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What is dysplasia of the knee joint?

Dysplasia of the knee joint - it is such a change in the development of all connective tissues of the human body, which leads to the deprivation of her force, partial atrophy and, as a consequence, hypermobility of the joints. Dysplasia is a common problem in children. Often joint dysplasia is a congenital pathology.

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The main classification of dysplasia is the place of its localization. According to this criterion, there are:

  • dysplasia of the hip joint in the hip region of the body;
  • abnormalities in the elbow joint area;
  • dysplasia of the shoulder joint;
  • dysplasia of the knee.

Damage to the integrity and structure of connective tissue occurs for reasons of hereditary disorders and abnormalities at the level of genes, hormonal background of female organism during gestation, breech presentation of the fetus, as well as delivery and postnatal injuries. In the high-risk group are children born prematurely and with a significant lack of weight. According to statistics, this disease affects 6 out of 1,000 children. Among all the varieties most often in the human body common knee dysplasia. In the human body dysplasia includes orthopedic deviation in the patella, the main characteristics of which is acquired during life or pathological asymmetry of the knee joint.

nasledstvennost - prichina displaziiPathology is accompanied by severe pain in the legs. The common cause of this deviation is the wear of articular cartilage in the knee region, or due to frequent loads on one side of the body.

In case of delay in referral to a specialist, there is a complete drying up of the synovial fluid and deterioration of cartilage. These processes are irreversible and require treatment only by surgery.

Dysplasia of the joints of any localization leads to a deterioration of the quality of human life. Disturbed posture, deterioration of gait, a man hard to move, and he does not feel full and active.

Symptoms of dysplasia

Symptoms of dysplasia is most often determined by the location pathology. Hip dysplasia is characterized by a different length of the legs of the child, and asymmetry of the buttocks and gluteal crease, and asymmetry in the process of dilution of the legs to the sides.

Dysplasia of the shoulder joint is considered a pathology in which a person feels pain in the palm of his hands, changing the shape of the blades and subluxations of the joints.

Symptoms of dysplasia of the knee are a common painwhen making any movements and deformation kneecaps.

Causes and symptoms the development of dysplasia

The main causes of dysplasia can be considered:

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  1. Heredity. This factor appears due to the presence of dysplastic pathologies in the mother of the child or his immediate family.
  2. Insufficient amount of nutrients and minerals entering the fetus during pregnancy. This cause occurs due to incorrect and irrational nutrition of the mother and, consequently, results in poor child will get the substances for the formation and growth of bone-cartilage unit.
  3. Harmful habits of the mother during the process of gestation. Everyone knows the fact that alcohol and nicotine have a harmful effect on the formation of the body. The formation and development of connective tissue in this case is no exception.
  4. Inflammatory processes and diseases in pregnancy. Uterine fibroids, wrong presentation of the fetus, insufficient supply of oxygen to the child, the toxicity and water shortage are common causes of a violation of formation of joints and hypoplasia of cartilage of the joints.
  5. Viral or infectious diseases often affect the processes of formation of bone, cartilage and its further operation.

The main indications for the development of knee dysplasia in a child:

  1. Acetabulum to the knee. This kind of formation in the Ilium, which has a rounded shape and is represented by the bed of the articular cartilage.
  2. Asymmetry of the knees. In children, dysplasia of the knee joint is expressed in the form of irregular arrangement kneecaps, making the legs look uneven. Common manifestation of knee consider a late start to the walking of the child.
  3. Twisted fingers or the habit of walking on toes is also one of the main indicators of the presence of dysplasia in the human body.

lechebnaya fizkultura dlya lecheniya displaziiIn case of delayed diagnosis and treatment to the medical treatment of dysplasia turns into an endless series of sessions of treatments.

Dysplasia of the joints, in severe cases, leads to serious changes in the spine, posture and gait.

The most severe consequence of delayed treatment is the onset of disability and a complete rejection of the mobile lifestyle.

Diagnosis and treatment of knee dysplasia

In the process of examination of the child and in case of suspicion of dysplasia by the orthopedic surgeon appoints an ultrasound examination. X-rays in this caseis to determine the shape and size of the patella, and also to ascertain its location and symmetry. The diagnosis of the disease contributes to oral conversation with the patient and the preliminary medical report of the examination of a neurologist and orthopedist.

The main treatment of this pathology is a complex procedure, consisting of massage and medical gymnastics, physiotherapy, purpose of medical treatment and the use of special tyres. The worst and most difficult outcomes of this disease is disability.

The treatment of this disease in children older than 2 years is performed through surgical intervention, after which another very long time, the patient should visit the doctor for preventive and supportive treatments in the form of massage and physiotherapy, aimed at maintaining muscle tone and restore functioning of the joint capsule.


Life this pathology implies a preventive examination by a podiatrist and neurologist.

In the presence of the minor symptoms and signs of dysplasia, you must immediately consult a specialist.

Prevention of dysplasia

The main preventive measures of dysplasia in women is a timely prevention of diseases and disorders in process of pregnancy, visits to medical gymnastics and sports easy load. Also, the pregnant woman is obliged to monitor their lifestyle, diet and control during pregnancy in General.

To dysplasia did not develop in the first months of life the newborn, you must hold physiotherapy in medical technology at home, follow the limbs of a child, to swaddle it and support the back and head when worn on the hands.


Monitor the gait and the load on the lower limbs during the day, to moderate, but active lifestyle, engage in mobile sports, to monitor the posture while sitting at the table and during circulation, eat right and prevent the development of various infectious diseases.