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What is a dislocated leg?

Dislocation of the foot is a very common injury. This problem can happen with almost every one of us. Especially, the probability of damage to the hands or feet in the winter, when you frequently walk on slippery ice. However, in other time of the year no one is immune from such incidents. The reasons may be varied: sprained leg on the stairs, the heel broke, got a bump in the road. In the end, the joint limbs can not withstand sudden awkward movement, and can sometimes be a nuisance. Can be dislocated and the child in physical education classes. Considering the frequency of this kind of trauma, everyone should know its symptoms and first aid.

problema vyviha nogi

Many question arises: what to do if you sprain? First, let's understand what is a dislocated leg from a medical point of view. This damage associated with the deformation in the region of the knee and accompanied by swelling, sharp pain and disruption of the normal functioning of the limb. Sprains happen most often in trauma, i.e., from a sharp mechanical impact. When the dislocation is shifted to the bones forming the joint, namely one articular surface moves relative to another.

If the elements of the joint no longer cross, it means that there was a complete dislocation. With partial dislocation, also called subluxation) is a partial contact. All joints of the legs are surrounded by a capsule. When there is a dislocation, the capsule is torn and one surface of the joint beyond its limits. Often there are dislocations of the hip, knee and ankle. Dislocation of the foot is often accompanied by a torn ligament, which is manifested by severe hemorrhage in the area of the injured joint.

razryv svyazok pri vyvihe nogiSuch injury may be of several types: outer, rear, front, internal dislocation.

So, the main symptoms of dislocation:

  1. The joint is deformed.
  2. In the joint swelling, redness.
  3. Movement of the injured limb much more difficult.
  4. There is severe pain, especially when trying to move the damaged leg.

Dislocation of the foot, a sprain or fracture: how to distinguish?

Immediately after the incident, the victim needs emergency assistance, otherwise his condition could rapidly deteriorate and trauma then it will be harder to cure. And that assistance was effective, it is necessary to know exactly what kind of damage received. To distinguish between a dislocation and a sprain is a snap. Each injury their signs.

shema rastyazheniya nogiDislocation causesmore suffering than a sprain. When the dislocated foot is in one position, the joint does not bend and not bend. Around the damaged area appears edema, leg pain.

To distinguish a dislocation from a fracture is more complicated, because in both cases, the leg swells and hurts, movement is difficult. The most reliable distinguishing feature of a broken leg is to change the shape and length of the limb, particularly when fracture with displacement. But the dislocation of form and limb length never changes, just moves the joint. There is another significant difference. If there is dislocation, the joint swells fully. At the turn of the first swelling is localized exclusively at the site of injury, and goes to the whole joint.

What to do if you dislocated leg?

Even if dislocation seems to be quite easy, in any case, do not try to straighten the affected joint yourself. This can lead to undesirable consequences. To treat the dislocation of joints should only be a surgeon, because complications of this injury can be very serious, does not exclude the rupture or damage of blood vessels. What can be done in the first minutes after injury alone, waiting for the doctor? To the place of dislocation, it is desirable to act cold. Attach a joint of ice, a bottle of cold water or other chilled item.

poryadok okazaniya pervoj pomoshi pri vyviheIn the case of severe aching pain, you can take the easy painkillers, such as aspirin. Leg luxation is better not to disturb, do not try to move it, and even more so to step on it. If possible, try to provide her with a state of complete rest.

With a strong dislocation of a joint, it is desirable to fix with the help of bandage. If you do not have an elastic bandage, you can use regular. Make the bandage tight, but the leg not perezalivat to avoid blood circulation problems. The injured limb is best to keep in an elevated position, tucked under her pillow or some other soft object. In fact, this is the first aid for dislocation.

Diagnosis and treatment of dislocations of the foot

Generally, the diagnosis of dislocation is established after inspection of the feet doctor traumatologist. In doubtful cases, an accurate picture of the damage to the joint can give x-ray examination. Once the diagnosis is finally confirmed, the affected joint is reduce, followed by a period of rehabilitation.

Basically, the problem of the foot can be cured completely. In order to return to the previous joint functionality, usually for the treatment takes only about a month.

Rehabilitation measures prescribed by the doctor depending on the severityinjury and its features. There are various physiotherapy and even acupuncture. In the first weeks after the injury, try to reduce the load on the damaged leg. After a while the load on the joint needs to gradually increase. Recommended for special therapeutic exercises.

Folk remedy to dislocated leg

polyn pri vyvihe nogiAs already mentioned, reduce a dislocated joint yourself is not recommended. This should only be done by a qualified technician in a medical facility. But to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms that cause much discomfort, and at home. There are many folk recipes, which are easy as sprains, of the feet. Here are some of them.

  1. Compress after reposition.

A small amount of bryony root, pour half a liter of boiling water and boil for fifteen minutes. Then give the broth to infuse and cool. Then it should drain. This broth moistened a piece of linen cloth and apply to the damaged areas. Thanks to these gadgets faster heals damaged tissue.

  1. Pain relief with the help of wormwood.

If a joint hurts, the fresh leaves of wormwood should be thoroughly crushed and applied to the affected joint. The discomfort should decrease.

  1. The broth for making inside.

lechebnye vannochki iz trav dlya nogUsed to prepare this drug 4 components: the root of comfrey, Arnica, sash pods of haricot and bilberry leaf. Plants, carefully crushed and well mixed. After that, the collection is filled with cool water and put in a boiling water bath. Cook five minutes and insist about half an hour. Make the broth in small portions before eating. It is very effective for relieving inflammation in the tissues of the joint. By this means the foot will come back to normal.

  1. Therapeutic baths of herbs to his feet.

This is one of the most popular folk remedies for the relief of symptoms in dislocation of the foot. To prepare the tray very simple. In hot water (about 38 degrees) you want to add walnut leaves or pine broth. Take this bath for about fifteen minutes longer desirable. After that, the damaged joint is applied plantain leaf or peas and tie up the leg, but not too tight. You can leave for the night.

  1. The temperature decrease.

Sometimes after the injury the body temperature is somewhat elevated due to the inflammatory process in the connective tissue. In this case, to alleviate the conditionhelps decoction of mint, St. John's wort and chamomile. To do this, take one tablespoon of these herbs, shalt carefully, pour two cups of water. The mixture bring to a boil, and then strain. This decoction and drink half a Cup several times a day. After such treatment, the victim's condition quickly improves.


Remember that a dislocated leg - injury is very dangerous, so her treatment should be approached with the utmost seriousness. With proper rehabilitation the prognosis of dislocation is always positive. If you strictly follow the recommendations of the attending physician, the health will recover completely, and it doesn't take a lot of time.