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The hematoma on the head of the newborn: causes and types

What would be normal for a pregnancy, during childbirth may form a hematoma in the newborn. This is facilitated by compression of the head during passage through the birth canal or the difference between the pressure in the womb and outside of it.

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As a rule, doctors do not believe the hematoma is life-threatening. It's just an ordinary bruise that occurs on the baby's head due to the rupture of capillaries. But still, obstetricians are inclined to think that it is necessary the first time after the birth to monitor how will the hematoma to prevent complications.

Causes of hematoma

Usually this kind of bruising in children appear not just. After all, everything happens for a reason and then to properly behave with the baby, they need to know. It will be useful for the health of the mother, and for women who are still preparing to leave. We list a number of reasons:

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  1. In recent years, doctors began to notice that preterm babies hematomas occur most often. Surprisingly, the complexity of the birth process and their duration is not affected. Most obstetricians tend to think that this comes from the fact that the fetus is still just enough time to get stronger, and his head is too weak.
  2. If the mother's narrow pelvis, and the child in the womb develops large enough childbirth are more difficult. And hematoma usually develops. This is especially true if the child has a very large and heavy head.
  3. If the fetus initially develops not very well, and during delivery it remains fragile, in 90% of cases it will affect the pressure drop. Pressure in the womb and in the external environment are very different from each other. This provokes the rupture of capillaries.
  4. The common reason for bruises on the baby's head is cesarean section. Usually, with this method, even a strong fruit can be damaged very easily. And when pulling out of the womb, doctors can inadvertently cause microtrauma.

Types of hematomas

But even such minor pathology like an ordinary bruise, can take several varieties. They must know in order to understand how best to treat the baby and whether to do it.

Subaponeurotic and cephalohematoma

vidy vnutricherepnyh gematomThe rarest is considered to be subaponeurotic hematoma. It is often called odnokomnatnoj. The hardest partsuch pathology is the source of blood, no capillaries, and veins and vessels. This could have a serious impact on the health of the child.

This type of hematoma is very similar to raised, tender cushion on the head, which has a very precise contours. Sometimes this cushion can increase in size, swelling at the same time becomes much less. This is because blood begins to dissolve. This type of hematoma is most often seen in your child has an unexpected seizure, there are also some inconsistencies in movements that differ markedly from the characteristic movements of the other kids.

But if there is the slightest suspicion on this type of hematoma, the child should immediately make a radiography of the skull, as in this case there is a strong likelihood of damage to the bones of the skull. If everything checks out, then the kid should be put on record by a neurologist and to take measures to eliminate the defect of the box.

If the skull defect is not detected, then it is best to leave the hematoma alone. It usually disappears by itself after a couple of weeks. If not, then doctors can make a small incision through which the excess clots of blood will flow out by themselves.

obrashenie k vrachu dlya isklucheniya patologijCephalohematoma - the most common form of this disease in infants. The characteristic feature is bleeding under the skull bone. With all this, the skull itself remains fully intact. Usually, this hematoma occurs if the skull kid is formed generic tumor. At the same time just to diagnose the hematoma is rather difficult, because the tumor may not be visible.

As a rule, immediately after birth, the degree of coagulation of the child decreases slightly. Therefore, the hematoma may increase in size several times. If it was originally small, then this abnormality will resolve itself in a few days.

But if the size of the hematoma becomes too large, it starts to cause the child discomfort, it becomes too capricious. When doctors are convinced that a baby that cephalohematoma, doctors can do special simple operation perforation.

If in time a large hematoma is not eradicated, it can lead to negative consequences. Can change the shape of the skull, which will affect the appearance of the child. But the worst thing is, if under the skull formed by the suppuration of the blood. Then the infection can go throughout the body and even lead to death.

To hematoma quickly resolved, be appointed special medications, often in the form of ointments. They will not contribute toonly the liquefaction of stagnant blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In that case, if a hematoma starts for no this much bleeding, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Hematoma of soft tissue

kefalogematoma u rebenkaIn addition to these two types of hematomas the doctor distinguished by hematoma of soft tissues. They include a tricky, simple and mixed. None of the described subspecies of hematoma is not dangerous to life and health of the baby. Typically, these disappear within a week. When this swelling subsides after a couple of days, and then the blood begins itself to dissolve, as evidenced by pallor of the skin.

Tricky hematoma usually appears as purple or blue bruise located deep under the skin. Therefore, a small swelling. Simple hematoma has a noticeable convex shape and bright red color. But hematoma of mixed type simply combines the features of these two types.

Tips for parents on treating hematomas

As for the treatment of a hematoma in the newborn, it can be totally different methods.

Much will depend on the complexity of the pathology and the time during which it is not. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the basic tips that are useful to know the boy's parents.

nedonoshennost - prichina gematomy na goloveIt should be understood clearly that if within 14 days the hematoma, the child does not pass, you should seek the advice of a physician. Of course, this is best done after a week to ensure that the hematoma was no danger in the future will bring.

Often required to make a puncture of the skull to remove the hematoma. This procedure is absolutely painless and safe for the baby's health. Its essence lies in the fact that the doctor is using two needles pumps out blood clots. One needle from directly removes excess blood from the skin, and the second serves to normalize blood pressure. Parents of this procedure is to be afraid.

Sometimes after such a procedure can be assigned to the intake of certain medications. But often it is in those difficult cases, when the blood fails to drain completely or it has already provoked some complications in the form of a small suppuration under the skin.

Sometimes it is enough and a microscopic incision on the skull of the baby through which unnecessary blood comes out by itself. It is advisable to do immediately after the birth of the child if the hematoma is very swollen and big.

In that case, if you do not want any surgical intervention, the doctor canto prescribe special ointments or solutions that you just need to periodically RUB into the location of the hematoma. It's pretty simple to do, because the baby's head is not covered with hair as it should. The most commonly used ordinary concoctions, ointments Gepatrombin type. But self-medicate to deal still not worth it. Before using any medication, you should consult your doctor.


So, hematomas in infants, occurring at birth, pathology absolutely nothing to worry about, if the time to notice it and provide all the necessary conditions that the blood under the skin has resolved itself. Bruising is quite often the case in infants, and the negative consequences manifest themselves in terms of cases per million.