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How can I remove the tumor from the foot after an injury?

Bruised legs is one of the most common types of injuries, which is why you need to know how to remove swelling from the feet after an injury. Bruises can vary in their severity, the most severe are accompanied by swelling and edema. Of course, we could wait for the symptoms to disappear by themselves, but it is better to ease the pain and reduce swelling by using quite simple techniques.

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First aid for injury

The impact causes a rupture of small blood vessels, which leaks blood. This is the first symptom of injury, which may appear swollen. Effective in dealing with swelling is a cold compress, which reduces swelling.

If the cold be applied directly after injury, it will reduce the amount of blood and prevent thereby the emergence of a strong edema.

Instead of a compress on the injury, put ice, wrapping it in a cloth. In the absence of the hands of ice, you can use a towel or handkerchief soaked in ice water, but to get the desired effect have to compress frequently changed, so as from the body of the shawl will quickly heat up.

led dlya pervoj pomoshi pri ushibeWith injury legs to remove the swelling and edema will help iodine mesh, to do this, it will have to be applied on the injury. If the injury is strong enough and clearly expressed hematoma, swelling removed using lotions. As they can use a mixture of Apple cider vinegar, iodine and salt. This compress must be applied to the point of impact.

To remove the swelling with the help of medications. Drugs in their composition contain natural oils and herbs: Vitamins, Traumeel, Badyaga. In most cases, people accustomed to use traditional methods, which give very good results. For lotions use extracts made from various herbs. In this case, perfect the following herbs:

  • psyllium;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort;
  • wormwood.

Each grass is good as separately, and in combination with any other. For infusion you need a few tablespoons of the chosen herb to brew with boiling water. The sooner after injury will be used herbal, the faster it will get away swelling.

How to treat injury?

No one is immune from injuries, bruises and abrasions. To heal the trauma and, most importantly, you need as quickly as possible. But as an injury can be located in various parts of the body, and the treatment of each of them to act in a certain way. The leg is a large area where the lower leg, knee, foot. Each of these parts undergoes variousinjury, so you must know how to cope with the damage.

polza joda pri ushibe nogiFans of active lifestyle most of all suffer from injuries of the patella. In case of damage to the knee is required not only to apply cold to the injury site, but also to fix the position of a man in a stationary state. A bruise is threatened by loss of the patella. You need to take a comfortable position. If the injury occurred in an apartment, you need as quickly as possible to take a recumbent state, placing a thigh pillow. If - on the street, then after impact you want to sit on the nearby bench or the curb and then lift the leg so that the Shin was higher than the hips. With knee injuries, physicians are advised to use the cream is Collagen, which relieves swelling and helps to restore the function of damaged limbs.

A bruised Shin is one of the most serious. A shot in the area of muscles located near the bone, is the most dangerous. There are many pain receptors, which is why this injury is dangerous not only swelling, but painful shock that can cause severe pain. In this area the legs the tumor is growing. To prevent serious complications after using a cold compress you need to apply a special cream. The cream can be purchased or homemade. To make an ointment from the juice of aloe leaves, mixed with honey. The mixture quickly absorbs into the skin, and swelling will subside faster. This should be done as quickly as possible, preventing the development of strong tumors.

A sprain may cause the appearance of frequent fractures of small bones. This circumstance is accompanied by injury of the foot in most cases. That is why after a trauma requires as much detail as possible to explore the foot, to eliminate the option of fractures. This requires slowly and carefully palpate the foot in the injury site.


If at least in one place there is a sharp pain, it's a reason to do x-ray. But since the don't get rid of the pain and will not prevent the appearance of swelling, it is recommended to use cooling bandage in the first hours of injury. In the future, require the application of warming bandages which must be applied on the foot for the next 5 days. The use of anesthetic ointments will come in handy.

To remove swelling in finger after injury require long-term massage with ice cube. Made in the early hours of the massage will reduce swelling. After injury the leg and the finger you want peace, you will have some time to abandon the tight shoes and long walks.

The exception is people with diabetes, they can not resort to the cooling spaceinjury. In their case for removing the swelling, you can only use ointments and creams.

The acceleration of the healing process

konsultaciya vracha pri ushibe nogiThe foot is largely responsible for the movement of a person. Not very handy when due to a small trauma or injury is necessary to limit their movements and disrupt their way of life. Even the slightest injury want as quickly as possible to reduce pain and return to normal rhythm of life. To shorten the period of treatment can help special preparations:

  1. When severe injury requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. To relieve the pain will help Ketanov, Analginum, Diclofenac.
  2. Not interfere with the use of ointments that will contribute to the rapid recovery of tissues. Effective medication Lioton, Traumeel, Fastum gel.
  3. The injured part needs rest. In order not to disturb the affected area, it is required to impose a pressure bandage. In the case of injury of the foot or the joints will have to limit physical activity.

Traditional treatment of injury and swelling

In folk medicine, there are many different ways, allowing you to more quickly rid the place of injury from edema:

  1. Tea leaves from tea. Tea leaves drained, cooled, wrapped in a bandage and apply to the injury site.
  2. The juice of onion. An effective way to deal with swelling and pain.
  3. Curd. The cheese is wrapped in cloth and placed in the freezer for 6 minutes. Then take out and apply to the damaged surface. Curd allows for as long as possible to keep cold, in addition, fermented foods have the unique ability to lighten the skin, which is very good for removing bruise. A cold compress allows you to reduce swelling.
  4. Pureed plants. To the skin useful to put crushed plantain mixed with garlic roots. The compress can be left on for a long time. He is to stay in place, you need to tie it down to the bruise.


Swelling can stay for about 3 weeks. These methods allow to reduce this term. If after this time there is no relief and place of injury continues to bother requires immediate doctor's consultation.