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What should be the first aid for fractures of the humerus

First aid for fractures of the humerus, is an important and, at the same time, a complex procedure that aims to prevent unwanted effects which may lead to the fracture.

problema pereloma plechevoj kosti

The most common cause of severe injuries of the humerus is a bad landing on the hand. The fractures can contribute to and an indicator such as brittle bones. Moreover, if the human body does not possess sufficient amount of calcium and other elements that give the bone strength, you can also expect frequent injuries.

In children, injuries happen more often. However in childhood they heal faster and without serious complications.

But if the injured old man, a long treatment he provided, because the body is already rather worn out, and the regeneration process is quite long and hard.But at any age people are unable to insure themselves against unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, each person is strongly encouraged to read the rules of first aid to the victim.

stroenie plechaThe human shoulder is not only one shoulder joint and more than anything, as many believe. It's part of the hand that starts in the shoulder joint area and continues to the elbow joint. Fractures of this part of the human body - is not uncommon, especially among young people, who are accustomed to an active lifestyle. According to statistics, the humeral fracture is one of the leading positions in the field of traumatology.

In order to be able to help the victim, including the first, must have at least a rough idea of what it looks like humerus. It is divided into three divisions:

The head and neck. They are located in the articular capsule and together constitute the main part of the shoulder joint.

The body of the humerus. The longest part of this division of the human body.

The distal part of the. This is the area where the forearm connects to the elbow joint. Fractures of this region are called such a word as cremedelacreme.

General guidelines for fractures

obrashenie k vrachu pri perelome plechevoj kostiThe main purpose of the person providing assistance during fracture - immobilize the injured limb or area of the human body. It is very necessary to do, as any extra movement can lead to complications: a painful shock, loss of consciousness, tissue damage.

Even if at first glance, fracture seems invisible, it does not mean thatit is not. If the patient complains of pain when moving upper limb and before that, he was injured, there is an urgent need to immobilize the hand and call the emergency ambulance.

Before the EMTs arrive, be sure to splint that will ease the process transportation. However, if the "field medic" there is no adequate skills and knowledge, it is better to leave it to professionals.

It may happen that as a result of the accident will create an open fracture. With an open fracture, you should start with the fact that you need to take yourself in hand, because to do anything in a state of hysteria is inefficient and impractical. As a rule, in the accident which occurred on the road, get the first aid kit. Need to find disinfectants and to treat the wound. Then impose a pressure bandage and a tourniquet. In this case, even without preparation, a tourniquet is vital, and not waiting for medical personnel. This can be explained by the fact that the open fractures, unlike the private, there has been a tremendous loss of blood.

It is strictly forbidden to attempt to straighten or to connect a broken bone, as this may cause even greater harm to the victim.

All you can do is to apply cold which will help to reduce swelling. You can give pain medication, but before that we need to make sure the patient has no allergies to them.

The symptoms of fracture of the humerus

rentgen dlya diagnostiki perelomaTo provide effective first aid, to know the whole sequence is not enough. Absolutely will not be superfluous, if the person who helps the injured, to understand the symptoms of the fracture. This is due to the fact that fractures of the humerus are different, i.e. they have different signs. Here are some of them:

  1. The signs of fracture of the humerus. In such cases, the patient usually complains of pain in the area of damage. Observed deformation, which is particularly characteristic of the displacement. There are a number of other symptoms: shortening of the shoulder, limited movement functions; the swelling of the soft tissues. When probing can be heard crunching inside the fragments.
  2. Symptoms of a fracture of the greater tubercle. Generally, this type of injury is inherent pain in the shoulder joint, inability to move the arm, especially in the shoulder area. However the crunch of bone, and deformation observed in this case is extremely rare.
  3. Symptoms of a fracture of diavata. The main symptom is a terrible pain at the fracture site. It is accompanied by swelling and bruising, crepitus (meaning that on palpation it is felt as behaving fragments), limitation of motor function. You should be warydamage to the nerves and blood vessels, which are very often subjected to injuries in this type of fracture.
  4. Signs razmyslovich fractures. They are similar to the above. But in addition to it there is added risk of injury of the brachial artery, which can translate later into gangrene. If the brachial artery pulse is absent, it is urgent to sound the alarm.

How is the first aid for fractures of the shoulder

pri perelomah plechaIn this type of fracture in the first place will require immobilization, i.e. immobilization of the upper limb. If it is not taken care of in time, the bone shards can damage nerves, which would entail a paralysis of the hand. In the worst case you can end up with damage to the brachial artery.

A splint should be applied, starting with the spine and to the wrist. To be more precise, to the fingers. You will need to try and wrap it around the joints adjacent to the bone. These include the shoulder and elbow. Previously bus need to prepare. To do this, it design, using as a template the good hand, repeating all her curves and hollows. Healthy limb should arrive all this time in the bent position of the elbow.

When everything is ready, the bus privinchivayut to the arm that hung on the bandage or any improvised material.

If not at hand was a real factory of tyres, will fit any Board, stick. Often used cardboard, folded in several layers. Using such materials as two boards, for example, before applying them connect at a right angle. Next applied over clothing on the same area, and on the bus routine. All manipulations are performed in a bent at a right angle forearm. As in the case of a normal tire, the arm should be hanging with a bandage or kerchief.

Some tips on handling in the process.

Features of the splint:

  1. Bus, as a rule, is superimposed at least two joints simultaneously. Usually, this is the joints located above and below the fracture.
  2. You should never apply a splint on the bare body. If the crash injured the clothes before you place the tire in the region of injury, it is necessary to lay up any material.
  3. The splint is applied firmly. It is in any case should not hang out and to enable the patient to move the damaged limb.


All the actions described above will result, if the person assisting will forget his panic and fear. Not only the "Savior" is going through at this moment these emotions. The harmed patient sees a horrible picture before him. At this moment his whole life flash before my eyes. It should also be remembered that all thisinterim measures and call a doctor is highly recommended.