Home / Injuries / Is it possible treatment of a leg injury at home?

Is it possible treatment of a leg injury at home?

If you had a leg injury, the treatment at home is possible. In addition, it gives good results. However, the injuries are different, for example, when knee injury, feet or toes it is better to seek help for the trauma.

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This is due to the fact that this part of the joint in the future may be difficult to operate or subsequently may be chronic pain if not cure damage.

The essence of pathology

Contusion is a closed injury of tissues and organs without significantly changing their structure.

Injury can arise from blunt force or falling. If there is contusion of the soft tissues, the formed swelling and hematoma. The pain can be of different nature: from pronounced to weak and stupid. Internal bleeding may be weak and plentiful.

sinyak na noge posle ushibaWith abundant hemorrhage may be damaged and the surrounding tissue, causing the compressed adjacent organs, bringing additional pain.

The color of the skin when the injury can vary depending on its stage. In the first hours after injury color of injury on her feet acquires a crimson hue. In the future, as healing of the injury, the colour is:

  • blue-purple;
  • a greenish hue;
  • yellowish coloration.

What happens when the injury and what the consequences of such an injury

It is known that soft tissue regeneration is much faster than bones, but nevertheless when the injury treatment need. Initially, you need to find out what systems of the body can be damaged by injury:

  1. Skin. Skin can be damaged, in other cases their integrity is maintained. In violation of the integrity of the skin wound occurs.
  2. Muscle. If the muscles affected by injury, muscle spasm occurs, which is typical for pain.
  3. Ligamentous apparatus. When damage to the joint ligaments is disrupted the mobility of the limb.
  4. Cartilage. They play the role of a shock absorber to cushion all the movements. With bruises and cartilage damage can be limited mobility.
  5. Vessels. Indicate the damage of blood vessels hemorrhage and hematoma.

padenie - prichina ushiba nogiAnother argument in favor of treatment injury is that it provokes the inflammatory process. If untreated, the inflammation will increase and it will be possible to defeat not only of the tissues but also bones.

And this leads to arthritis. In addition, the fabric will gradually begin to deteriorate, leading to herdystrophy.

Reasons. Most often the damage occurs in the fall, often suffering the knee joint and the area of the foot. For example, when running, skating or rollerblading.

Besides, injury can happen if you fall on your foot or a heavy object when compressed feet, and it can happen in the time of the accident. Thus, we can conclude that the injury does not arise by itself, but only at mechanical influence.


If any, even minor, injury the bruise is formed, which grows into the tissue as long as it does not curdle the blood. Since the injury is soft tissue, in this place formed a swelling, often the fabric is compacted.

The next sign of injury is a sharp pain, to which for some time could not move a limb. Therefore it is better not to move until you have identified what happened with the leg: contusion or fracture.

konsultaciya vracha pri ushibe nogiFracture, of course, is the most dangerous damage to the feet, as it may be comminuted when bone fragments damage tissues, muscles, etc.

Why the strong injury is not necessary to self-medicate, it is better to call the ambulance.

Problems injuries involved the surgeon. He will examine the injured place and determine the condition of the feet. In doubtful cases, the patient is sent for x-rays, where will exclude the possibility of fracture. After this is assigned treatment.

First aid and further treatment of the leg injury

To hemorrhage and edema were not extensive immediately after hitting apply the ice. In the presence of scratches and wounds, treat them with disinfectant.

The next step should be fixing the damaged joint. On the site of the injury, a compression bandage. This method of first aid will allow in the future to avoid unnecessary complications.

To a little blood drained from the damaged area, raise the limb up. This will reduce place swelling. And further recovery will be accelerated. Try in coming days to provide a limb rest, move less, not to step on the injured leg.

led pri ushibe nogiNeed to know what cold is applied to the injury just in the first day. In the future, it is not required. Then come to the aid of warm compresses, lotions, which will help quickly dissolve hematoma. Besides, on sale there are special ointments, spirituous lotions and other medicines for these purposes.

Grind injury not worth it, otherwise may develop thrombophlebitis. With strong bruises treatment engaged in a physician.The final stage of treatment serve physiotherapy, which include:

  1. UHF.
  2. Magnetotherapy.
  3. Electrophoresis with medicinal solutions.

Folk remedies for the treatment of leg injury

Traditional treatments have in his piggy Bank a variety of recipes, how to get rid of the consequences of the injury. But we should remember that this treatment is carried out with a slight injury. It is advisable to visit a doctor, and if nothing is detected, you can do therapy at home.

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  1. Take 1 tbsp of vinegar, water and vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients, wet in this part of the cloth or bandage and applied to the injury. This wrap put the wrap and tie with a scarf. This procedure is repeated several times to improve the condition of the damaged areas.
  2. Take the hot milk to not burn, soak it in fabric and attach to the leg as the compress.
  3. A good remedy for bruises is the cabbage leaf. Tie him to the leg and go so during the day, you can bind and at night.
  4. Boil beans and potatoes, mash, tie it to the bruised spot. Helps raw potato: cut a ring of the vegetable and apply to the sore area.
  5. 30 minutes can be applied to injury a banana peel on the inner side.
  6. Grate onion and mix it with rock salt, place in a bag made of cloth and apply as a compress to the leg. The duration of treatment is 5 days. This compress should be applied up to several times a day.
  7. When fresh bruise, you can make him cut a sheet of al or the pulp of this plant. In this way, treat fresh injuries.
  8. Massage into injury site of the fat of the Viper, he not only regenerates tissues, but also relieve.
  9. When injuries helps Pain. The powder is diluted with water in the proportions 2: 1, and applied to the affected area.


These drugs are available in any home, the recipes are not very complicated.

In some cases, will need immediate medical assistance

If you suspect a fracture, you must take the help of experts. Signs that may indicate that you broke your leg:

  1. Severe pain, sometimes leading to loss of consciousness.
  2. Unnatural mobility of the limb.
  3. Crepitus - crunching on palpation.
  4. The rupture of the outer tissue with bone fragments.


In the end, it should be recalled that home treatment is only possible after exclusion of severe injury and fracture.