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How to treat a bruised tailbone?

A bruised tailbone is an extremely common injury of the final part of the spinal column. It is due to a direct sharp blow for people leading an active lifestyle. So often in the fall violated the integrity of the lower spine, failure occurs, functional changes of the tissues located in this area. They can be very painful due to the location of these structures of the human skeleton.

problema ushiba kopchika

The coccyx is vulnerable distal spine, anatomical education. The final section of the spine consists of 4-5 underdeveloped small vertebrae fused together. Out of their holes go coccygeal nerves from the spinal cord down into the narrow Central spinal canal.

This low mobility joint is formed by the connections of the coccygeal bones from the penultimate vertebral bone - the sacrum. From mechanical damage these bony structures protects a protective structure made of soft tissue. There are ligaments, cartilage layer, vestigial remnants of the joint capsule.

The causes of traumatic injuries of the coccyx

ushib kopchika pri katanii na velosipedeTraumatic factors:

  1. The movement on a rough surface on the bike with uncomfortable or hard seat.
  2. Falling when moving on icy roads.
  3. Trauma an accident victim.
  4. Careless action of moving the child.

Women fall more often because they have the center of gravity is lower than men's, due to the peculiarities of the physique. At the time of the fall of the women shot is from the area of the end section of the spine. These joints are very fragile, therefore they are injured. Often a person gets badly bruised tailbone, or other serious damage.

The clinical picture of the ultimate injury of the spine

Minor trauma is not dangerous for human health. To determine from the severity of the disease impossible. Often the injured person immediately after the fact of injury for help to the doctor is not drawn as a sharp pain after a certain period gradually subsides, temporarily not concerned about the injured patient. There comes a seeming prosperity, while trying to make the slightest movement lead to an aggravation of painful sensations. Sometimes after a coccyx injury symptoms can be felt after a few days or years later.

The full clinical picture develops only after some time. The main characteristic symptom of the defeat of the coccygeal bone is the pain differentintensity on palpation. The characteristic aching pain during the movements. Intense constant or paroxysmal pain increases while walking, radiating into the lower extremities.

bolevye oshusheniya pri ushibe kopchikaNerves coming from the final section of the spine, violated and cause severe pain in the affected location, and the organs they Innervate. Since the spine has an S-shape, the Sacro-coccygeal joint is taking the position of the extension, is pressed to a hard surface and it hurts when a person is in a sitting position. Pain can have different localization in the groin, anus, coccyx. Patients with running injuries of the lower spine often suffer from pain syndrome.

In addition, you may receive a local hematoma. A bruise formed at the time of injury due to damage to the capillaries and hemorrhages in the soft tissue. Develops nemikrobnoy aseptic inflammation. Bleeding, translucent skin, often when such injury occurs. There is an inflammatory process in the area of damage. The bruised area swells considerably. Occurs quite extensive swelling.

Also damaged end section of the spine can irritate the rectum. This often leads to pain during intercourse, urination, defecation.

The consequences of a coccyx injury

The development of irreversible pathological processes:

hronicheskie golovnye boli - posledstvie ushiba kopchika

  1. Chronic pain, which intensified during the change of the electromagnetic field, the change in the weather.
  2. Nerve damage as a result of compression.
  3. Incorrect deviation of the coccyx in women during childbirth.
  4. Degenerative-dystrophic processes of the terminal segment of the support body.
  5. Chronic headaches, neurological disorders.
  6. Various diseases, dysfunction of internal organs.
  7. Damage to the spinal membranes of the spinal cord.
  8. Limitation of physical activity, a person's mobility.
  9. Persistent disability of the patient.

All of these complications cause physical discomfort, complicate the psychosocial status of patients and significantly reduces their quality of life.

How to treat a bruised tailbone?

Do not self medicate. It should be mandatory to deliver in a medical institution, the doctor examined the patient and provided specialized care. Modern methods of differential diagnosis include:

  1. Evaluation of clinicalmanifestations of lesions of the distal support of the human body.
  2. Receiving data radiographs of the lower section of the support body in the respective projections to exclude fractures of these bones.
  3. Determining the cause of the disease by using magnetic resonance or computed tomography.

led dlya oslableniya boli pri ushibe kopchikaThe restoration of health of the victim is held in the home in the absence of fracture. A significant improvement of the patient's condition can only occur if timely treatment for the qualified medical aid and strict implementation of doctor's appointments, which decides what to do if coccyx injury:

  1. In the first stage of treatment the patient takes a long time to lay on his stomach in bed, to exclude the development of complications. Short-term is allowed to periodically lie on your back to avoid pressure sores. To ease the burden under the final division of the carrier element of the skeleton you need to put the rubber circle, which is purchased in the pharmacy.
  2. At the time of treatment prohibited massage the injured place, hot baths.
  3. The imposition of cold on the affected area should be done within 20 minutes the first day. It helps to get rid of the manifestations of edema, relieve the pain.
  4. The main goal of contemporary drug therapy this defeat prop of the human body is elimination of pain. To relieve pain, apply a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which effectively reduce inflammation and pain. When severe persistent pain the doctor may use the introduction of the anesthetic (local anesthetic drug). Effective scars in the form of ointments. This drug has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Your doctor may prescribe and finalgon, which has a warming effect, improves blood circulation. To the affected place you can also apply crushed plantain leaves. In addition, during the rehabilitation period the maximum positive result give compresses of wormwood, onion juice, pulp of raw potato.
  5. Physiotherapy can accelerate the recovery process, to minimize the risk of complications.
  6. Need to sleep on a flat hard surface, lying on the belly to the spine with the surface are not in contact.
  7. Supporting element of the skeleton should be loaded.
  8. The victim shouldn't sit.
  9. Forced position of the patient's body will be kept for quite a long time. If necessary, it was easier to sit, you need to the pharmacy to purchase a special pressure ring or orthopedicpillow.
  10. It is important that women wore comfortable shoes with low heels.


The duration of treatment depends on the severity of lesions, timely treatment to the doctor. Optimal combined therapy changes the course of pathological process, allows to get rid of the symptoms of traumatic damage to the lower part of the spinal column, to achieve a full recovery of the injured person.

Surgical treatment of coccyx injury

In case of failure of conservative therapy requires radical ways of getting rid of the disease. Surgery surgeons is necessary to reposition the lower portion of the bearing element of the skeleton or coccygectomy (removal of coccyx).

The appearance of the first symptoms of traumatic injuries of the coccyx should alert the victim. He should immediately visit the doctor. This injury requires proper attention. Self-treatment can be given.

Only a specialist can correctly assess the pathological condition of the bruised place, the diagnostic studies and to appoint a full medical course of therapy to restore health.


Timely treatment will stop the progression of the pathological process, to help cope with the disease without consequences, to avoid more serious problems associated with spinal cord injury, spine.