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Treatment of contusions and abrasions

Scratches, bruises and abrasions are injuries that usually do not cause concern. After all, you can get them easily in the home and at the cottage, camping or in any other place. Especially such a minor injury-prone children. Their mobility and curiosity often lead to bruises, bumps and skinned knees. But whatever light may seem similar injuries, they deserve attention and treatment.

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Assistance in case of injuries

Injury is trauma to the skin, subcutaneous layer of muscles when falling or as the result of a direct blow. Immediately after the injury there is pain. It seems as strong in those places where there is the greatest concentration of nerve endings. When more serious injuries occur, the injured blood vessels. The blood from them flows into the subcutaneous tissues and forms a bruise. If large vessels are injured, the damage can cause the formation of hematomas. Can occur such a situation that the hematoma with blood penetrates the infection from those lesions, where it is stored permanently. This, for example, teeth, ears, nose. In this case, the hematoma may suppurate.

Even more dangerous is a hematoma on the head, facial or body hair in places where there is a large blood flow. All unusual situations should consult a doctor to prevent serious consequences. In other cases when the injury is not as serious on the injury immediately, you must apply ice or any other cold object. Cold ice constricts blood vessels, so blood slows down the flow of the injured place.

prikladyvanie lda na mesto ushibaThis way, if the injury was minor, it is possible to avoid bruising them bright rainbow colors. Ice should be applied for 20 minutes, then a break and again superimposed cold. Such treatment is acceptable in the first hour after injury. The ice should be dry, that is, one that is warmer or wrapped in a bag or cloth.

The next day at the place of injury you can apply warm compresses. As a result of thermal action of the blood vessels will begin to expand, and a hematoma to dissolve. When you start to apply a hot compress before this time, the bruises will only increase and the treatment will be delayed for a longer time.

Assisting with scratches

Abrasion is called the damage of the upper layers of the skin. Upon receipt of such injuries to the victim must be assisted, which is performed in several stages:

  1. Rinse the wound.
  2. To stop the bleeding.
  3. To decontaminate the wound by any antiseptic.
  4. Bandage the abrasion a sterilebandage.

To prevent infection and further processing is needed to clean the abrasion. Most effective to do it with water with addition of soap. This procedure can be carried out daily until complete disappearance of the abrasion. If you are dealing with highly contaminated abrasion, it is best to rinse it with hydrogen peroxide. You need to add 1 tsp of peroxide in a glass of water. Peroxide is better not to apply on cotton wool or a bandage, but just water on the abrasion.

promyvanie rany holodnoj vodojTo stop bleeding you need to lift the seat from the abrasion, and then applying a sterile bandage. The bandage should not be applied tightly. To stop the blood, putting the bandage, put pressure on the palm at the place of wounds and hold your hand for about 15 minutes until the bleeding stops. If the blood does not stop, it is necessary to deliver the victim to the hospital. If the blood showed through the bandage, the old bint is superimposed and pressed a new hand. To tear off the old bandage is not necessary, as this removes the already formed blood clots.

For disinfection of wounds is usually used Zelenka or iodine. Do not use drugs, which includes alcohol. Alcohol can cause tissue necrosis in wounds, they will be long lasting and can remain scars. Alcohol solutions can be treated areas of the skin around the abrasion. Also, do not RUB the wound with medicines, as if they were deleted abrasion re-injured.

It is known that such injuries, if the abrasion is left open, the healing process is faster. If the injury does not occupy a large area, then rinse and process, abrasion can be left open.

When applying bandages, especially in the initial period, the blood can prosohnut to the bandage, then with its removal the wound will again be injured. It is better to leave the cut open, and when leaving the house close the patch.

Traditional methods of treatment

To treat bruises and wounds may have long been known and proven folk remedies:

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  1. Is an effective folk remedy for the real stuff. Its in powder form sold in pharmacies. Dilute 2 tbsp. of fresh-water sponge with 1 tablespoon of water to the state test. If this test is applied to the site of injury, its healing properties are manifested at the moment of evaporation of water. If the dough does start to dry, then it can be re-moistened with water. To change this you must compress 2 times a day. The water is sometimes replaced with vegetable oil in ratio of 1:1. If you plant concoctions ammonia to keep the mixture in place of the bruise only 20 minutes, otherwise you can get on the skinirritation. The real stuff is effective in the treatment of hematomas and bruising.
  2. For the treatment of cuts and stuff you can use very strong brewed tea. In powder streptotsida drop by drop is added to the welding before the formation of ointments. This ointment lubricated abrasion. Is applied on top of patch. After 4-6 hours, when the ointment dries, the excess it can be removed and applied fresh ointment.
  3. When knee injuries a great remedy is onion juice. The onion needs to be grated, then squeeze the juice. Applied slurry, wrapped in gauze. The juice or pulp applied to the injured spot as a compress.
  4. In the treatment of injuries helps to common wormwood. Freshly picked grass wear with a pestle until it forms a juice. Grated grass is applied to the place of injury, if the damage is serious, the grass, you must apply a thick layer. The poultice should always remain moist. For this purpose it is possible either to change or moisten. If no fresh herbs of wormwood, you can use canned juice. It is made ointment. 1 teaspoon of juice mixed with 4 tablespoons of base. As a basis for ointment can be petrolatum, lard or butter. You can make lotions from the infusion of wormwood. Grass pour boiling water and allow it to cool down. But the effect of lotions slightly lower than that of crushed fresh herbs.
  5. Tincture of Arnica can be taken internally, 1 tsp and lotions. And if the injury is accompanied by concomitant injuries as abrasions, lotions can be done by applying undiluted tincture of Arnica. If there is a bruise and swelling, the tincture diluted with water at the rate of 1:10. Tincture is most effective with fractures of the sternum. In this case, it is used to soothe pain.
  6. Treatment with St. John's wort can be made with broth, used inside, or ointment, which is made similar ointment with the juice of wormwood. To prepare a decoction of St. John's wort necessary to take 20 g of grass to fill in 0.5 liter of water. On low flame the water evaporated to half the contents of the pan. The decoction is taken orally for 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.


Additional points

The herb plantain is used as a pain remedy for bruises and also against possible inflammation. Grass sheet can be applied to the site of injury. If you aim to use the juice of plantain, which sold at the pharmacy.

A decoction of the roots of hellebore used for tumors, bruises, sprains. It is rubbed into the location of damage.

Contusions and bruises are treated also using lotions of lead water. Lead water sold in the pharmacy.


Of course, bruises, bruises and even abrasions, if they do not bear the aggravating consequences are light household injuries.To treat them with traditional methods. Injuries usually heal easily after a few days. But if complications occurred, you must immediately visit a doctor.