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What is an ordinary bruise?

What is a bruise? It is a hemorrhage, which is located under the upper layers of the skin. In General, such a phenomenon is in itself and almost any treatment is not required. But here it is worth to mention that the bruise bruise strife. Depending on what caused the hemorrhage and at what stage, the health care may still be needed. In medicine, any bruise is considered to be a hematoma.

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What bruise and a hematoma?

Basically, bruising is a consequence of effects on the body external or internal factors.

When the skin is rupture of blood capillaries, the blood begins to penetrate into the subcutaneous tissue. When this occurs, a brown, blue or red bruise. It all depends on the number of clusters and, in what condition they are. Palpation of the hematoma pain. If such a situation occurred as a result of strong external influence (e.g. strike), the damaged spot additionally produces swelling.

obrazovanie sinyaka pri udareThe resulting bruises is the result of two things:

  1. Strong mechanical effects on the body. In this case, the capillaries lose their integrity. Even after minor bumps on the skin may form a bruise. Just it can be smaller and lighter than a heavy blow.
  2. Bruising can signal about serious problems with the internal organs and blood circulation system.

If a body begin to appear dark spots, with obvious signs of hemorrhage under the skin, you must immediately go for help to a specialist.

There is another kind of bruising under the eyes. They are called the "bags". This problem occurs as a result of fatigue of the body, for example, when the body is asleep, or in his life for a long time there is a stressful situation.

Variety of bruises

Classification of bruises takes into account the following circumstances:sudebno-medicinskoe znachenie sinyakov

  1. What is its location relative to blood vessels. In this case, the hematoma can be pulsating or napoliroma. The first type is formed due to the violation of the integrity of the large artery, when the bleeding was not stopped in time. If you touch a bruise can be felt pulsating as blood continued push to enter the cavity of the hematoma. Accordingly, the size of the injury will continue to grow. In fact, this bruise is very dangerous, so medical assistance must be provided in the mandatoryokay.
  2. How much accumulated blood. If we consider a bruise from the inside, you can watch the clotted blood with the remnants of a liquid consistency. Palpation of the patient places one can feel such a liquid.
  3. What is the status of the accumulated blood.
  4. What is the General condition of the bruise, and there is a threat of complications.

Complications can occur due to the presence of infection or the beginning of inflammatory processes. In this case the bruises are divided into purulent and without suppuration.

A bruise can be submucosal, subcutaneous, intradermal, intraepithelial, or mixed. It depends on the localization of hematomas. The stronger mechanical strength, the deeper the hemorrhage in the tissue.

A bruise and its severity

Gradation of the severity of this damage depends on the condition of the tissues and the flow of the process. In medicine there are the following degrees of severity:sinyak s pripuhlostu

  1. First. In this case, the hematoma has a mild nature and is manifested in the first days after it was inflicted damage. The soft tissues are not significantly affected, resulting in palpation one feels a bit of pain. If you look at the injury, then the particular swelling is not observed, and the damaged area retains its functionality.
  2. Second. This is the average weight. In this case, the hemorrhage manifests itself already after 3-5 hours. The injury affects the surrounding tissue and muscles, causing the victim can feel pain and without pressing on the sore spot and the naked eye visible swelling. Has slight dysfunction of damaged areas: for example, if the injured arm or leg, to move them freely is extremely difficult.
  3. The third degree - very heavy. A bruise manifests itself literally in the first hour after the trauma. Affects not only the upper layers of the skin and muscles, which felt strong pain. Therefore, there is a strong dysfunction. The injured area swells.

If there are no complications, the healing process resulting hematomas must undergo three main stages:obrashenie k vrachu pri silnoj gematome

  1. In the first stage, the bruise looks like a swelling red. As for the size, and accompanying pain, the main role here is played by the degree of damage. After 2-3 days of bright red color is purple, or you get a bruise purple.
  2. In the second stage, the hematoma changes color from dark to yellow. This change starts from the edges of the bleeding and gradually reaches the center. If the area damaged is large, yellow bruises are small size appear on the edges, and the skin between them becomes normalcolor. The pain is not so strong.
  3. The last (final) stage is observed after 1-2 weeks after injury. The bruise becomes greenish, and not worry if it is slightly change its location, dropping down. The fact that Gore also has a weight and the force of gravity. So the bruise is "slipping". Swelling reduced, pain goes and skin becomes normal color.

I would like to mention the fact that the area of damage should not be assessed as the severity of the injury. That is a bruise maybe the size of half a hand, but the hemorrhage has affected only the top layers of skin and muscle remained intact. Also worth mentioning that these stages and times are estimated. If the hematoma will have a complication, the situation may be different.

Should I contact a doctor?

lechenie sinyaka kompressomAll so used to the bruises of everyday life that don't feel the need to seek help from professionals. Because most bruises go away on their own, and a little effort we can make.

But, actually, there are some cases when help is just needed and one only cold compresses is not enough. So:

  • if formed a severe bruising or moderate, and the place of its location - limbs: in this case a very high risk of injury to internal organs, fractured or cracked bones;
  • when, soon after the injury starts to be increased temperature, redness and swelling increase, there is throbbing pain that may indicate a complication of infection;
  • if the hematoma pulsates, it is a direct sign of a rupture of a large artery: it is necessary urgently to stop the bleeding;
  • if the resulting hematoma on the body had no prerequisites for this - no bumps, no grips, no strong pressure;
  • diseases such as diabetes, immunodeficiency, or another problem related to the endocrine system or violation of, require particular attention from specialists after injuries (these patients are very easily catch infections);
  • when using all known methods, how to reduce the bruise, and it's failed and not even change their color.


All these points require careful attention from the doctors, because they can have serious complications. Today pharmacology offers a wide variety of tools that will not only heal the bruise, but also contribute to the colour change. Particularly sensitive in this respect by women, as a bruise can "ruin" their appearance. Before you remove the yellownessfrom the bruise or heal it with the help of folk remedies is to learn whether allergies to any components. To treat a hematoma, a bruise which then will pass by itself, of course, possible, but additionally still have to deal with the question of allergies. So with this you need to be very careful and attentive to your body.