Home / Fractures / How to identify and cure the fracture of the metacarpal bones?

How to identify and cure the fracture of the metacarpal bones?

Fracture of the metacarpal is a violation of the integrity of the bone in the base of the wrist, arising from the injury. This type of damage is quite widespread and is around three percent from all other varieties of fractures.

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Which leads to fracture

In most cases, injuries occur due to a strong blow to the hand or thrown against a hard object; as a result of injury or severe fall on the hand. Rarely a fracture of the metacarpal bones occurs as a result of twisting, bending and mechanical damage to the wrists. Most susceptible to trauma are presented:

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  1. Elderly people because of the leaching from the body of calcium.
  2. Children's skeletal system which are not yet fully formed and is of particular fragility.
  3. Professional athletes.
  4. Dancers and ballerinas.
  5. Patients suffering from osteoporosis.
  6. Professional boxers.

The main symptoms of a fracture

On the face of trauma show characteristic symptoms:

  1. Limits motor function of the affected limb.
  2. The formation of large hematomas.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Possible reddening of the skin.
  5. Pain in the injured area.
  6. Soreness of the load along the axis of the damaged bone.
  7. The spontaneous strain in the interosseous muscles.
  8. After some time, the skin at the fracture site becomes bluish tint.
  9. When you click on the brush victims experience discomfort and pain.
  10. The deformation of the brush.
  11. The victim can not compress a hand in a fist, and attempts to do so are accompanied by unbearable pain.
  12. Specific crunchy sound when moving fingers.
  13. In some types of visual damage observed shortening of the thumb.

Classification of this type of damage

The fractures of the metacarpal bones are divided into two main types: fracture Bennett's fracture and flexion. Let's consider them in more detail.gips pri perelome

Bennett's fracture is a damage to the integrity of the base of the metacarpal bone, characterized by the breaking away of the fragment is triangular in shape with the ulnar side. This type of injury combines fracture and dislocation. There is bowing of the peripheral bone area towards the radial side. There is a Bennett's fracture mainly as a result of strikes.

Flexionthe fracture (or so-called boxers fracture) is characterized by extra-articular broken line. While bone fragments were subject to angular displacement in the direction of the palm.

In addition, fractures may be accompanied by displacement of bone fragments. This type of injury occurs when violated the integrity of the first, second or fifth metacarpal bones.

Depending on the injury site are also thorough and diaphyseal fractures:

  1. Dramatic changes is a violation of the integrity of the base of the first metacarpal bone. Expressed severe pain, swelling, and swelling in the area of damage.
  2. Diaphyseal fractures - are a violation of the integrity of bone tissue in the area of the first metacarpal. This corruption is not widespread, and it is characterized by severe pain and restricted mobility of the first toe.

In addition, fractures are divided into closed and open, although the latter occur less frequently.

Possible complications

Damage of this type usually respond well to treatment, and metacarpal bones are fused quite quickly. However, in the absence of proper treatment may experience certain complications. In particular, these include:

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  1. Swelling (edema).
  2. Muscle rips.
  3. Damage to the tendons.
  4. Injury to nerve endings.
  5. Improper bone.
  6. Serious violations of motor activity
  7. The formation of callus.
  8. In the case of crush of the brush may be a fibrosis of the tissues of the intercostals muscles.
  9. Contracture of the metacarpophalangeal joints.

How to give first aid and to diagnose the injury

To ensure the most effective treatment and to prevent development of complications of injuries of the metacarpal bones the victim should give first aid in some cases it can make the patient himself. Of course, with any serious injury you must contact your doctor. But as aid is recommended:


  1. With an open fracture it is necessary, first, to stop the bleeding. To do this, the wound should be pressed with a cloth or cotton swab.
  2. To ease the pain and eliminate swelling it is advisable to apply to the damage something on it.
  3. Next, the brush should be slightly bent and to fix it in this position by means of the bus.
  4. Then you need to tightly wrap the injured arm and hung it with a bandage to the injury sitewas at the level of the middle of the chest.

To diagnose a fracture of the metacarpal bones surgeon with experience will be able to the therapeutic examination for the characteristic edema and palpation. And in order to make an accurate diagnosis, to determine the number of fractures, the type and severity, the following procedures are used:

  1. X-ray (in two projections). Moreover, in order to ascertain the nature of the damage, the patient is assigned to an x-ray of both hands, then there is a comparative analysis of images of healthy and injured extremity.
  2. CT is usually prescribed in the presence of multiple fractures.
  3. Analytical study of the motion of the hand and individual fingers.

How to treat the injured limb

Treatment in most cases gives good results, but to delay this process is not recommended to avoid possible complications. Therapy is prescribed depending on the nature of the injury and its severity. Mainly for the treatment of injuries of the metacarpal bones, the following methods:

  1. Conservative treatment. This technique involves the imposition of gypsum in the fracture site, taking pain and anti-inflammatory drugs. In the case of open fracture, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics to prevent infection.
  2. Surgery. The operation to reposition the metacarpal bones are held in the case of fracture with displacement. After the operation, the injured for 6 weeks a plaster or a special bus. And in the presence of bone fragments in the joint are recommended operations arthroplasty.


The process of rehabilitation, primarily focusing on the development of the fingers to full recovery of motor function in the affected arm. For optimal results it is recommended to start rehabilitation exercises as early as possible. During the recovery process are recommended:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Physical therapy sessions with carpal expander. Good results are the snapping, Assembly of children's designer.
  3. Massage.
  4. Salt baths.
  5. Supplementation with high content of calcium and collagen proteins that promote bone tissue regeneration.
  6. Magnetotherapy.
  7. UHF.


After the patient removes the plaster, it is recommended further physical therapy and a special warm baths with sea salts or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Usually the rehabilitation period until the full restoration of mobility of joints and relieve pain can last from 3 months toyears, depending on the extent and nature of the injury.

Fracture of the metacarpal bones may have a positive end, as with proper treatment of this injury rarely leads to serious complications.