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Features of fracture ulna

Fracture of the ulna is a violation of the integrity of all segments of this area of the hand. This situation often occurs as a result of injury where the elbow had a fall or got hit with a heavy object. To meet this form of fracture is rarely possible, especially if you compare statistics on fractures of the forearm. More often susceptible to such a fracture the elderly, as their bones had lost its elasticity and firmness, as well as children, because in their case the bones have not gained the fortress because of its development.

travmirovanie logtya

Elbow fracture requires immediate response, as this will directly impact on the preservation of the mobility of the limb. In fact, the ulna consists of many parts, and if there is not just fracture, but also the parallel displacement or offset, when medical aid it is important that all segments have been properly combined and put into place.

Fracture of the ulna can be of two types:

  • isolated;
  • damage to Montage.

Depending on the diagnosis and will be given appropriate treatment.

What is an isolated fracture of the

bol v oblasti loktya pri perelomeThis form of injury appears as a result of a direct blow, which falls on the forearm. It often happens that an isolated fracture is transverse when the shards are, but they do not present any displacement. If it is a fracture of the olecranon with displacement, then the particles may change their position relative to the axis or length.

But this situation is extremely rare, as due to the head of the radial bone and the entire fragment is retention of the fragments in their places.

Isolated fracture has its distinctive symptoms:

  • there is a sharp pain of a local character;
  • injured place starts to swell;
  • noticeable as deformation is formed in the damaged area;
  • there may be bleeding or bruising;
  • injured hand can not be free to move, any movement will be accompanied by pain;
  • rotation is broken;
  • if the fracture is severe elbow, the freedom of movement of the forearm may be limited.

In this situation the main thing - time to get professional help. If it is possible to reach a health facility independently, it should be remembered that the injured arm is necessary to maintain healthy. First the doctor will prescribe the passage of x-rays.

If after the injury there is no bias, then conduct the operation is not necessary. In this casethe doctor will put a plaster bandage on the elbow and forearm. It is important to stabilize the hand in the fold, the degree of which may vary from 50 to 90. Since gypsum is not an easy thing, the patient is doing the dressing, which will help to support the limb. In this position the patient will have to spend a week, after which he must undergo repeated x-rays. This is done to confirm the absence of bias, as at first swollen soft tissue can close and move bones.

Features of treatment

vypolnenie lechebnoj gimnastikiThe course of treatment may be different. If the patient has no offset, the plaster bandage is applied for 2-3 months, but after its removal the patient will have to wear a special triangular bandage.

After the transfer of the injury and wearing a plaster to the affected will need to undergo rehabilitation that will help him to quickly and correctly restore the motor activity of hands. In this course included:

  • medical gymnastics, which begins in the period of wearing a cast;
  • massage;
  • mechanotherapy;
  • treatments, such as ozokerite, thermal baths and paraffin.

With regard to timing of rehabilitation, there is largely a situation depends on the complexity of the fracture and age of the patient, because in the elderly the bone is much slower than in children. But on average, this period lasts from 2 to 6 weeks.

If there is a displaced fracture, then there will be reposition of a closed type, when the doctor will return the pieces to their places.

After it is completed, and the arm put into a cast. In contrast to the first embodiment of the fracture, displacement leads to longer treatment - up to a year. In situations when problems arise with the retention of the fragments, surgery is performed. In this case, the patient will put the pins and plate.

The victim need to take antibiotics and analgesics. Rehabilitation includes massage, therapeutic exercises and the passage of UHF. To restore the motor activity of the upper limb, should take on average 12 weeks.

What is the damage Montage

This fracture of the olecranon can be obtained in the case, if the bent arm on the side have a shot. This injury is common among athletes as they have to repel the balls with your hands, for example, volleyball players. In such a situation, a fracture occurs the upper and middle portion of the ulna, and the head of the radius bone is turned.

palpaciya v oblasti perelomaForce to inflict injury mayto lead to one of the following types of damage:

  • 1 - there is a dislocation in the front side of the head of the radial bone;
  • 2 - there is a dislocation of the head of the radius backwards;
  • 3 - dislocation of the head occurs in the direction or lateral, it is a bone fracture in the proximal;
  • 4 view - is not only dislocation, but also damage to the two bones of the forearm.

Also damage Montage may be extensor when, in addition to the dislocation of the head, there is a tear of annular ligament of the beam, and flexion, when the head of the radius bone is displaced, but can be broken off. In the latter case, fragments of bone will create an open angle in the forward direction.

How injured soft tissue and will depend on damage type: open or closed.

Damage Montage has the following features:

  • the injury is accompanied by pain of a sharp nature.
  • place the elbow and forearm swollen;
  • the damaged area loses its sensitivity, and the victim may feel cold in the limbs;
  • bend and straighten the elbow becomes difficult, and it is still painful;
  • it will be seen that the injured forearm is shortened;
  • palpation diagnosed displacement of fragments of bone.

If there is a situation of an open fracture, then there is a risk of infection of the wound.

In addition to infection, there are other complications that can accompany damage to Montage, so it is very important not to run their trauma and seek assistance from relevant experts. Such damage is diagnosed using the following methods:

  • x-ray;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (aimed at studying the presence of damage in the soft tissues).

Some of the features

gospitalizaciya pri perelomeTests can appoint conservative treatment or surgery. In the first case will be applied simultaneously reposition and plaster. But operable solution is used more often. In this case you need to straighten the bones and fix them in the right position, which can be used plate.

The first couple of days patients kept in the hospital, to be able to monitor the status of repositioning. After 3 weeks the patient must undergo repeated x-rays that can reveal a fracture of the styloid process of the ulna. Also have this procedure to take place every month.

The victim will have the first time (2 weeks) to take analgesics and non-steroidal drugs of character that will allow you to remove the inflammation. Six months or a year the plates are removed from the hands, but onlythrough the operation.

I would like to mention that the damage Montegi is a difficult enough trauma, and that recovery was successful, you should strictly follow all the instructions given by the doctor. Otherwise you can get one of these complications:

  • the bones will slowly spliced or fused incorrectly, which will break the functionality of the hand;
  • the ulna can get the gusset, due to the fact that it is not properly fused;
  • will shift the head of the radius.


All these moments are the reasons of incomplete recovery of the limb, causing the person may lose the ability to lead a normal lifestyle.