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What to do when injury of the abdomen?

What is contusion of the abdomen and what is the consequence of this kind of injuries? Each worried about whether or not to seek emergency medical advice or is appropriate therapy? Such simple answers would help many patients avoid dangerous complications. Therefore, you should remember an important rule: an injury of the abdomen is a serious injury, after which you need to see a doctor.

bol pri ushibe zhivota

Varieties and diagnostics

Abdominal injury is of two types: open and closed. An open wound characterized in that, when it is applied violated the integrity of the skin. The most common cause of outdoor injuries - gunshot and stab wounds.

Reasons for obtaining a closed blunt trauma of the abdomen varied:

  • drop;
  • a muscle strain;
  • blows.

zakrytaya travma zhivotaOpen and closed abdominal trauma often involves such damage that injury of the abdominal wall will entail injury to internal organs (bowel, spleen, liver, kidneys).

So, the main symptom of open abdominal trauma - a violation of the integrity of the skin of the abdominal region. The symptoms of the closed injuries are numerous:

  1. Sharp and severe pain in the abdominal cavity.
  2. The decrease in blood pressure and increased heart rate.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. The increase in the shock index.
  5. Vomiting and diarrhea.
  6. Hematoma, abrasion, or bruising.

Signs of injury always point to the damaged organ. For example, swelling, bruising, abrasions, painful bowel movement may indicate injury of the abdominal wall. If there is a rupture of the abdominal muscles, you will be obstruction of the intestine, and for intestines to rupture is more typical: vomiting, state of shock and intra-abdominal bleeding.

Liver damage is manifested as dizziness, loss of consciousness, drop in blood pressure, and in injuries of the spleen in a patient diagnosed with bleeding and pain, which spread up to the left shoulder. If the kidneys are damaged, the urine takes on a pinkish color (gross hematuria), increased body temperature, marked pain in the lower back. Bladder injury is about frequent urination and gross hematuria.

First aid

prikladyvanie holoda k zhivotu pri ushibeNot only open injury of the abdomen, but closed blunt injury is a sufficient basis for treatment in medical institution. The patient and his relatives are unable to correctly diagnose a possible defeat and prescribe the necessary treatment. Allassociated with injuries of the abdomen, relates to the field of emergency surgery, and abdominal trauma are often the reason for surgical intervention. With a slight injury before the arrival of doctors to provide first aid. Unskilled first aid is allowed only in the case of a closed blunt injury.

The affected person should undertake a set of measures for the relief of symptoms. Carefully, without sudden movements, put the victim on a flat surface. During stacking to maintain it: while injury of the abdomen, the victim may lose consciousness, experience dizziness. It is important to prevent further injury and falls, in addition to those that were obtained during the damage.

Then, you should apply cold to the injured cavity, as this will help to relieve tension and acute pain. To do this, fill the bottle with cold water and applied to the abdomen. Instead of a warmer you can use an ice pack, cold chunks of tissue matter. Applying cold occurs within 10-20 minutes. After this time you should make a five-minute break, after which the procedure with the break need to be repeated again. The duration of the first aid should not exceed 2-2.5 hours.

If these measures do not give the patient relief, the resulting damage can only be fixed by the medics. The pallor of the victim, loss of consciousness, bleeding, increased pain is a symptoms which often makes the specialists of the emergency. After a blow or injury is strictly contraindicated to use water, food or pain relievers.

Treatment and possible complications

uzi zhivota pri ushibeTreatment of injuries designated doctor, sometimes it makes the surgeon. To properly diagnose, it is best to undergo ultrasound and x-ray examination, computed tomography or laparoscopy. Perhaps after the injuries, the patient will need surgical intervention. For less serious injuries, the patient is confined to bed rest, cold therapy, physical therapy for the treatment of hematomas, bruises and abrasions.

It is worth remembering that many abdominal injuries are often accompanied by complications. The most common of them is the hernia occurring as a result of tearing the muscle. Internal bleeding is the most dangerous consequence of injury. It always is a direct threat to the life of the patient.

Another common post-traumatic complication called peritonitis. This particular inflammation associated with abdominal injury. Peritonitis can be fraught with contamination of patient's blood and lethaloutcome.


In any injury in the abdominal area, it is best to consult the doctor. Even if there were qualified first aid, after this kind of injury should complete ultrasound examination. The patient is not able to predict what pathological processes take place in him after the injury. Only timely diagnosis can save the life and health of the patient from possible complications.