Home / Fractures / The main symptoms and consequences of fracture of the coccyx

The main symptoms and consequences of fracture of the coccyx

Broken tailbone symptoms and effects is the most serious and is one of the most urgent problems of modern traumatology. Because the tailbone is one of the main concluding segments of the spine. However, a fracture of the coccyx is rare, in most cases of it taking a so-called perelomova.

anatomicheskoe stroenie kopchika

What is a fracture of the coccyx and why it happens

This type of injury is characterized by the violation of the integrity of bone tissue in the coccyx, resulting from external influences.

travmaticheskoe povrezhdenie kopchika pri padeniiAccording to statistics, most often traumatic damage to the tailbone is exposed to people of the older generation in brittle bones due to decalcification. However, there are cases of such injuries in professional athletes and young children.

The surgeon identify the following causes of fractures of the coccyx:

  • a direct blow to the tailbone from a car accident;
  • blow on the buttocks when falling;
  • blunt damage to the surface of the coccyx;
  • a difficult birth, followed by fractures of the coccygeal bones during the movement of the fetus through the birth canal;
  • mechanical shock on a hard seat during shaking in transportation.

Classification and symptoms of fractures of the coccyx

Trauma there are several varieties of fracture of the coccygeal bones. These include:

  1. A closed fracture.
  2. The open type of fracture with rupture of the outer tissues.
  3. Fracture without displacement of the vertebrae.
  4. The most painful and dangerous for the patient - fracture of coccyx with displacement.
  5. Fracture with associated dislocation of the vertebrae.
  6. Fracture articulation with the sacral bone Department.

 poyavlenie otechnosti v meste povrezhdeniya The first symptom of fracture of the coccyx is an extremely sharp pain with a tendency to increase. In just a few minutes the pain becomes so intense that the victim can neither sit nor walk. In addition there are a number of signs that allow to suspect the presence in a patient of this injury. These include the following symptoms:

  1. The restriction of motor functions.
  2. The appearance of swelling at the site of injury.
  3. The formation of large hematomas.
  4. Difficulty of defecation.
  5. Possible shooting pain radiating to the leg.
  6. The increased mobility of the coccygeal bones.

When you have at least several of the above symptoms should immediately seek the assistance of the surgeon orto the traumatologist.

What is the danger of fracture of the coccyx

In severe cases, damage to, or in the absence of proper treatment, trauma to coccygeal bones can cause a variety of complications. The consequences of fracture of the coccyx may be the following:

muchitelnye golovnye boli posle travmy kopchika

  1. The formation of cystic tumors.
  2. Damage to the spinal cord.
  3. Ongoing severe pain.
  4. The formation of so-called callus.
  5. A difficult birth.
  6. Frequent headaches.
  7. Signs of coccygodynia.
  8. Compression of the pelvic organs.
  9. The appearance of fistulas.
  10. Hematoma.
  11. In injuries of the coccyx stretched sheath surrounding the spinal cord, compression of brain tissue and blood vessels, poor circulation.
  12. The process of calcification in the injured joint.
  13. Limitations of motor function.
  14. Difficulty during defecation.
  15. Disorders of the urogenital system of the victim.

The most severe consequence of a tailbone injury may be incorrect splicing of the sacral bone, wherein the surgical operation.

First aid

Fracture of the coccygeal bone is a very serious injury, treatment of which should only be a specialist. However, it is necessary to be able to render first aid to the victim to ease his condition and to prevent development of possible complications.

priem obezbolivaushih preparatov pri travme kopchikaFor starters, the patient should be laid on the abdomen to provide sacral area of absolute peace and stillness. Since all types of fractures of the coccyx are accompanied by severe pains, it is to facilitate the patient's condition is possible by means of analgesic drugs (Ketanov, Baralgin, Sedalgin, Diclofenac and others).

On the site of the injury, it is recommended to apply a cold compress. This procedure will help to reduce pain, reduce swelling, and the degree of hemorrhage. In addition, it is recommended to impose on the lower part of the spine with a temporary splint. And another very important thing: to transport and move the victim only in the position lying on your side! Since any, even the slightest pressure on the coccyx can lead to serious complications.

Diagnosis of injuries and how to treat the injury

Coccyx fracture is diagnosed during a medical examination by the method of palpation. To confirm the diagnosis and to determine the type and extent of damage to the victim is assigned to the followingresearch:

  1. The x-rays.
  2. MRI, allowing to analyze the status not only of the coccyx, but in the surrounding tissues and blood vessels.
  3. CT spine - this diagnostic procedure is usually indicated in cases when it is impossible to consider thin coccygeal bone on x-rays.
  4. A vaginal examination.
  5. A rectal examination.

kt pozvonochnika dlya diagnostiki travmyTreatment of this type of damage is largely dependent on the type of injury. In the case of an open fracture is first necessary to treat the injury, wash the wound and stop any bleeding.

A displaced fracture is treated in a hospital, the patient is subject to hospitalization and carrying out the reduction, performed through the rectum.

In addition, in all cases of fracture of the coccyx, the following methods of conservative treatment:

  1. Taking pain medication.
  2. Complete quiet and bed rest (to prevent the formation of pressure sores using a rubber circle).
  3. The use of mild laxatives in order to avoid a strong tension during bowel movement.
  4. Defecation should be carried out only with the help enemas.
  5. Supplementation of calcium.
  6. Splinting.

Surgical treatment (removal of certain segments) is applied in case of improper fusion of the bones, as well as when strong offsets.

In addition, surgery is indicated when excessive compression of the pelvic organs that causes severe difficulties in the process of defecation.

On average, the treatment of fractures of the coccyx takes from one to three months.

The rehabilitation period

When the bones have almost fused together, the acute pain is gone, the turn comes the rehabilitation period, which is very important for full recovery and the patient's recovery. For these purposes we recommend the following procedure:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massages;
  • treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy);
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture.

Each patient should follow a certain diet. To strengthen bone tissues and improve the overall resistance of the organism you want to include in your daily diet foods with a high content of calcium and fiber (dairy products, fish, cheese, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruit).


Further, patients should be very careful to avoid excessive physical exertion and pressure on the lower back. Coccygeal fracture is a serious injury, but correctly identified the symptoms of fracture of the coccyx, competently rendered first aid andtimely treatment to the doctor-the traumatologist can prevent serious consequences of this injury.