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Features of fracture of the lumbar spine

Fracture of the lumbar spine expressed in the presence of pathological changes of the spine in which the integrity of the lumbar vertebrae. The lower back can be attributed to one of the places back that are most susceptible to injury regardless of the thoroughness of the dimensions of the lumbar vertebrae and their strength.

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The main reason is the mobility of the lumbar spine. The center of gravity of the entire body is directly in the lumbar region where there is a concentration of efforts to maintain the balance.

As long as the spine is able to withstand the load, he did not threaten, but in the case when margin runs out, there could be a fracture of the spine the lumbar.

The spine is a major part of the human skeleton, comprising the vertebrae in the amount of 33-34 pieces which are connected together by joints, ligaments and cartilage.

stroenie poyasnichnogo pozvonkaThe spinal column serves as a support and has a protective function relative to the spinal cord, while competing in the mobility of the head and torso.

There are several divisions of the spine:

  • cervical;
  • breast;
  • lumbar;
  • sacral;
  • coccygeal.

Causes of spinal fracture

The main causes that determine the appearance of fractures, are most often injured. They arise:

  • as a result of falling from a small height;
  • due to a failed landing during a jump;
  • osteoporosis;
  • the accident;
  • as a result of strikes;
  • for personal injury and sports;
  • as a result of domestic injuries.

Fractures are classified according to complexity and severity in subgroups:

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  • the fracture stable character, at which there is displacement of bone fragments and no damage to the spinal cord;
  • complicated by unstable fracture characterized by the occurrence of the violation of the integrity of the brain back and all other vertebrate structures. The bone fragments are displaced in this form of fracture, somewhat exacerbating the condition.

Fractures are also classified depending on what are the characteristics, in particular, can highlight the presence of isolated fractures:

  • vertebral fractures;
  • fracture of the vertebral arches;
  • fracture of the articular processes;
  • a fracture of the transverse processes.

Andthe other most common types of fractures:

  • perelomova;
  • kolchaty;
  • compression.

First aid and diagnosis of the disease

transportnaya immobilizaciya pri perelome pozvonochnika: a — polozhenie na zhivotu, b — polozhenie na spineUpon detection of a fracture of the spine in the lumbar region of a person should render first aid. For this purpose it is necessary to lay on a stretcher or other suitable hard surface.

To shift the victim needs to be careful, so that you minimize the displacement of the vertebrae. After this, the spine should be immobilized and make him commit. In case of pain or spinal shock the patient is given an anesthetic.

In any case after first aid should not hesitate and should immediately consult your doctor.

Diagnostics includes methods such as a thorough direct examination and questioning of the patient, determine the causes and nuances of the injury.

A very important point is the installation of the mechanism of injury and the resulting impact. After that, in order to clarify doing x-rays and computed tomography of the spine magnetic resonance imaging segments of the brain spins, performed, produced radiodiagnosis and use other state of the art research methods.

When radiography of the spine in frontal and lateral projections set by its form, is determined by the degree of swelling of soft tissues, the distance between the spinous processes, the height of the vertebral bodies, the possible presence of scoliosis and mobility of the vertebrae. This alignment involves the comparison of the front and back of body height of the damaged vertebra with the height of the other vertebrae. Fractures of the spinous processes are seen best on the lateral image.

rentgen poyasnichnogo otdela pozvonochnika dlya diagnostiki travmyThe analysis should draw attention to the fact that a broken part may be much displaced, but the one that remains must be stored in the usual location in relation to neighboring vertebrae.

Beam diagnostics is clarifying and shown in various fractures, including compression fractures of transverse and spinous processes of maintaining the symptoms.

The method of computer tomography enables to differentiate variety the most complex vertebral fractures: comminuted, compression fracture, fracture chance and sonext. In the case when the results of computed tomography and x-ray revealed nothing, it is likely that magnetic resonance imaging can detect darkovia fractures of the lumbar vertebrae or of the sacrum.

Treatment of fractures

Treatment of fractures involves the introduction of conservative methods of treatment eliminate pain and restore the integrity of the entire spine for any damage. The method is aimed at achieving the end result, which envisages a gradual return to normal rhythm of life. The consequences of such treatment is usually favorable.

primenenie obezbolivaushih inekcijMedication includes the use of pain medication by intramuscular injection. Vertebroplasty is used when fractures without displacement. In the affected vertebrae is introduced a cementing substance with the purpose of fastening the bone pieces.

Quite often used this method, as bone traction c overlay a plaster corset. A method of physical therapy is the final stage in the treatment of fracture of the lumbar spine. The most often used techniques such as:

  • conducting massage;
  • therapeutic exercise, which restores mobility of the spine and strengthening the muscular frame of the back;
  • ultrasound is aimed at relieving the spasm in the muscle, carrying out pain relief and elimination of inflammation, while significantly accelerating the recovery process in the tissues of the bones;
  • conducting electrophoresis with the addition of calcium. Strengthens bone tissue and accelerates the recovery process.

Surgical treatment combined with conservative in case of complications and with a large presence of bone fragments.

The first task is to cleanse the spine from small pieces, to fix who are not presenting possible. Further, large parts of the vertebrae are fixed with bolts or metal plates. If necessary, the vertebrae is made of plastic.

ispolzovanie lechebnogo massazha dlya lecheniya perelomaAfter the procedure patient is fixed with a plaster corset for two months at least. Only after the vertebrae are fused, corset or bandage is removed.

As a result of spinal cord injuries as complications can occur worsening situation, characterized by very severe condition.

In such patients, as effects may develop paralysis of the legs, intervertebral hernia, brain break back, to appear urinary incontinence, impotence, frigidity, uterine prolapse.

In orderto be able to avoid having fractures of any nature, you must perform a number of important conditions:

  • carefully to behave on the roads, always follow traffic rules and avoid accidents;
  • not to ignore the safety rules on the water;
  • to tone the back muscles with regular exercise;
  • to conduct a correct lifestyle and to pay attention to the preparation of a full diet.


In order to quickly and properly recover after the treatment, it should be enough to move. In this approach, the muscle tissue will receive adequate nutrition and oxygen supply, which greatly speed up the healing process.