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Find out how the injury is life-threatening?

Injuries is one of the most common types of injuries which certainly got everyone. In this case, such an injury may be only an external manifestation of mechanical damage, do not pose any threat to human life, while at strong bruises can develop serious complications.

problema ushiba

What are the injuries?

Depending on the nature of the injury, a bruise of soft fabrics conventionally divided by degrees of intensity. Independently put a diagnosis and determine the severity of the damage, alas, is not possible. Can make it solely a medical worker on the basis of international scale:

1 degree is characterized by generally minor, in some cases even invisible damage to the skin, which often show through cuts or abrasions. Trauma of this sort does not require the use of special tools from injuries, the intervention of medical professionals and independently passes after a few days.

rekomendacii po oblegcheniu boli pri ushibe2 degree involves already quite a bruise, in which there is a gap of muscle tissues. The skin appears swelling, which often becomes a hematoma. The patient received an injury of 2 degrees, usually complains of a sharp pain, which has a negative effect on General health.

3 degree characterizes not only damage to the skin, but also various complications associated with the normal functioning of the muscles and tendons. In some cases, this injury involves the presence of dislocation and even fracture. Self-treatment of injuries is strictly prohibited! Especially if we are talking about the damage to red-footed falcons, joints and head.

4 degree of injury is high-risk, which completely disrupt the normal functioning of the vital systems. The affected areas may lose sensitivity and to deliver to the victim the significant discomfort! In addition, injuries of this kind can represent an immediate threat to human life.

Any injury is an intervention in the normal functioning of the body. Even if externally, the trauma does not cause serious concern, we should not neglect the advice of your doctor and use their assigned drug! Perhaps it is, excessive fear, one moment can save lives!

First aid for bruises

okazanie pervoj medicinskoj pomoshi pri ushibahAt first glance, it seems that actions aimed at providingfirst aid to the person receiving the injury, quite simple and does not require special training. This is partly true, however before to help the victim, it is important to understand that such injury, and to develop in the head algorithm help.

Helping the person injured, it is necessary to examine the limb and test its function. If the functionality is not broken, the damaged area should be made cold. This procedure does not allow to cure the injury, however, contributes to a rapid stop internal bleeding.

In any case it is impossible to give the victim painkillers, especially if you do not know his reaction to them. However, in those rare cases when it is known that the damage did not touch the internal organs, and the pain is for the person enormous discomfort, you can give him a sedative, but in small quantities.

In that case, if there is a bruised neck, head or chest, the patient should be immediately immobilized. If the integrity of the skin is not broken or slightly broken, you should also attach cold and urgently to call an ambulance. Of course, the victim can be delivered to a medical facility on their own, but in this case, there may be a number of complications which can be much more dangerous than the injury.

obrashenie k travmatologuProviding first aid for soft tissue injuries, people in any case should not panic. All actions should be done in a calm and measured pace, not forgetting to talk to the victims. Regardless of how serious the situation is, it should cheer up and adjust to what the resulting injury should be treated.

Arrived on the scene, the ambulance should personally convey to the patient, to give them a sheet with the specified data:

  • when the damage;
  • what are the causes of injuries;
  • what are the first aid measures taken.

And it is possible that in the future these data will be able to save to the victim life. After all, the external symptoms of injury and the clinical picture can vary widely among themselves, and a person who feels satisfactory, can get very serious damage.

What is dangerous bruises?

klassifikaciya ushibov golovnogo mozgaThe vast majority of cases, the signs of injury begin to take place within the first few days after injury and in the future is not remind myself.

There are also cases where the consequences of injury is the development of other, more seriousdiseases. In particular, this is true for injuries of the head.

The fact that the skull is a closed space in which the hematoma does not resolve, but merely causes compression of vital structures.

The result is a many neurological disorders, constant headache, nausea and vomiting, which further can lead to death.

And to the consequences of injuries, the treatment of which will have to devote more than one week, walked around the party, to the injury of the cortex should look very closely! And if there are good reasons to decide on removal of hematoma by surgery because other treatment for the injury of such complexity had not yet been invented.

Another rare but existing complication of this injury is the calcification of the hematoma. In this case, after the hematoma remains small seal, which causes a huge discomfort, especially if it is formed in a place of injuries of the joints. In the future, this seal can grow even in a malignant tumor. It usually is removed surgically, or excreted by means of laser. In any case, to leave this problem without attention is highly undesirable.


Universal means if you have bruises today does not exist. For each person the best option is chosen individually. The most important thing not to neglect their own health and be required to treat any, even the most minor injury. After all, people who treat even the little things, rarely confronted with their complications.