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What if the leg injury the limb is very swollen?

Injury is always unpleasant and painful. If the limb, when there was a bruised leg, swollen what to do? How to give first aid, so as not to aggravate the situation?

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A leg injury in everyday life - a fairly common occurrence, so it is important to know measures emergency first aid in such cases.

Manifestations of injury and possible consequences

A leg injury was escorted the following symptoms: severe pain at the point of impact, swelling, bleeding, stiff joints, subcutaneous hematoma (with soft tissue damage). Injuries feet you can often get more serious than a bruise, injuries: sprains, cracked bones, fractures. Therefore, after the first aid you need to go to the doctor and an x-ray to clarify the nature of the injury.

Under no circumstances it is impossible to bend and straighten my leg, to massage and heat treatments in the first days after injury. Be sure to see a doctor, if you detect the following symptoms:

  • bruised leg swollen, reddened;
  • formed a large hematoma, which pulses;
  • the limb lost feeling, mobility;
  • too severe pain;
  • violation of blood coagulability;
  • a leg injury in a child under one year.

sinyak na noge posle ushibaMeasures to be taken in the first place if foot injury and further treatment will depend on what Department of the lower extremity was injured.

Injury of the hip joint. When damage to the hip joint, you must first eliminate any movement and muscle tension. For this we need to bring the body into a lying position or reclining under the affected leg to place the cushion. Can be applied to the bruised place ice pack or a container of cold water, and in severe pain to take the painkillers. During transportation the leg necessarily fixed with tires.

Bruised hip. This files most often injured soft tissue of the thigh muscle. The leg should be at rest, it is necessary to put a cushion or pillow. At the point of impact to impose a pressure bandage from elastic bandage. This is necessary in order to reduce swelling and to reduce the risk of hematoma (in the thigh is a large number of muscles, are more likely to develop hematoma to their thicker which requires surgery). Pain helps to ice, and analgesics used.

Knee injury. The knee injury is very painful and dangerous development of complications due to complicated anatomical structure. When severe knee injury, it is recommended to give the footthe stationary state, placing it under the pillow, cushion. The knee must be wrapped with a bandage is not very tight. To relieve pain apply cold compresses and if pain pain medication medication. Ice is essential not only to relieve pain but to reduce the intensity of the development of post-traumatic hematoma, hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood in the joint cavity).

podorozhnik dlya lecheniya ushibaA Shin bruise. Most prone to injuries of the front part of the Shin, where there is little soft tissue that protects the leg. In such cases there is bone injury (traumatic periostitis), as this inflamed periosteum (film covering the bone). In some cases inflammation may go on a bone develops osteoperiosteal. This happens usually in case of very strong shock with a weakened immune system. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by such features as a significant limitation of the limb, redness, swelling, increased temperature in the damaged area of the skin. In trauma of the tibia put under her cushion and follow the recommendations, similar to that described above (elastic bandage, cold, pain). If there was damaged skin, treat it with antiseptics. In the presence of bone injury, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, local and systemic use, antibiotics when purulent inflammation, is sometimes the puncture of the hematoma and physiotherapy. Can be injured and soft tissue, for example, eggs, in addition to severe pain observed swelling, bruising.

Injury of the ankle joint. The ankle joint is the place of articulation of the bones of the leg and foot. When injuries occur, pain, swelling, numbness. When there is a strong bruise of a foot in this place, you need to quickly remove shoes and socks, not to walk on the leg and give it an elevated position. Then be sure to bandage her foot around the leg and foot in the form of eight, applying compresses with ice, if necessary, take an analgesic. In the future, need a long rest feet (7-10 days), and sometimes a plaster Longuet. Prescribed nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, compresses and foot baths, gradually introduce therapeutic massage and special exercises, physical therapy. Among the complications: hemarthrosis, synovitis, post-traumatic arthrosis syndrome sudaka (blood flow disturbances, trophic changes of tissues).

Injury of the foot. This type of injury is also very serious because of the presence in the foot of many small bones that increases the risk of fractures. First aid corresponds to the measures with fractures of the ankle joint.

alt="Artemisia for the treatment of injuries">Injury toe. Pain accompany the injury to the toes, very often the little fingers (due to anatomical location). When injury of the finger is necessary to ensure its immobility. To do this, it can be fixed with adhesive to the adjacent healthy finger. The bandage should not be tight. You can use ice compress. Treatment of injury of the finger involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs 3 days - the warm foot bath, then you enter the massage, and physiotherapy. Among the possible complications development of a hematoma, problems with nails, arthritis.

A leg injury in a child

The child's leg injury is manifested the same symptoms as adults and require appropriate treatment, except drug therapy. Children contraindicated for some medications, for allowed is assigned a smaller dose.

Treatment of a leg injury folk remedies

Various foot injuries can be treated with the help of numerous recipes of traditional medicine, but first be sure to consult with your doctor.

Here are some recommendations:

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  1. Compresses on alcohol and vodka.
  2. Tincture of flowers of rosemary in alcohol. Used in the treatment of injuries of the knee. Rubbed 2 times a day.
  3. Slurry from the wormwood. Used to treat knees on the principle of the ointment, which is applied with the dressings.
  4. Compresses with grated horseradish for the treatment of injuries of the toes.
  5. Onions with sugar. Applied as an ointment.
  6. Wormwood tincture (1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs to 1 Cup of vodka or alcohol, leave for a few weeks) before applying compress with diluted (1 part tincture to 3 parts water).
  7. A mixture of crushed leaves of plantain, wormwood, pork lard, rye flour.
  8. The use of concoctions. One of the most effective means of treating bruises if you have bruises.
  9. Inside also take various fees to boost the immune system as an anti-inflammatory prophylaxis.

Surgery for injuries of the feet

Surgical intervention may be necessary in rare cases, the occurrence of complications, such as stretching of the ligaments of the legs (accompanied by their tears or separations from the attachment), hemarthrosis, nerve damage, hematoma, purulent, etc., When torn ligaments and damage to the nervous endings is their stitching.


Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure, is subject to hemarthrosis. Through the incision into the joint introduces the endoscope, removes the blood clots. In most cases, with proper first aid and further treatment of the injuries of the feetpass without complications.