Home / Fractures / What is the first aid for fracture of the tibia?

What is the first aid for fracture of the tibia?

Shin bones are broken very often. They are leaders in long bone fractures. First aid for fracture of the tibia is very important, as this in the future will depend on the health of man and his speedy recovery. Decided to allocate: ankle fractures, fractures of the proximal and distal and diaphyseal fractures. Each of them are very dangerous and, undoubtedly, painful.

problema pereloma goleni

First aid will largely determine the future life of man. It is therefore very important to provide it in a timely manner and competently. Unfortunately, not all today known methods of assist, so consider a few tips on how to behave and what to do in case of fracture of the tibia.

What are the fractures of the tibia?

Type of fracture is determined by many factors: the severity of the injury, its character, the presence or absence of fragmentation of the bone, and various additional injuries.

The bone may break at one or several places, it will depend on the number of broken bones if you are to be had. Of course, this kind of fractures are considered the most difficult and dangerous to human health. Bone damage can carry single or multiple depending on the number of bone fragments, fragments formed at the time of injury.

vidy perelomov goleniThere is also an indoor and outdoor type of fracture. Closed is not subject to observation by the human eye. It can be defined only in an x-ray. Open the fracture is characterized by lesions not only bone tissue but also the tissue of the skin. With an open fracture the bone often appears as if from the outside, which is a very painful and unpleasant phenomenon.

From the direction in which broken bone, decided to allocate the following types of fractures of the tibia:

  1. Direct fracture. When a bone breaks down.
  2. Scythe. Bone fracture diagonally.
  3. A spiral fracture. The fracture, when the bone is not a very straight line damage. Most often in the form of a polyline.

By how much can damage the bone, secrete comminuted type of fracture (when a bone is slightly destroyed and broken into pieces) and smooth fracture.

stroenie goleniDepending on how the bone fragments can be placed inside, we can talk about a displaced fracture. It is more dangerous. Because then the bone is very long fuses, but back limbs the original view will still fail. There is a fracture without displacement (the situation when the bone or the fragments remain in place).

Whendamaged joints, e.g., knee or ankle, can distinguish intra-articular and extra-articular fracture. The second less dangerous.

It is also very important to know whether broken both Shin bones - tibia and fibula or just one of them.

It is necessary to examine the leg and to identify which part that is affected. Most often injuries at the top of the tibia, its middle or intermediate, and bottom.

The presence of this kind of knowledge is necessary when providing first aid. The more you will have ideas about the type of fracture, the easier it will be to help the person.

The provision of first aid in case of fracture of the tibia

The surest way to help a man who was in such a situation, call an ambulance. But while you wait the arrival of the doctors, you need to perform a few simple manipulations. This will give the opportunity to reduce pain and maintain human consciousness.

The next step is to help the victim:

nalozhenie transportnoj shiny pri perelome goleni

  1. It is first necessary to lay the victim in a comfortable position, with minimal touch to the affected leg so as not to bring man great pain.
  2. Next we need to remove with a broken foot shoes, otherwise after some time the foot begins to swell, and to do it will be very hard and painful for the victim.
  3. In order to at least partly reduce pain and soothe a person, you need to give him painkillers. If this is the case you do not, then it can be applied to fracture the ice. It will help to reduce pain and swelling.
  4. If the fracture was open, then you need to look at the wound for the presence of foreign objects. If available, you should try to gently remove them. Then with the affected leg will need to remove all my clothes. To engage in self-reposition of the bone is strictly prohibited! This can be done only by qualified doctors with anesthesia.
  5. With an open fracture will only need to treat the wound with a solution of iodine, brilliant green, or potassium permanganate. Of course, if this tool will be available at your fingertips.
  6. If the wound is bleeding, it should stop. It is possible to impose a pressure bandage above the fracture site and wound. This will stop the bleeding. As the harness you can use a belt, scarf or tie.
  7. Under tourniquet should definitely put some fabric. Will fit the same scarf or piece of clothing that was removed from the legs of a man.
  8. When you leave a tourniquet on his leg, next to him, it is obligatory to leave a note to specify the timehis overlay. It is very important that the leg was tied with no more than two hours. Otherwise, you can harm.
  9. You need to fix my foot so that it is most was in obezbijede condition. You need to do it from the hip till the Shin.
  10. To put that tyre, will fit all objects, sticks, boards. Importantly, they were durable.
  11. Under the bus you need to put clothes to the affected leg cannot be damaged even more. It is very important that the tire is not peredelyvala leg and does not scratch the skin.
  12. To engage in self-correction of the bones is not necessary. Be patient and wait for the doctors.

Remember: the bus must be impose so that ankle was firmly in place. Better to do it with inner and outer sides of the legs. But attach the tire to everyone that can get caught under the arms: ropes, scarves, pieces of cloth, and so on.

Remember: if timely help people, you can avoid complications and reduce the risk of misaligned bones.

Additional recommendations

operacionnoe vmeshatelstvo pri otkrytom perelome goleniVery important in this situation to behave in hands and not to panic. Concentrate and try to help the person. You need to try harder to talk to him, learn his name and what happened. Perhaps I will get the number of the relatives and inform them about the incident.

Stay with the casualty until the arrival of the ambulance. Tell me everything you know about the person and about what happened to him. Don't forget to mention what kind of help you gave him. Believe me, your effort will not be wasted!

After the victim picks up the ambulance, the responsibility for his life rests entirely in their hands.

During the delivery of the patient to the clinic they have to give him anesthetic and remove the shock. Without this you will learn no information about the victim. If the case requires, must make an urgent x-ray and to determine the type and severity of the fracture.

If the fracture is closed and without displacement of fragments of bone, then it's simple what you must do in the medical profession to put a cast on and explain how to behave in such a situation, what you can do, and what not.

Open types of fractures require surgical intervention.

srochnyj vyzov skoroj pri perelome goleniIn difficult situations it is held on arrival to the hospital. The patient will be administered pain medication that will allow you to feel any pain during the operation.

After surgery on the injured leg put into a cast, or splint. This will allow you to observe the wound andthe process of healing. After receiving such an injury, the recovery period can last from several weeks to several months. Everything will depend on how the patient will correctly follow the doctor's instructions.

Do not just load the leg. Physical exercise can be started after a few days, and then gradually increasing the load. And, of course, without crutches in such a situation can not do, at least at first.


If the fracture is well knit together, the doctor will be allowed to use the cane, which will greatly facilitate the movement of the patient.