Home / Sprains / How to determine the dislocation of the tooth and to treat it?

How to determine the dislocation of the tooth and to treat it?

Dislocation of the tooth (cutter) is an injury that is usually caused by mechanical damage. To face such a problem, dentists have often enough, but for the victim it can cause a state of complete shock. A damaged tooth may be mobile, however this does not mean that the only way out is remove it. One thing is clear: after receiving such an injury, do not delay going to the doctor, because in this case the chances of saving the tooth are significantly reduced.

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The differences in the degree of dislocation?

The majority lead to the luxation of the tooth can influence mechanically: blow, hard foreign objects in food, and careless removal of teeth, leading to dislocation of adjacent units. Especially often such injury occurs in children, leading an active lifestyle. In that case, if the problem concerned a milk cutter, parents should not worry, because after a short period of time in the same place will grow a completely flat molar.

Those who got injured of a molar tooth, are urged to fight for him to the last. First and foremost, you need to carefully choose the specialist who will be able to professionally assess the problem and be able to prescribe the right treatment.

After the dislocation of the tooth - an injury which has several varieties:

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  1. Complete dislocation is due to serious mechanical injury, after which the tooth rarely remains in the hole. Most often, such damage is subjected to the region of the front teeth that typically have a shot. The affected tooth is mobile and rests exclusively on soft tissues, however, to attempt to remove it is strictly not recommended until treatment by the doctor. In that case, if the roots of the tooth remained intact, your dentist may offer to build up the missing part kept the base of the tooth.
  2. Incomplete dislocation of a tooth means change his position in a row, usually accompanied by acute pain. If the tooth is not too loose, dentist provides comprehensive treatment aimed at the removal of swelling and strengthen the roots in the hole. Remarkably, about 7 times out of 10 the integrity of the tooth manages to keep.
  3. Impacted dislocation implies that the crown of the tooth is fully or partially included in the alveolus, while its roots are immersed in the spongy substance of bone tissue. This injury is quite dangerous, because damage can begin the inflammatory process.

Aspartial or complete dislocation of the cutter is a complex injury that usually gives the person enormous discomfort. And despite the fear of the unknown, the patient must decide on a trip to the doctor. Perhaps the consequences of his treatment are not so radical.

How to deal with the problem?

kurs antibiotikov dlya profilaktiki vospalitelnogo processaThe primary task facing the doctor diagnosing his patient's subluxation or complete dislocation of the tooth is the feasibility of its preservation. Particularly relevant this issue is for people who are injured indigenous incisors. In this case, the doctor will certainly make every effort to preserve at least the root of the native of the patient's tooth.

For a child who is injured the milk incisors, painful procedures for its regeneration will be completely redundant: almost 100% of cases the doctor strongly recommends to go for deletion. Most importantly, in the hole or remote fallen tooth left fragments! In this case, it is possible to guarantee that up in the future root cutter this injury will have no effect.

If the doctor decides to save the tooth, the patient needs to be configured that the healing process will take a long period of time.

First, the dentist removes the pulp, sealing the root canal and reduce a tooth to its original place. This process is extremely painful, so almost always performed under local anesthesia. The only exceptions are those cases where the patient has an acute intolerance to pain medications.

Then, using a special wire tooth tires are securely fixed and attached to neighbouring units.

To wear such attachment to the person will have at least a month, carefully avoiding the damaged area with solid food.


Remarkably, to carry out this procedure, preferably in the first day after the injury! Otherwise, to return the tooth to its original position the doctor will have to conduct a full operation.
In addition, the treatment process is extremely important not to lose the symptoms of the development of the inflammatory process, the likelihood of which after an injury is quite high. To prevent the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics that will help at all to avoid the problem.