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How to treat a head injury?

Head injury is a strong mechanical damage to the closed nature, which does not lead to the violation of the integrity of the skin. Usually the main cause of bruising is an injury that can get people in the fall, a blow to the head with a blunt object. It is often dangerous to health and life of the victim. Such injuries can lead to fracture of the base of the skull, concussion, and other such diagnoses.

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Symptoms of head trauma

Signs of damage usually depends on the severity of the injury and its location. Injury various tissues in the head causes pain. You might see a small swelling or lump, a person often this increases the temperature. When the contusion of the soft tissues often occurs bleeding.

If the person was damaged temporal lobe of the head, bones of the skull or the different areas of the brain, the symptoms of the following nature:

toshnota kak simptom povrezhdeniya cherepa

  1. Severe pain in the head of the victim.
  2. Nausea and vomiting.
  3. Nose starts to profusely bleed.
  4. Some patients in this period of disturbed vision.
  5. A person can feel weakness in the arms and legs.
  6. The patient often loses consciousness.

If you notice such symptoms you should immediately contact the medical facility. If it is not possible to do this, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Any injury of this kind, be he child or adult, should be examined by a doctor. It is necessary to exclude the dangerous consequences that may arise in the untimely appeal to the doctor. Only they will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the right course of therapy.

The dangers that carries a head injury

After receiving injuries and injury outcome for victims may be different. This is because every organism on the shock reacts differently. The majority of people injuries often end in complete cure. But even in milder injuries and bruises can cause complications, which will have serious consequences for the health and life of the patient.

The healing process after severe head injuries in a small number of patients is very slow. Gradual improvement of these patients can happen in the next 4-5 years.

opasnost travm golovy v pozhilom vozrasteA major role is played by the age of the victim: children, the healing of contusions on the head is much easier thanadults. For the elderly often such shocks are bad, as their body is much slower. If a person received an injury of the head part or moderate, the consequences of such shocks can occur several months or years.

Syndrome arising after such injuries, is characterized by the following features:

  1. Headache of varying intensity.
  2. Frequent dizziness.
  3. Sharp increase fatigue even when performing minor work.
  4. Unreasonable irritation.
  5. Possible memory impairment.

This kind of symptoms characteristic of elderly people. These disorders lead to frequent quarrels in the family and may bring the patient to the disability.

Head injury a person can get anywhere, for example, on the street, during a fight, while falling from the tree. People in this situation can get not only head injuries but also injuries of the eyes, nose or dislocations of the lower jaw.

Severe head injuries of a person

stroenie cherepa chelovekaUpon receiving such damage, the victim can almost instantly lose consciousness or begin to feel sick, which then develops into vomiting. Many people in this situation may damage the brain. Then the patient must be isolated in a separate, quiet room. It is impossible to do sharp movements, trying to stand, to walk. You must immediately turn to doctors for help.

If the patient has no damage explicit nature or any wounds on his head, so his skin is intact, it is necessary to examine it for the possibility of fracture of the vault of the skull. To distinguish the bruised tissues from the cracks at external examination it is often impossible. Therefore used x-ray equipment for accurate diagnosis. After I revealed the fracture, the patient should be laid on a stretcher (litter pillow is not recommended), to impose on his head, a cold bandage and transport to the hospital.

Bruise of soft tissues of the head

In such cases, damaged blood vessels, which form an abrasion on the skin of the victim. It can be damaged jaw and teeth, and under the skin of the patient having a hematoma. They are of the General contour of the head (e.g., cones) and have clear delineation with the surrounding tissues. The treatment begins with first aid. On the damaged area of the patient to impose a pressure bandage. On a patient's head within 24 hours and put cold items (ice, etc.). At the end of the day it is recommended to continue treatment with alcohol compresses. Do them every 8 hours. The duration of one session is 12-16 minutes. In order to accelerate the resorption of bruises or bumps, usewarm bandage.

led dlya snyatiya boli i umensheniya oteka srazu posle travmyIf a person on the head has revealed soft tissue contusion, the most commonly used conservative therapies. Thermal bandage recommended for use on the second day after the injury.

If the hematoma is relatively large in size, the patient making a puncture with a thick needle. Then there is the suction of blood from the damaged area. After that, the affected person sterile bandage oppressive type.

Diagnosis during the examination the doctors conducted an external inspection, palpation of the cranium and facial structures. Then the patient is sent for x-rays and then diagnosed.

First aid for head injury

In order to help the affected person immediately after the receipt of the injury, it is necessary to the injured place put cold bandage or a piece of ice. This will reduce the level of pain, reduce bleeding and relieve a little swelling. Most often for this purpose use a piece of ice, wrapped in a plastic bag or a hot water bottle, which poured cold water. In this case, to make the patient cold compresses. These procedures are done 1.5-2 hours. Most patients during this period, the pain goes away.


Then the victim should be put to bed, where he must spend at least 120 minutes. This must be done quickly, because usually head injuries cause a patient's dizziness and weakness. He may lose consciousness. The patient did not receive additional injuries, bruises, abrasions and fractures, it should be laid on any horizontal surface.

After this you should call the doctor to inspect the injured man. As he may have internal bruising on the brain, which are invisible, it is advisable to send the patient for examination.

If time is not done, then complications can arise that are dangerous to health.


After receiving the man of injuries do not give water to drink, offer food or painkillers. It is forbidden, because it can cause nausea and vomiting, which is bad for the patient. Analgesics can lubricate the signs of the disease, and this will complicate the diagnosis. It should be remembered that the patient may not be slight bruises and a fracture of the bones of the skull, which from the outside is invisible, and when you try to give the medication to the patient can increase pain syndrome. Therapy must be prescribed by a doctor-the traumatologist.