Home / Fractures / The symptoms and treatment of fracture of the sacrum

The symptoms and treatment of fracture of the sacrum

Fracture of the sacrum may occur as a result of injury in humans with osteoporosis. In a healthy person this type of fracture is rare, because the basic instincts of self-preservation allow to soften the blow in this area due to the rearrangement of the body. Eighty percent of cases a fracture of the sacrum occurs simultaneously with the fracture of the pelvic bones.

problema pereloma krestca

Most often, the damage caused by a fall from a great height. Other causes that can lead to fracture:

  • tumors in the distal part of the spinal column;
  • a powerful blow directly on the sacrum, for example, in the accident;
  • strong compression and squeezing of the pelvic bones.

The risk of fracture of the sacrum there are elderly people who do not observe safety when moving on slippery streets and steep stairs. What are the signs of this injury?

The symptoms of fracture of the sacrum

The result of the division of the bones of the vertebrae can occur, the displacement of bone fragments of the lateral part of the sacrum. The victim can neither sit nor stand nor walk because of severe pain. In the lesion formed subcutaneous hemorrhage. The swelling increases, the pain radiates to the legs and stomach. If the compression fracture of the sacrum, and the fragments damage the spinal cord and nerves, develops vomiting, disturbance of sensitivity of lower extremities and headache. A little later, be felt other symptoms:

stroenie krestca

  • constipation, difficulty in defecation;
  • frequent urination, urinary incontinence;
  • the menstrual cycle in women, difficulty achieving orgasm;
  • impotence in men.

The nature of injuries all fractures of the sacrum are divided into relatively easy that heal quickly, and complicated, which require long-term rehabilitation. What are the main types of fracture?

  • stable blood vessels and nerves are not affected, the rupture of the pelvic ring had not occurred;
  • unstable pelvic ring is disrupted, blood vessels, nerves, muscles and damaged bone atomtime.

For the reposition of bone fragments after trauma matter the direction of the split bones as it can be?

  • Horizontally, generally in the lower part of the bone of the joint, is characteristic for the isolated fracture;
  • Vertically in the right or left of the sacral joint, often in combination with fracture of the pelvic bones;
  • At an angle, the so-called oblique fracture, the split occurs on the diagonal of the sacrum also occurs more frequently when combined with fracture of the pelvic bone;

Multiple splits, a comminuted fracture may occur as a result of compression of the pelvis, inmost cases it is a concomitant fracture of the pelvic bones.

All pathology encountered in the fracture of the sacrum, detected by radiographic studies. How to quickly and properly rendered first aid, and partly depends on the progress of recovery.

First aid for fracture of the sacrum

klassifikaciya perelomov krestca po SchmidekFracture of the sacrum without concomitant fractures of the pelvic bones does not require special first aid measures, in addition to transport the injured to the injury point possible in the supine position with his back up with a slightly divorced feet. To relieve very strong pain syndrome, you can take any non-narcotic painkillers from a home or car first aid kits. It is possible with care to apply ice pack to narrow the blood vessels and relieve swelling, a hot compress should not be used. Open fractures of the sacrum are very rare and require to stop the bleeding with a neat blend of dressings.

With an open fracture the wound visible bone fragments, the injury is accompanied by damage to the skin and muscles, bleeding. After tying the victim is placed on a rigid stretcher or any other available funds, boards, boards, doors, and enclose under knees the convolution of clothes, small pillows or cushions. The frog pose helps to unload the hip joints, promotes muscle relaxation. The victim can only lie on my stomach, with a slightly divorced feet. Open fractures of the sacrum to heal more than three months, and in the case of elderly injured rehabilitation could take even longer. The simple closed transverse fracture heals on average for two months, but it is important to consider the following factors:

  • the age of the person injured;
  • features of metabolism and the regeneration of the bone tissue;
  • the presence or absence of complications;
  • timely initiation of treatment.

The older a person is, the slower to heal bone injury. For best healing, it is important to include in the diet foods with a high content of calcium, magnesium and vitamins D and E.

Treatment and consequences of injuries of the sacrum

komputernaya tomografiya krestca dlya diagnostiki melchajshih treshinAfter the arrival of the victim to the emergency room provides analgesia with promedol, morphine or other anesthetic depending on the intensity of pain. Peculiarities of innervation in this area of the body vary greatly among people, so someone can testunbearable pain even with a slight crack, and someone very satisfactorily bear complex comminuted fracture. Next, the x-rays of the lumbosacral spine and pelvis to clarify the clinical picture. The procedure is performed in frontal and lateral projection. If not enough data is used:

  • computed tomography for diagnosis of tiny cracks;
  • magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of damage caused by joint and ligamentous apparatus and soft tissues.

Following the pattern of the decision on conservative or operative treatment. Operative reposition of bone fragments is required if melkooskolchaty fracture. What is included in conservative treatment?

  • bed rest for a minimum of two months with regular monitoring of the patient;
  • pain medications in injection form, for example, “Diclofenac”, “Baralgin”;
  • after the acute phase are assigned to oral painkillers, such as “Nimid”, “Piroxicam”, “Diclofenac”;
  • local anesthesia with very acute pain syndrome - injections of Novocaine, Lidocaine.

priem lekarstv pri perelomahFor the speedy recovery of all functions of the spine and lower extremities, patients are assigned a course of physiotherapy:

  • therapeutic exercise under the guidance of an experienced instructor for the rehabilitation of nerve conduction and strengthening the muscular corset;
  • electrophoresis with calcium and hydrocortisone;
  • swimming or exercising in water.

To prevent the development of complications, it's important to recognize their first signs and tell your doctor about all the complaints. Due to the fact that in the sacral region of the spine is concentrated important nerve centers, such injuries as a fracture of sacrum, often have delayed consequences.

Prevention, rehabilitation

If the result of the displacement of bone fragments has been damaged the nerve roots or the spinal cord, a few months after the injury there may be disturbance of sensation in the lower extremities. The presence of complications can be judged after about two months if stored:

konsultaciya vracha perelome krestca

  • severe pain in the lower back;
  • numbness of the skin on the feet, legs, hips, back;
  • the weakening or absence of the knee reflex;
  • swelling of the injury;
  • difficulty with movement and muscular control of the legs.

In some cases, developing impotence, difficulty in achieving orgasm,menstrual cycle and incontinence of urine and feces. If you encounter any complications, you should immediately seek medical help. It is important to take responsibility for the treatment and don't abuse painkillers. Successful rehabilitation after such injury as a fracture of the sacrum, it allows you to restore all body functions to return to normal life after an average of six months.


In order to prevent injury, the elderly and patients with osteoporosis should be especially careful when engaging in Amateur sports, when driving a car, motorcycle and Bicycle.