Home / Fractures / What is the alternative to plaster for fractures

What is the alternative to plaster for fractures

Is there an alternative to plaster for fractures? This question worries many patients. Most people throughout life at least once faced with such a nuisance as a broken leg. Sports, ice, invisible in the night pit road or the sidewalk - anything can cause this injury.

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Of course, the most widespread it is among children, because of their boundless activity, curiosity and restlessness. But even the most attentive parent can keep track of their child and in time to prevent trouble.

And adults are frequent visitors to the office of trauma. What to do if a person through negligence or accident got a fracture? To mind absolute majority will come plaster bandage, and this is perfectly understandable, because the fixation of limb fractures with plaster doctors practice for over a hundred and fifty years since its invention, an eminent doctor and scholar, innovator in the field surgery Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

nalozhenie gipsovoj povyazki na slomannuu noguThe value of this invention cannot be overstated, however, the medicine has been steadily marching forward, constantly developing and offering the world a new invention instead of the outdated traditional methods of inventing more practical and modern.

Traditional plaster bandage causes discomfort: when a broken leg movements gypsum is extremely difficult, often people in need of assistance. Also widely known is the fact that the area of the body, fixed with gypsum, itchy.

This is caused by gypsum crumb, which breaks off and irritates the skin. So, what alternative gypsum in fractures offers modern medicine?

What is a polymer plaster

One of the most common alternatives to the conventional plaster cast is a plaster or plastic, as it is called, artificial. The method of installation is very similar with the traditional bandage is first lowered into the water, let it soak, and then wound on the injured place. The passage of time, when the bandage is completely dry, the fracture firmly fixed. Despite this similarity with ordinary plaster, the bandage much easier and gives less discomfort while wearing.

Due to its structure, polymer plaster is not afraid of water, he can safely take a shower. An important advantage is that the skin under the bandage breathable and not itchy, evaporation, in turn, accumulate, and output. Plastic plaster is easy to keep clean, it looks more tidy than a regular plaster.

Ifyou accidentally stained, you can simply wipe the plaster with a cloth and it will regain a well-groomed appearance. The only problem you can encounter if you want to apply a bandage made of polymeric plaster is its absence in most emergency rooms or clinics. To acquire the material yourself.

polimernyj gips pri perelomeDifficulties may arise with its withdrawal: ordinary scissors with this task can not cope, you need a special nail file. However, an experienced physician with that no problems will arise.

So, what materials can be used to apply the bandage? There are several:

  1. The roll of polymer plaster.
  2. A pair of scissors.
  3. Water.
  4. Backing cloth.

The technique of bandaging, artificial plaster is almost no different from ordinary plaster. The main subtlety is necessary to use lining fabric. Packing with polymer plaster is opened (be sure to check for leaks ), the bandage is wetted by water, they rigidly fix the fracture.

It is very important that all procedures conducted by experienced professionals, otherwise the patient can cause significant harm. This material is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergic reactions and is suitable for both adults and children. Use it not only for fractures, but sprains or dislocations.

In addition to the above-described material, there are several ways rigid immobilization of the limbs.

What is cellacast

Cellacast is a special bandage impregnated with polyurethane resin, which is based on fiberglass.

rentgen - obyazatelnaya procedura pri perelomeIt is easy to wear and moisture resistance. Stiffens much faster than conventional plaster. There is a free access of oxygen to the skin.

Also important advantage is the ability to conduct a survey of the injured area using x-rays, due to the low density contrast agents. Maintaining rigid fixation, the material is elastic enough and does not cause discomfort.

With this bandage, the bandage can be imposed quickly, and the need for it occurs quite often, especially when serious injuries. Due to its unique structure, it can be stretched in six directions, thereby providing the opportunity to properly immobilize the fracture in accordance with its complexity.

In the same way as in the case of polymer plaster, bandage from cellacast superimposed almost identical to conventional gypsum. The first stage is preparatory, in which to the injured area superimposed cushioning andbacking material, the skin is protected from premature contact with cellcustom.

Next, the bandage is moistened with water, its temperature must be in the range of 20-24 degrees Celsius. Excess water should be shaken off. Bandage circular rounds, without tension.

plastikovyj gips kak alternativa naturalnomuSolidification occurs within 5-8 minutes, and after 20 minutes it is possible to give a full load.

For the imposition of bandages, special equipment no need need only:

  1. Sealed bandage.
  2. Gloves.
  3. Water.
  4. Lining fabric.
  5. Sponge.

What is an orphit

Orphit is a very comfortable material, made of gypsum-based thermoplastic. The bandage is carefully warmed up in warm water, then, after cooling, is overlaid by a specialist in the damaged area. Thanks to its properties, the armband is easy to adjust to individual characteristics of the patient, which greatly simplifies the task.

An important advantage of thermoplastic is that it has a plastic memory. Every time when re-heating it takes the original form that allows the surgeon to replace the bandage if necessary and conduct additional manipulation of the fracture. Not due to toxicity, the material is great for kids. Does not cause allergic reactions, the skin underneath it has access to oxygen. If necessary, easily removed and worn. Much lighter than plaster bandage, and the rehabilitation period lasts less.


All of these funds do not exist in intensive care, so their purchase should be taken care of himself. The choice of bandage is necessary to consult a doctor, as each type of fracture or other injury corresponds to your method of immobilization.