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Symptoms for fractures of the hands and their treatment of folk remedies

Fractures of the arms is not uncommon today, but because the popular treatment for fractures of the hands are popular and are complementary to traditional medicine. They can be used to remove puffiness, to accelerate the regeneration processes of the skin and the bone, treatment of fracture is greatly reduced, and the therapy is less painful.

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The symptoms of fracture of the hand

If you know what symptoms occur during a fracture, it is possible to independently diagnose and to distinguish from severe injury of the hand. If you have any of the following symptoms, you can not doubt the presence of a fracture of the upper limb:

  1. The hand is the wrong position, is curved in the other direction or has a strange shape;
  2. where there is no joint, it's easy to notice the mobility of the bones, which should not be in the case of severe injury;
  3. When you feel my hand, you can hear a slight crunch, which occurs in fractures (but in some cases, a similar sound can be heard only with special tools);
  4. If the fracture is open, you will see part of the bone or the wound will just bleed badly.

In addition to these symptoms there are several symptoms that you can suspect a fracture. These include:

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  1. The presence of severe pain, which can only be damaged in place or to move to more extensive areas. The pain does not disappear even when the hand is at rest. With a slight movement you can feel the aches and increased pain.
  2. The injury severely swollen, you may experience bruising. From the injury the bone will depend on the size of the swelling.
  3. Lowering the temperature of the hands is a bad sign because it may indicate the rupture of large arteries and poor circulation. But such cases can be found very rarely. Sometimes this symptom occurs as a result of thrombosis and can be fatal to humans. Statistics show that such problems are more common in the elderly.
  4. Bruising at the site of injury.
  5. Deformation of the hands (it is shorter than the second limb). This may occur if there is an injury with displacement.
  6. The presence of severe pain in the joint, which is closer to the fracture, his mobility will be minimal.
  7. If the fracture was nerve damage, there is a lack of sensitivity of the fingers and the hand is completely immobilized.

Traditional medicine for fractures of the hands

Traditional treatment of a fracture is quite simple,but the result from it will have to wait longer than people's ways. You first need as well as with a broken leg, fix the hand so she was completely immobile. Thus it will be possible to protect soft tissues from damage. In addition, it allows reduce pain. Then you need to splint that will fix several joints that communicate with the fracture.

Treatment with folk remedies

vidy perelomov rukiFolk methods of treatment of fractures is incredibly effective. They can speed up the healing process of soft tissues and bones directly. There are many recipes that help to treat fracture of bones of hands. The most effective of them are given below.

  1. Rose oil is mixed with 0.5 g of Shilajit. The patient should drink this medicine. They also need to regularly lubricate the fracture site. Statistics show that the bones after such funds grow pretty quickly.
  2. Using raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater, you can remove the pain. Enough to make a little bit of pulp at the fracture site.
  3. In order for the regeneration process were faster, you need to eat a lot of cooked onions. This method was used by the people for many centuries.
  4. In the break, you can RUB 1-2 times a day fir oil.
  5. You can take a tincture of comfrey root. For its preparation must be filled with water, dry the roots of plants in a ratio of 5:1 and infuse for 2 weeks in a dark warm place. Take 25 drops 3 times a day. Simultaneously, you can make compresses. Pour 2 tablespoons of comfrey root a Cup of boiling water and leave for 10 hours in a thermos. Treatment with comfrey relieves pain, reduces swelling, removes inflammation, promotes healing of wounds.
  6. Boil 400 ml of water and a spoonful of rose hips for 10 minutes, leave in a thermos for a day. You need to drink 100 ml before meals 2 times a day. Great for those occasions when to do surgery for the fracture of the hands.

Herbal injuries of the bones of the hands

fiksaciya plecha pri perelomah kostej ruk Folk remedies can also be called numerous herbal teas that have a positive effect on wound healing and the bone's healing.

A positive effect on fracture healing a poultice made from the root of comfrey or chernokoren. Herbs can be brewed or done on the basis of their ointment (enough mince fresh root or make a powder of dry). Next, mix the same quantity of root with pork fat. Massage into damaged areas and make this ointment compresses.

Mix sprucethe resin (20 g), small onion (mash with a wooden spatula), vegetable oil (50 ml), copper sulfate (15 g) and propolis (a few drops). On low heat bring the mixture to a boil. For fractures of her hands to lubricate the damaged area.

When rib fracture or effective tincture recipe from the juice of the sloe (200 ml) and cornflowers (2 tbsp). You need to take medicine in the morning on an empty stomach for 5 tbsp at least 8 days.

Salt and eggs in fractures

rentgen dlya diagnostiki pereloma kostej rukIf you became sick or old fractures you strained tendons, got a bruise, you can use the proven method of treatment.

You need to take 1/2 tsp of fine salt and raw egg yolk. In some cases the egg shell, which can also be added to the composition of the bags in small quantities. Stir until then, until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Put a little of the mixture on a thin cloth and apply to the affected area. Gradually the poultice harden. It will need to cut and then apply the new compress. Continue procedure until then while completely will not disappear pain in the injured arm.

Self-massage for the fracture of the hand

Very good help during self-massage of fractures, the average duration of which is 5 minutes. If you received a closed fracture, then you can start to massage in 2-3 days. If the fracture is open, then this procedure is carried out in any case impossible.

To do massage should be a little higher and lower than is gypsum. In parallel, it is necessary to massage and good hand. Some experts recommend to do small bumps on plaster. Don't forget to massage very carefully, several times a day and a maximum of 7 minutes.


When the plaster is removed, it is possible to massage the whole hand. Initially just above the fracture, and then directly into the damaged place. At the place of fracture you can do light strokes for 2-3 minutes. So damaged hand will recover faster and muscles will not lose its strength.

Magnets for the treatment of fractures of the hands

The people you can meet another very unusual and interesting method of treatment of fractures of the hand. The basis of the method laid effects on bone magnet. Locate the small magnet size. Prepare a jar made of plastic. In this case, it is perfect tin of Shoe Polish. It is necessary to stick a small pen made of plastic, and inside containers to put the magnet itself. Before you use this device for treatment of a fracture, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water tothe influence of a magnet did not affect the condition of your skin.

For 20 minutes you need to move the design in a circle (clockwise) over the fracture site. To make such procedure should be 20 days. Then take a break for about 1.5 months and repeat the course of treatment.

It is proved that the magnet is able to speed up the process of regeneration of the bone and soft tissues. It can relieve pain, to remove tumors and swellings. This method is in any case can not be applied to people who suffer from hypotension have a blood disease or tumor.


Whichever method of traditional medicine you choose, first it is necessary to consult a doctor. The specialist will make the necessary shots and will confirm or deny the presence of a fracture. After the mandatory medical procedures it will be possible to enjoy the popular ways that will help speed up the process of recovery of damaged hands.