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Features of a broken leg

Broken leg injury is not so rare. Often reasons for obtaining different (fall, accident, etc.), but it may be that bone in the foot in advance of this "prepared". The fact that there are a number of diseases that contribute to bone fragility, for example, osteochondrosis. Therefore, not only the child but an adult should be careful in moving activities.

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The classification of fractures of the feet

Depending on the severity of the injury can be:

  • incomplete - when the bones of the feet cracks;
  • full - when disrupted the integrity of the bones, but it can either stay where it is (unbiased fracture) or go to one of the parties (fracture with displacement);
  • closed fractures - when the skin remains intact, but the bone fragments can get caught on muscle and tendon;
  • open fractures - when displacement occurs, the debris can injure not only the muscles and tendons, but also break the integrity of the skin, which become visible to the naked eye.

In the direction of injury fractures of the foot are divided into:

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  • transverse fracture - in this case, the fracture line is perpendicular to the line of the bone;
  • longitudinal fracture - the line will goes along the bone;
  • comminuted fracture - when the bone is simply split into two parts, but formed many fragments, respectively, as such the fracture is not observed.

In fact, it is very important to determine the type of fracture, as it will depend treatment whether to make the bus or wait for the arrival of the medics. To treat own leg, having in this case, no skills, no means impossible, especially if it is an open leg fracture.

After all, if the injury with an offset that high risk move the fragment so that it will cut a tendon or seriously injuring the muscle. And then the person can remain on all life the invalid.

What are the signs of fractures of the lower extremities?

In fact, any fracture has fairly clear symptoms. The same applies to the feet. Although, if the fracture is partial and closed, it can be an ordinary sprain of the muscles, especially injuries of the tibia or ankle.

stroenie kostiBut what do the fractures have their own types, and each type can have its individual symptoms. Therefore, there is a graduation:

  1. Probable signs.

To this category include: severe pain, when the victim tries to move his injured foot, the place itself will swell, and in this area will bebe formed hemorrhage under the skin. To make any movement by foot is not possible, and it is impossible to do so.

  1. Reliable signs.

When this leg has an unnatural shape, while the open injury out will look out of the bone. This category will include high mobility, which in this area should not be, and likely crunch in the leg. Although the latter symptom is not always accompanied by fractures.

As the leg consists of several segments, respectively, and the injuries can be different. Of course, medical advice often with fractures in the ankle region, as it is the most moving part. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know the symptoms and to other parts of the feet:

  1. If damaged bones - fibula, femur and tibia.

repoziciya pri perelome lodyzhkiOn the injured place, in most cases, abnormal mobility is present, while the injured leg is slightly shorter than the healthy. If a person tries to put any weight on the affected leg, he will feel severe pain which can lead to painful shock.

  1. If you have suffered a patella.

In this case, the area above the kneecap begin to swell, as the skin is bleeding. If you ask a person to bend or straighten the leg, he can not do, and in addition, such attempts are accompanied by severe pain. If the fracture is complete and fragmental, and the distance between the fragments exceeds 5 mm, then the patient will not be able to rely even on such a leg.

  1. Injury to the ankle is the most common type of fractures.

This injury is accompanied by very strong pain, as the land plot with the periosteum has a large number of nerve endings. Even a slight palpation brings severe pain to the victim. In such cases, swelling of soft tissues of the ankle is performed not immediately but after some time.

Damage of the foot makes itself felt first by severe pain. If you try to lean on the injured leg, the feeling will only intensify. The heel will acquire a bright red color, as in this region go major hemorrhage, and all the surrounding soft tissue starts to swell.

shina kramera pri perelome nogiInjury to the fingers of the lower limbs is also one of the types of leg fracture. As for symptoms, here in the first place is to pay attention to the injury. If the affected phalanx, it will be accompanied by quite a loud crunch, but if spend pressure, the finger unnaturally rejectedside. But the most dangerous thing is that if there is a complete fracture of a finger, visible signs may not be detected, and the pain will be tolerable nature, which man may consider that such injury can not be treated.

All these symptoms are easy enough to determine yourself, without the help of a specialist. But the treatment must be carried out in the hospital and not at home. The fact is that if there is a comminuted fracture, it is important to remove all fragments, because in the opposite case, in addition to the risk of damaging surrounding tissue, there is a risk of inflammatory processes. Do not forget about the wrong bone's healing, so the operation is necessary here.

Aid for a broken leg

To help the victim after the injury, you should first call the ambulance. While they will get to the scene, the patient must splint, which will allow to fix the limb in a fixed position. Also to the victim experienced severe pain, it is permissible to give the anesthetic, but if the person is conscious, you should find out if he is allergic to any substance. Otherwise, in addition to fracture will be added, and allergic reaction.

After the patient was taken to hospital, the doctors will analyze the injuries.

There will be evaluated not only the presence but the severity of the fracture. To solve the issue will be in two ways - either put casts or do surgery. The second method is used in cases when it is necessary to combine the existing fragments. To do this, use a knitting needle, plate metal or a screw. Such things help to fix the limb in the correct position, so that the bone grow together as needed. May be this operation, like the hood, when it is necessary to align not only in form but also in length. After surgery is finished, the patient is also a plaster.

With regard to medical treatment, then there is also analgesics the patient doesn't designate, since in this case there is no need intensive care. The only thing to mention is that a patient prescribed to take vitamin complexes with a high content of calcium. This substance helps spliced bone.


If assistance was right and the doctors were highly qualified specialists, after full recovery, the foot will return to its functions. Typically, such a process requires 1.5-2 months, depending on the severity of the injury. Special attention requires the rehabilitation of the child, as due to his age he is very agile, so such a thing as peace, alien to him. And it just might affectthe correct fusion of bone, so the parents needed intensive care to monitor the activity of your baby.