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The treatment of subluxation of the hip in newborns

How to treat subluxation of the hip in newborns? This question excites many parents. A child is waiting, it is a joy for the whole family. But there are times when a child is born with any disabilities, including a subluxation, or, as it is called in medicine, and hip dysplasia. The disease is not rare and can only have 3-4 children out of 100, of course, with different degrees of severity. During this period, the parents there is a new task: to try to, if not completely to cure the disease, then at least to improve the condition of the baby.

shema podvyviha tazobedrennogo sustava

What is a subluxation

Dysplasia is islinenote, i.e., incomplete formation of the joint, which most often occurs in the hip Department. This disease, if not treated it may lead to the infringement of walking and to more serious consequences such as severe pain or disability.

On this basis, parents should definitely know the very first symptoms that can appear with this disease, and when detected, immediately contact a podiatrist.

The sooner will be carried out diagnostics of the disease and diagnosed, the better the chances of recovery. This applies primarily to children because the child's body, all the processes are very fast.

Causes of subluxation

plohaya ekologiya - prichina vrozhdennogo podvyviha bedra u rebenkaThe representatives of medical science have not yet come to a consensus about the development of this disease in newborns. Doctors often explain the illness to a disruption in the formation of bone tissues and joints in the first trimester of pregnancy. Moreover, this option really is the place to be due to a number of factors:

  1. Bad ecology.
  2. The hereditary factor.
  3. Diseases infectious and viral in nature.
  4. Embryo damage due to falls or severe blows to a pregnant.

Second most possible reason that set doctors joint problems due to excess of oxytocin. Oxytocin is an important hormone as it triggers the onset of labor and accumulates in the body women in the third trimester. This hormone also prepares the fruit, increasing the muscle tone of the thighs, but due to excessive tone just the same can begin to develop subluxation of the joints.

This theory has an indirect proof: girls are 5 times more likely to suffer from this disease than boys, due to a higher susceptibility of the organism to the effects of girls hormonalmother.

The last reason is the wrong position of the fetus or too long birth.

What are the first signs

plach - simptom podvyviha bedraSubluxation of the hip joint - a hidden disease, and the parents can see it only in the most serious case, when the head of the thigh-bone was out of joint. In all other cases, the disease is diagnosed only in the hospital, but nevertheless, there are a number of signs that you can put the presumable diagnosis:

  1. Pain or limitation of rotation of the legs. This means that the child just can't take leg to the side, while attempts are constantly starting to cry.
  2. The lack of symmetry in the inguinal folds. But do not hurry to panic, the same symptoms can be and for the lack of muscle tone.

In later times, easier to diagnose, because the symptoms are more obvious:

  1. One leg becomes shorter than the second.
  2. When trying to deflect or bend the leg, the femoral head slips and you hear the click.

How to treat dysplasia in newborns

If the treatment was not carried out during the first 6 months, the child has one leg becomes significantly shorter than the second, the gait is disturbed, there is a limp or swing.

Early ultrasound examination was performed immediately to the hospital to identify problems, but now it is carried out either in the presence of noticeable problems, or at the request of parents. This type of diagnosis does not cause any harm to the child, but can identify possible diseases, including subluxation.

vidy displazii tazobedrennyh sustavovIf the ultrasound does not show abnormalities, do not forget to visit the hospital for routine examinations of the child, as this disease can appear some time later.

The first survey should take no later than one month after giving birth. During this survey most often an ultrasound is done for dysplasia. The next examination is appointed to the end of the third month. During this period, you can assign the x-ray, because if the subluxation does not manifest itself, and can only detect it through x-ray.

Do not abandon these procedures. If you start to treat the joint with 3 months, in 7 months, the child will be completely healthy.

The child's body quickly regenerates all tissues. For example, if up to 2 months to diagnose dysplasia, the baby's legs is fixed in a special position, and within a month the joints are restored.

In many Asian countries mothers most of the time spend with the child, which are of a special device on the chest or back. Child spendswith spaced legs, which contributes to the proper formation of joints, because in Asian countries the problem of subluxation does not occur.

You can use the Slavic method: to a child's joints were in good condition, it is necessary to abandon the diapers and just swaddle his wide diaper. So feet can move, but will be expanded in the desired position.

polza massazha pri podvyvihe tazobedrennogo sustavaDoctors recommend a daily baby massage and gymnastics, which will strengthen overall body tone. If time has been lost, i.e. more than three months before the treatment, then you need to act quickly and more harshly.

The doctors are just doing a one-time reduction of the joint, and further, its rigid fixation to a full recovery. This is a pretty painful procedure, so it is best not to delay diagnosis.

Last routine inspection appointed for the year.

After all the diagnostic procedures doctors divide the children, which were found in dysplasia, in three categories:

  1. Those who did not receive treatment.
  2. Dysplasia is present but was less pronounced.
  3. Children with residual signs of dysplasia.

After that is assigned to a single treatment. Worst 1 category, as in their case most often issued a direction to the surgery where under anesthesia the right open way joint.

The conclusion is simple: if your baby is crying with active movement, cannot move the leg, one of the legs was shorter than the other, it's a reason to immediately seek qualified help at the nearest hospital. After diagnosis, doctors will prescribe a course of treatment and give necessary recommendations.


If you have time to cure the child before the first year of life, he'll never know what happened to him, and will lead an active lifestyle.