Home / Fractures / What should be the first aid for fracture of the spine?

What should be the first aid for fracture of the spine?

First aid for fracture of the spine is a very specific complex of measures aimed not only at facilitating the victim's condition, but also to prevent worsening of the situation. In order to save lives, do not have to have any specific medical skills. You only need to see signs of a fracture and to keep in memory a few basic rules that will bring only benefits.

problema pereloma pozvonochnika

What is first aid?

Faced with a man who received a severe spinal injury, don't try to figure out what hurts and how much. The primary task is to completely immobilize the victim, possibly putting it on a hard surface. It is allowed to transport the victim on a soft stretcher in the prone position. Until that moment how will be the examination and final diagnosis, a sudden movement by the patient will be strictly prohibited!

pervaya pomosh pri travme pozvonochnikaThe man decided to help, should follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Maximum pain relief. In that case, if the victim is conscious, immediately give him the anesthetic, and the maximum allowable dosage. Otherwise, the person may develop a painful shock, significantly worsen his condition and poses a direct threat to life. You may also want to specify, whether the victim has allergies.
  2. Full immobilization. Regardless of what part of the vertebrae has been damaged, to immobilize a person is completely! Otherwise, any, even a slight change of position will bring him serious discomfort.
  3. Exclusion of hypothermia. If the injury occurred in the cold season, the victim should be warmer wrap - this will avoid the occurrence of hypothermia and further development of pneumonia.
  4. More talk. For a person injury is severe stress, which can easily lead him to a state of panic. Regardless of how grave the situation, victims should talk to, comforting and exhorting them in a favorable outcome of treatment. And this psychological support in most cases gives a surprising result: the patient is mentally calming down, not trying to rise through the pain, and patiently waiting for the arrival of the medical team.

Aid for fracturespine plays a crucial role in the further fate of the patient.

However, the Savior should not attempt self-treatment. Sufficient and that the help he has provided to the ambulance. Any other manipulations may be of immediate danger to life and health of the victim.

What absolutely should not do?

srochnyj vyzov skoroj pri perelome pozvonochnikaTo help people who are injured, often trying every second inhabitant of the planet. However, as is often the case, such participation not only helps, but also cripples the unfortunate, depriving the chance for a long and healthy life.

In this case about first aid in case of fracture of the spine usually includes:

  1. Desire independently to take the victim to the hospital. In part, the person providing assistance are driven by a noble impulse - he doesn't want to waste a single minute and as soon as possible to help the unfortunate. However, professional transportation can only aggravate the situation. Who really wants to help, better to just stay with the victims until, until the ambulance.
  2. Trying to feed medicine to the unconscious man. In some cases, the person who received a severe back injury, temporarily losing consciousness. Try to give him at this point, pain medication is fraught with consequences - the victim may simply drown, because the swallowing reflex he is at this moment completely atrophied.
  3. Desire independently to straighten the vertebrae. Well that "rescue" trying to feel as the doctor, is next not so much. Touch damaged vertebrae strictly prohibited! The decision to conduct a particular type of treatment takes only physician and only after the patient is carried out a detailed x-ray.
  4. Changing the position of the body. Experiencing a shock, the person who received the injury, may try to sit down or stand up. All his attempts must stop until the arrival of the doctor!


No matter how obvious were the signs of fracture and no matter how scary or seem this picture, the person assisting, in any case should not lose my temper. In fact it is in these moments and will be patient.