try to stop the bleeding and restore breathing in the victim. Self-medication can lead to serious problems, including destruction of bone tissue. If the patient is unconscious, then any manipulation can't happen, you should wait for the ambulance.

If his General condition is satisfactory, it is possible to provide first aid. It is desirable to transport an injured person in the ambulance. Stop the bleeding by applying sterile wipes or swabs. To lock the jaw and prevent displacement, it is recommended to put under the upper teeth plate or a ruler, which should be fixed to the head with bandages.

Methods of diagnosis and therapeutic measures

konsultaciya vracha o perelome verhnej chelustiModern medical technologies allow to make a diagnosis of fracture of the different methods that contributes to the understanding of what actions need to take next. So, the victim can examine by means of computer or magnetic resonance tomography. Traditional option is x-ray. It actually started when the victim was transported to the hospital, if he is conscious.

The treatment of such fractures is carried out in hospitals and dental offices. If necessary, connect neurologist, ENT, ophthalmologist and a dentist-orthopedist, to resolve the whole complex of problems arising from fracture.

Treatment of fractures of the upper jaw is usually carried out for a long time, so the patient should be tune to this option. The first stage of treatment, typically takes up to 30 days. Further treatment depends on the severity of the injury and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Treatment of fracture of the upper jaw can be with medication or with physical therapy. Initially, conduct the surgical operation, aimed at treatment of wounds and bone tissues, to consolidate those parts of the jaw, which broke off as a result of injury. In this case, you can use special tyres. Sometimes, in order to ensure the consolidation of fragments of the upper jaw, it is necessary to pull out the teeth.

priem prepaartov pri perelome verhnej chelustiMedical treatment chosen by doctors, given the General condition of the patient.If it markedly improves within three to four days, the body temperature is normal, the swelling subsides, usually try not to use antibiotics. Inotherwise prescribed antimicrobial therapy with osteotropic antibiotics.

Splinting of the upper jaw may be a point to ensure the best healing. During the first surgery, the doctors struggling to save a patient's skin, so if the injury was severe (unable to be damaged by shards of glass, even small pieces, the doctor gently puts to provide the best recovery process. Physiotherapy is carried out almost immediately after the first patient's recovery. In some cases, for 2-3 days can prescribe treatments to relieve swelling. Main treatment, of course, physical therapy will not be. But together with medications, the care of the oral cavity and the diet it allows you to get good results much faster. The victim can appoint a physiotherapy:

  1. UHF. Due to the effect of the electromagnetic field in the course of this procedure, the local circulation is improved, causing reduction of swelling and inflammation.
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation. For restoration of bone tissues need calcium, which is actively supplied to the case of the presence of vitamin D. Ultraviolet radiation allows to create conditions for the production of this vitamin in the fracture site.
  3. Low-frequency pulsed magnetic therapy. Send the pulses to reduce the inflammation to eliminate the pain.
  4. Electrophoresis of calcium. As already mentioned, calcium is necessary for bone regeneration, injured at fracture. This physiotherapy contributes to its rapid penetration into the cells.

Care for oral hygiene and diet

pravilnoe pitanie pri perelome verhnej chelustiTo restore any sick person should eat well. Upper jaw fracture disrupts the chewing function, so you need to consider how to provide the body with all necessary. Depending on the nature of the fracture, the power may be adjusted by using a Cup, sometimes a patient is attached a rubber tube or probe. The introduction of the probe is the common measure for the nutritional status of patients in different situations. If you use sippy cups, food in a liquid state should be supplied at a temperature not higher than 50 ° C in small portions. Feeding takes place before complete saturation of the patient.

If the patient is unconscious, use a special nutritional formulations that are administered via IVS. Care for the oral cavity is necessary to carry out necessarily. Mounted tyres and other ancillary items for treatment of fracture to preventcleansing of the oral cavity. Small particles of food inevitably remain, including getting stuck and therapeutic elements. The doctor or nurse carry out cleaning with irrigation and rinsing the mouth with the addition of anti-inflammatory drugs. Tires can be cleaned using tweezers (you can use toothpicks).

After each meal is recommended to rinse the tires with a brush and soap. Antiseptic solutions is recommended for patients to gargle and between meals to improve the condition of the tissues and provide a more rapid recovery.


Modern medical technologies allow to achieve good results in the treatment of fractures of the upper jaw, help to not only restore basic functions, but to preserve aesthetically attractive person of the victim.