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What could be a hematoma on the head of the newborn?

The hematoma on the head of the newborn is a common phenomenon; however, it may be due to many factors.

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The primary task of parents is to reliably determine the nature of education and find out whether it represents a potential danger to the health of the child. And only after that it will be possible to make further algorithm of actions. Sometimes needed the special treatment.

What are hematomas?

Among all the possible injuries that occur in infants, the bruises take a leading position. They can be divided into several categories:

vidy vnutricherepnyh gematom

  1. Cephalohematoma. This type of education is considered one of the safest and most looks very much like a bruise. When pressed on the hematoma she would ripple out from the fact that the inside is liquid. As a rule, cephalohematoma poses no risk to the health of the little patient, can be formed after birth, and requires no treatment: it usually resolves itself within a few weeks.
  2. Intracerebral hematoma. This type of hematoma is formed from the baby primarily after entering the brain blood. The reason for this is traumatic brain injury or complications due to prolonged and difficult childbirth. In this case, the delay in treatment is strongly not recommended, because this disease can directly affect the further development of the baby and the condition of his mental and physical health.
  3. An epidural hematoma. Trauma of this kind is found in a newborn baby is pretty rare and is the most dangerous form of hematoma. Between the skull and the Dura there is a rupture of a blood vessel. Tie broken vessel must be in the first few minutes after a problem is detected. If this does not happen, even the most experienced doctor cannot guarantee that his life will be saved.
  4. Subdural hematoma. The reason for this education - the accumulation beneath a thick sheath of blood brain. The problem typically manifests itself in weak or injured babies. However, no surgical intervention, the treatment does not require the hematoma dissolves thanks to a special injection.

According to statistics, a hematoma formed at one baby in a hundred. However, even if this happens, parents should not panic. Timely access to a physician capable of quickly and effectively solve the problem, but also to reassure themselves and parents. After all, an experienced specialist will be able to confirm orto refute their conjectures regarding the problem, to explain how they should act.

Possible consequences of hematoma

konsultaciya vracha pri gematome u novorozhdennogoIf you noticed on the head of the baby has a bruise, the first thing they should do is show it to the health worker. It is the doctor will be able to correctly detect the problem and prescribe effective treatment. If this does not happen, the baby can expect serious consequences:

  1. Anemia. Due to blood loss in a child may develop anemia, significantly weakens its immunity. This disease requires serious and long-term treatment in order to continue on the background of the baby has not developed any other disease, and he was able to grow up healthy and normal life.
  2. The suppuration. A complication of this kind develops mainly due to improper care of the baby. Even if the skin of the head there is visible damage, hematoma should be treated with antibacterial agents and smear special ointments. Noticeable improvement will occur within a few days to reduce swelling and reduce pain. Of course, this bruise can be left to heal on its own, however, as the process will take time - is unknown.
  3. Asymmetry of the head. Any, even the most minor injury can have a negative impact on the fragile body of the baby. Correct treatment will avoid the curvature of the cranium and contribute to the formation of a correct oval of the face. Further asymmetry is not apparent visually, however, easily perceptible to the touch.
  4. The reduction in muscle tone. This complication usually goes away after treatment, however, the first time it can seriously scare the parents. The baby will be too hard to hold your head back and with great effort to return it to its original position. However, after the treatment, this feature almost always disappears.


Regardless of what caused the formation of a bruise - birth trauma or mechanical injury, parents should clearly understand that the most important role in the healing process is just time and their love to the baby.

Therefore, if you see baby's new education blue should not be wasted!