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Effective exercises with hip dysplasia

Gymnastics with hip dysplasia eliminates the violation of the development and to correct the pathological feature of the orientation of the femoral head. This phenomenon refers to the number of congenital and requires correction. In the case of ignoring problems in newborns is a violation of the support function of the limbs.

problema displazii tazobedrennyh sustavov

Factors, influencing the development of dysplasia, and its symptoms

Lead to disorders of the musculoskeletal system capable of the following reasons:

  • hereditary factors;
  • hormone disruption in pregnant women in the period of carrying a child;
  • breech presentation of the fetus;
  • the large size of the baby;
  • gynecological ailments from the mother;
  • small weight of the newborn.

nasledstvennost - prichina displaziiNotice the anomalous position of the thigh can any parent. Dysplasia in one leg is much shorter than the second. On the thigh is visible additional fold, in the breeding legs show marked asymmetry.

Knees bent limb it's impossible to take completely, at the time of bending a click is heard.

If these symptoms are present, immediately go to the hospital. In case of failure to resolve the problem in childhood, with age, the situation will worsen.

Therapeutic exercises

Complex gymnastic routines is the basis of the traditional treatment of dysplasia in children. Resort to them and in the recovery period. Physical therapy may be prescribed after reposition of dislocation of the hip.

The main objectives of gymnastics:

  • influence the normal development of the hip joint;
  • the restoration of the proper configuration;
  • strengthening the thigh muscles whose main function is the support of the head of the bone in the correct position;
  • provision for normal physical activity of the baby;
  • normal development of the child;
  • the prevention of complications;
  • normal blood supply of the hip joint.

hodba pri displazii tazobedrennyh sustavovChildren under the age of one year is recommended to resort to a passive gymnastics. It consists in performing therapeutic massage. Physical activity is permissible from the age of three. Standard complex of exercises includes:

  • flexion of the hips in the supine position;
  • walking;
  • changing the prone position to a sitting position;
  • exercises to strengthen leg muscles, abdominal;
  • the skills of throwing.

If the child performed surgicalintervention, a set of exercises is chosen individually.

How to treat dysplasia

Quality massage and gymnastic exercises really work wonders. To be done at the same time, not necessarily professionally. To perform the exercises can even the parents with their children. You must consult a doctor and do everything on the basis of its recommendations. Massage should be performed no more than once per day. It is desirable that at this time the baby was rested, fed and in a good mood.

rastiranie pri displazii tazobedrennyh sustavov

  1. Stroking. The child must be laid on his back and spiral motion begin to stroke the outer part of the legs. You can not affect the genital area - this can damage the lymph nodes.
  2. Rubbing. It should be done with fingertips. It should like to touch the joint. The main thing - do not overdo it with power and not cause the baby injury.
  3. “Felting”. Hip baby should clasp hands and a bit of his “roll”. Exercise like sculpting meatballs, again, during its implementation it is necessary to control the power.
  4. Useful to just grind the lumbar, buttocks and feet. This allows blood to better circulate. Massage must be alternated with physical therapy.
  5. “Bicycle”. The child should be laid on his back and ask him to bend his knees. Then proceed to simulate Cycling. Flexion and extension of the legs allows you to stretch the muscles.
  6. When dysplasia is necessary to perform the exercise, called "Ladushki". For this child should be laid on his back and ask to connect the heel. You can use a ball that periodically should be fixed between the legs of the child.

Parents should understand that treatment of dysplasia is a long and monotonous process. It requires the systematic execution of certain exercises and constant supervision of a physician.

Basic principles of treatment consist in the use of orthopedic tools to hold and fix the feet.


This is used along with massage and therapeutic exercises. It is important to follow the recommendations of the orthopedist, to correct exercises, or add new yourself is not recommended. This can lead to the deterioration of the situation. If conservative treatment gave no result, resort to corrective operations.

The baby's health is in the hands of his parents. The faster they will notice the variances and go to the hospital, the sooner the child will get rid of pathologies.