Home / Fractures / What are the signs of a broken nose in a child

What are the signs of a broken nose in a child

The protruding part of the face is the nose, and that it accounts for about half of facial injuries in children. The first signs of the broken nose, the child can not remain unnoticed: external deformity, bleeding, swelling, and acute pain. But to make the diagnosis independently, without examination of the expert, and to take any steps to restore the nose cartilage is strictly prohibited. In any case of injury of the person of the child need to show doctor who on the basis of visual inspection, x-rays and endoscopy to determine the nature of the injury and prescribe proper treatment. In parallel with the trauma, the child needs to see an ophthalmologist, a neurologist and a surgeon, and will be necessary to pass clinical tests.

travma perelom nosa u rebenka

Various injuries of the nose are often affected children. Moreover, the broken noses of the boys meet three times more often than girls. This usually occurs in 10-12 years, as this is the most active and mobile age. A couple of years the number of fractures decreases significantly, as the nasal cartilage becomes more robust, and injuries of the nose are more the results of fights or mishaps during sports.

Fracture of the nose and its symptoms

The nose consists of bone and cartilage. Of cartilage are the wings, the tip of the nose and septum the anterior part of the body, and from the bone of the bridge of the nose and the rear part of the nasal septum. When a fracture occurs, the injured and the cartilage and bony components of the septum.

The symptoms and severity of injury is directly dependent on the force of the blow and the thing that caused the fracture. Not the last role is played by the size of the nose and its structure: large less prone to injuries than the small neat nose.

golovokruzhenie u rebenka - odin iz priznakov pereloma nosaA broken nose in a child can be seen only in one case - if it's a minor injury, and no curvature of the nasal septum. In this case, the outward signs are completely absent, and to detect an unpleasant phenomenon it is possible only after x-ray. But there is indirect symptoms indicate that the injury is very serious. It is a violation of the basic functions of the nose: respiration, smell, and visual appeal.

Another is to pay attention to such signs of fracture as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • post-traumatic shock;
  • loss of consciousness.

Common signs include visible manifestations. This change in shape that occurs due to the displacement of the nasal septum or due to edema of the tissues of the face; sharp and severe pain, worse when touching the face;nosebleeds; bruising near the body and under the eyes.

zatrudnennoe dyhanie u rebenka - simptom pereloma nosaParticularly noteworthy is a symptom, like shortness of breath. It can provoke as severe swelling of the organ and bone displacement.

In addition to these signs there are still quite dangerous symptoms, which may indicate complex trauma or complications. This:

  • excessive bleeding;
  • watery eyes;
  • leakage of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • bruising around the eyes.

The classification of fractures of the nose

Nasal fractures in children are divided into several types. This separation is necessary in order to choose the right and effective treatment. The first and most easy kind of injuries include fracture without displacement usually is a fracture in the bones. One easy form - closed fracture, when tissues are not damaged. The third type of injury is fracture of the nasal bones otloma and offset. This injury requires long and complicated treatment. The most severe situation is an open fracture of the nose in which there is damage to the external and internal tissues. If it bare bones, torn blood vessels and nerve endings. Followed by profuse bleeding, possible infection of the open wound.

diagnostika travmy nosa u vrachaBefore you start treatment, the doctor diagnoses the injury. Turns out the timing of the injury, how it occurred, and where there was a turning point: at home, on the street, at school or sports clubs. The degree of bleeding and other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, fainting). Must take into account the presence of chronic diseases and allergic reactions to medications.

Next, with the help of palpation the doctor determines the integrity of the nasal septum, checks if there are any bone fragments, moves the nose in the bone Department, how swollen tissue. Then, a rhinoscopy, which helps to establish the exact location of the damage to the mucosa of the nose, where the source of bleeding, the degree of curvature of the septum and swelling of the mucous membrane. If necessary to carry out clinical analyses of blood and urine, biochemical blood analysis and electrocardiogram.

Features of fracture nose in children

Injuries of the nose, which occur in babies, have their peculiarities and differences from damage in adults. If the child is provided with medical care in the first hours and fixed the offset, then the trauma will disappear after a month. That is how much time will it take to make baby elastic bones healed quickly.

title="First aid - applying ice to the nose" alt="First aid - applying ice to nose">If the injury has a Statute of limitations and hryaschik fused wrong, to change something is not worth it. In order to give the nose its original shape, it will have to break down and reassemble, and it is very hard for a baby both physically and mentally. Therefore it is better to leave everything as it is.

Adults must know how to provide first aid. The first thing to do is to apply cold. The child should sit so that his head was slightly tilted forward, this will prevent the leaking of blood into the digestive organs. An ambulance need to call immediately, and even better - to take the baby to the hospital. Very carefully is to ensure that the baby lost consciousness. Syncope is the first symptom of internal bleeding which is very dangerous not only for health, but for life. Usually the bleeding stops yourself, but the injury to his artery, this will require some effort. As first aid you can use cotton pads which draped the nasal cavity.

To restore the correct position of the bones is very important in the first days after the injury. If you do it later cause serious complications. Also a later correction is accompanied by severe and acute pain. If you do not correct the position of the nasal bone, after the bones grow together, there will be not only external defects (bumps, roughness, curvature), and difficulty breathing.

Treatment of injuries of the nose

spazmolitiki dlya lecheniya pereloma nosaTreatment usually occurs at home under the supervision of a physician. But if the trauma is severe, may need treatment in a hospital. Indications for hospitalization are fractures with severe deformity of the nasal septum, injuries of the maxillary sinuses, eyes, brain. With a strong, incessant bleeding, too, can require treatment in hospital.

She medical assistance consists of medical and surgical treatment. As drugs a doctor can prescribe styptic, sedative drugs, spasmolytics and analgesics. In open fractures, where it is likely to get an infection may require antibiotics, and in emergency cases - the introduction of serums against tetanus.

Methods of surgical treatment depend on the severity and nature of the injury.

In milder injuries without displacement necessary to wash the abrasions, treat them with antiseptic to stop the bleeding. If necessary, overlapcosmetic sutures are removed and dying tissue. These wounds heal very quickly and virtually no trace remains.


For injuries with displacement and damage of the nasal septum it is necessary to return the bones to the correct position and fix the wreckage. It is desirable to do in the first days after injury, but only if the child doesn't have a concussion. In this case, the reduction takes place no earlier than a week. After the restoration of bones and removing the offset, the baby should be under medical supervision for another 7-10 days.