Home / Rupture / How to prevent rupture of the ligaments of the shoulder joint

How to prevent rupture of the ligaments of the shoulder joint

Rupture of the ligaments of the shoulder joint - very common in athletes and people leading an active lifestyle and are constantly loading new and new physical challenges. With all the problems and long period of rehabilitation which have to be so patient, this injury leaves him the right to a happy and fulfilling existence. You simply select for the treatment of a qualified and perfectly to fulfill all his orders.

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How to recognize trauma?

Torn ligaments shoulder entail strong enough pain, to dismiss from which the victim will not work. To stall for time and hope that the problem will be solved by itself, is not a sustainable solution, because under the influence of daily physical activity, the situation will only be exacerbated. Timely medical intervention will minimize the load on the affected shoulder and give him a rest. And this, in turn, will create most favourable conditions for recovery.

However, any injury is easier to prevent than to treat. And in order to avoid stretching and tearing of ligaments of the shoulder, it is necessary to examine the risk. Among the main reasons for this injury are:

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  1. Frequent physical activity. In this case, the integrity of the ligaments can be broken gradually, consistently thinning each of them. At the initial stage the patient may not feel any symptoms, but soon the problem will make itself felt in the form of pain and weakening of the muscles.
  2. Home injury. Is it possible to prevent trauma and to calculate in advance their behavior in different situations? The problem with this kind of comes spontaneously. From the victim is required to soberly assess the situation: if in the region of the shoulder are pain, you should immediately contact the medical facility and not hope that the pain will go away on their own.
  3. Age-related changes. With age in humans, weakens not only the bones but ligaments. Increases the likelihood of injury, after which recovery will take significantly more time than young people. To avoid becoming a hostage situation, one must take care of their own health in advance, taking the appropriate vitamins or undergoing preventive treatment.
  4. Smoking. Oddly enough, this bad habit has a harmful impact not only on the lungs of the smoker, but also on the state of his ligaments. Consequently, the probability of obtaininginjuries of such a person increases substantially. To resort to preventive treatment in this case would be useless: it will take effect only after the smoker will find the strength to give up addiction.

Injuries lurk people at almost every step. And not to fall into their trap, one should be extremely cautious and carefully monitor their health.

Prevention of injury

Despite the fact that the treatment of ligament rupture of the shoulder joint today is not particularly difficult, this injury is desirable to prevent. For these purposes will not require anything supernatural. Just to perform a simple set of rules:

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  1. Any physical activity should begin with a short warm-up allows muscles fast get in shape. Important and gradually increasing intensity of exercise. Such a charge should not be shy, because then it can protect from a number of injuries.
  2. During sports activities, a key role should be given to the study of proper exercise technique, and then their number. You need to soberly calculate the forces and capabilities. The quality of the exercise is the guarantee of healthy and fortified shoulder muscles and ligaments, not prone to sprains.
  3. Correct and proper nutrition is the key to not only a long and healthy life and a strong hardened muscles. The diet should be more vitamins. They are responsible for the strengthening of bones and skeletal muscle.
  4. Any load should be increased gradually, without sudden jerks and pursuit of the result. It should wait with no injuries and sprains. Only hard work and no jumping through your own strength.
  5. The rejection of bad habits, too, will play not the last role in strengthening of muscles and ligaments. Sooner or later, the negative impact will manifest itself at the most inopportune moment. It is advisable as early as possible to begin to deal with their addictions.

The radical change of lifestyle and the transition to a healthier existence is a highly complex challenge, which can handle not everyone.


However, these changes should definitely be addressed, because at stake is a long and happy life without any restrictions!