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Signs and symptoms of a fracture

Bone fractures in humans can occur in different parts of the body. Therefore, the signs of fracture in each case can be completely different and characterized by a variety of characteristics.

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Types of fractures and their health hazards

Fractures can occur for many different reasons, so the severity of their symptoms will depend on where it was facing the damaging stress and how many vectors it is distributed.

Physicians distinguish many types of mechanical damage of the bone structure of the person. But mostly the bone damage are categorized by the following types:

  • transverse fracture;
  • spiral damage;
  • multiple fracture;
  • the scrapping of comminuted nature.

In addition, there may occur a situation when there are impact damage to bone tissue. In this case, there can be multiple lines of damage, considerable displacement of the fragments of a broken bone. Such injuries can lead to deformation of the soft tissues of the body.

pomosh pri perelome goleniFracture without displacement is considered to be one of the simplest types of such injuries. The most complex bone injuries are considered to be comminuted to the fragmented nature, which are accompanied by severe crush bone. Most often, the fracture occurs in humans after suffering a traffic accident or after falling from a great height.

Open and closed fracture with displacement may be accompanied by venous or vascular bleeding, which can lead to death of the patient. In some cases bone fragments can damage the nerve endings. This is especially dangerous when injury of the spine.

Broken ribs are a person may occur damage of the upper respiratory tract or the rupture of the lungs. And trauma of the skull causes a disruption of the brain, which can lead to disability or to be incompatible with further life.

In the case where the received limbs broken, it is important to avoid injury to adjacent organs, blood vessels and nerve endings. Therefore, upon receipt of such damages there should be no question of what to do with the fracture, and immediately lock the affected area. This will help to avoid injuries to the soft tissues of the body and skin.

The main signs and symptoms of skeletal injuries

vidy perelomovMany people who are dealing with injuries of bones,so what is the breakthrough, they just don't know. All bone injuries are the characteristics that are inherent only to them. The main symptoms of fractures are divided into 2 main groups - absolute and relative, which are characterized by different symptoms. The relative signs of fracture causing severe pain. They will increase when pressing on the damaged area. Moreover, the damaged area will be marked tumor formation. Thus appeared the tumor will increase in size quite quickly. This leads to the fact that finite man will take a forced situation, but its functional abilities are impaired.

The absolute signs of fracture changes the configuration of the damaged organ. If injuries of the extremities, they can be offset along their axis. In addition, similar symptoms of fractures will cause the bone-crunching (crepitus), which occurs due to friction between the formed fragments. If there is a violation of the integrity of the bone with displacement of the broken areas along their axis, there will be shortening of the limb.

Open changes lead not only to break the skin, but also to the uncovering of the bones. Such fracture of the extremities can plunge the victim in traumatic shock or cause cause various complications. Such complications of fractures, as the formation of stagnation with blood clots, and the development of atrophy of the muscles of the damaged organ ,the most common. Complications of fractures can greatly complicate the future recovery of patients, so doctors try to prevent them.

First aid to the victim

rentgen dlya diagnostiki perelomaCauses of fractures, are the most diverse, so the process of treatment can take place using various techniques. But first aid is always carried out in the same way. During the delivery you should carefully inspect the damaged area and to determine the nature of the injury. It is recommended to immobilize the patient's limb, or to reduce the motor function to a minimum. Tight bandage with an open fracture it will help stop the bleeding.

After stopping the blood an open wound you want to treat with antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, etc.). This point is particularly important as it will help to prevent infection. During this treatment, the wound do not remove the bone fragments.

Further, the need to splint that will be able to perform a reliable fixation of the limb in the desired position.

Then it is necessary to hold the anesthesia;which will help you to avoid a painful shock. Among the anesthetic drugs can be listed, such as analgin, ketorol, or baralgin. To speed up the time of the appearance of the anesthetic effect, apply these drugs should be 2-4 tablets at a time.

In that case, when a person is unconscious, the pain of the injury he should not be executed. In such a situation it is necessary to impose a pressure bandage or a splint, gently shift on a stretcher and transported to a hospital.


The process of immobilization of the patient must be approached very carefully as it will help to prevent loss of debris during transportation, especially when there is a fracture of tubular bones. This is important as it will help most efficiently carry out the recovery process of the damaged bone.

As bus, you can use any hard wood or metal object.

Most often, during first aid at hand is not specialized tires, so you can use wooden sticks, fittings, ski facilities or conventional boards.

Fixing installation of tires

When people is injured, the surrounding can not always properly administer first aid. Their actions are not always correct, insofar as they are not able to correctly splint on the injured organ. When installing tire it is important to know that it should perform a secure fit in the place where there is a broken site. For this purpose it is placed on the area adjacent to the fracture joints.


If the victim was injured forearm, bandage (bus) needs to capture the fingers and the upper part of the shoulder. When damage to the hip, the tire must simultaneously capture the tibia to its middle. When diagnosed with oblique fracture, then splint fixation should close the limb on all sides.

The greater length has the bus, the more efficiently it is possible to produce fixation of the injured area. Dressing for fracture of the need to carry bandages, and in their absence you can use rags or towels.

Most just strengthen closed injuries of the bone, as they do not lead to the rupture of the surrounding tissues.

tipy perelomov zakrytogo tipaIn the process of applying the clips is strictly forbidden to perform the reduction of injuries, especially if the fracture is comminuted. This is because it can cause injury not only soft tissue, located near blood vessels.

If the victimspine is damaged, then it needs to be carefully put on the hard shield. Similar operation should be performed four to prevent careless inflection of the body. Such carelessness can damage nerve endings of the human and lead to complete immobilization. Moreover, you must hold the compulsory fixation of the cervical spine. If you do not have a special collar, then such operation can be run from any garment, wound into a roll. You can also use cardboard, which can be taken from conventional packaging.

When part of the hip fracture patient should take the posture of a frog. Such a position he must make while in the supine position on a solid substrate. Foot must turn to the pelvis.

The recovery period

The main challenge in the treatment of any fracture is to achieve fastest possible recovery time of an injured area of the body. Therefore, restoration activities include a variety of procedures.

Initially the patient is given oral medicines containing in its composition a large amount of calcium. This will not only help speed up the recovery process, but also to strengthen the whole skeleton.In addition should be assigned to therapeutic massage, physical exercise and physiotherapy activities.


Physical education or gymnastics should be carried out according to an individual program, it will help doctors work out the best method of restoration. To neglect these procedures can not be, otherwise the patient may occur atrophy of the muscular system. A Wellness massage will help to normalize the blood flow in the veins and blood vessels.

The important point is observance of rules of personal hygiene, since the damaged part of the body will be a long time under a layer of plaster. The skin under the cast constantly decomposes, with the result that it can appear eczema or abscesses. This greatly complicates the treatment process. To avoid this, rinse the skin with cotton swabs.

If the plaster is in a place where it is difficult to wash the affected area, then the person is asked to use hygienic gymnastics. Such exercises will teach the individual to adapt to inconveniences and to keep your body clean.


After removal of the plaster the complex of exercises needs to be replaced because the new procedure must return the weakened muscle tone. This is a very complex process because patients have to relearn how to fully use the damaged body organ. Moreover, at this stage, are assigned to various physiotherapeutic procedures, which are selected individually. Prettyhave worked electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy and phonophoresis. Also you can take herbal, pine and salt baths. This will improve the restoration of the exterior tissues of the body.