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The diagnosis of trabecular edema: what is it?

A person can be exposed trabecular edema: what is it? The process is nonspecific, but still it is not as rare. It is characterized by an increase in the amount of liquid in bone tissue. This is due to the pathology occurring in the hearth of swelling. It develops on the background of violations of the integrity of the cartilage. Swelling of bone tissue is injury, requiring immediate diagnosis and remedy.

problema trabekulyarnogo oteka

What this process involves?

Pathology can occur in the immediate vicinity of the edema. To classify it by several symptoms. Trabecular bone edema of the brain occurs against the background of high capillary permeability. This is due to infiltration of protein and water through the extracellular space. This process ensures contact with the walls of blood vessels. Sometimes its development is affected by cytotoxic edema. They represent an increase of cells due to excessive accumulation of fluid. This leads to reduced metabolism and impaired functional characteristics of the cell membrane. As a result of this process is developing pathology. Factors that can influence the development of the disease:

  • the accumulation of proteins and water in the intercellular space;
  • swelling of cells due to the high content of liquid.

This is a serious pathologic process that requires accurate diagnosis and proper elimination. All kinds of pathological processes divided by their period. So, note the following types of edema:

stroenie kostej

  • trabecular;
  • femur;
  • subchondral;
  • aseptic;
  • reactive bone marrow edema;
  • tibial swelling;
  • contusion;
  • perifocal.

All these species are characterized by peculiarities of manifestation and possible complications.

The disease

The presence of this pathological process is indicative of vertebral fracture. It may occur due to the reduction human growth. Visually determined injury of a vertebra and swelling, the fracture is weak. To confirm the existence of the problem will help diagnostic methods. Are based on x-ray, MRI and CT. Diagnose pathology magadanets structure can be the only way. This state is characterized by an increase in the quantitative content of liquid in bone tissue. This is due not only to trauma but also with preceding inflammation. Treatment based on the anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to the use of drugs, are widely used physical therapy and medicalphysical education.

Swelling of the femur can result in serious consequences. If the condition is accompanied by osteomyelitis, severe the severity of the process. As a result of swelling may develop purulent education, it covers the bone and bone marrow. The process entails the spread of harmful bacteria, eliminate through comprehensive treatment. To diagnose edema, allows MRI to make an accurate diagnosis - just the surgeon.

Subchondral edema and aseptic bone

mrt dlya diagnostiki oteka kostnoj tkaniThis process can cause irreparable changes in the human body. First and foremost, it affects the cartilage, which are characterized by their fragility and elasticity. Subchondral changes can be diagnosed by MRI. The tests allow to check the quantitative content of the active components in the blood. Dynamics of violations can happen in 3 months. The less time the pathology progresses, the slower is the breakdown of cartilage.

Aseptic swelling develops in the head and neck of the femur. This process is reversible. To identify it is possible to conduct x-ray examination. Aseptic pathology is easily distinguished by redness. Its major manifestations include a significant increase in body temperature, the presence of severe swelling, pain. Often, all accompanied by a violation of functionality.

The process is characterized by the production of serous and sero-fibrinous exudate. The appearance of inflammatory edema shows the development of a negative process. Early treatment will eliminate the symptoms and restore functionality.

Reactive edema

The process is a consequence of surgical intervention. Appears reactive swelling along with severe pain after Redressal. To eliminate the symptoms will help physiotherapy, which need to pass about 10 days. To reduce swelling will help the special course load aimed at the control of the performed action. It is based on the performance of certain exercises alternating position. If there is strong pain, it is advisable to take analgesics.

hirurgicheskoe lechenie trabekulyarnogo otekaSwelling of the tibia is characterized by a bone destructive changes. Its distribution is determined in the areas of the medial condyle. Their size depends on the reasons for the development of the process. The clinical picture is similar to the osteosclerosis.

If not to proceed with the timely resolution of the swelling may get worsesituation. The lack of qualitative treatment developed contusion, synovitis. These injuries can form even due to the sharp turn of the body. They are characterized by a sharp pain, the mobility of the legs is maintained.

Contusion and perifocal edema

To identify this type of damage is possible via standard research methods. Often used magnetic resonance imaging.

Diagnosis is performed in several steps, starting with the advice of a podiatrist whose main profile are lesions of the knee joint. For diagnosis it is necessary to compare clinical presentation with the data obtained in the course of the research.

On contusion edema indicated by the following symptoms:

  • the expressed painful syndrome;
  • jamming;
  • instability;
  • swelling of the knee joint.

lechenie trabekulyarnogo oteka u ortopedaAt diagnosis it is necessary to consider the conditions in which the victim received swelling. With regard to recommendations for treatment, they depend on the severity of the process. Serious case requires arthroscopic autoplasty and resection. This will restore the mobility of the ligaments.

The larger the injury, the more difficult its treatment. To eliminate puffiness running right up after removing a cast. It must be remembered that an important condition is a proper Union of bones. If this process does not meet the specified requirement, the treatment more difficult.

Perifocal edema occurs with increased extracellular space. This is due to the accumulation of large quantities of liquid. She begins to flow from damaged glial cells. Their membrane is characterized by a special permeability that does not stop the process of absorption and accumulation of fluid. To determine the prevalence of oedema is resorted to measuring the quantitative content of water.

This type of lesion can be formed when the penetration of the white matter of the brain. This entails a further increase in the content of the liquid. The result is a filling perinatalnogo space. This condition is favorable for the development of tumor formation.

Swelling occurs directly from the lesions. To remove it through surgery.


Summing up, I must say that this pathology is a serious process. The lack of timely treatment can lead to the development of irreversible changes, including the spine.