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Causes and treatment of subluxation of Atlanta

Subluxation Atlanta is such a process, when two surfaces of different joints of the cervical vertebrae is displaced a small distance to each other. More prevalent rotary subluxation, about 30% of all injuries. Under rotary understand the dislocation resulting from intentional or unintentional violence, or due to the unexpectedly sharp contraction of the muscles localized in the region of the neck. As a rule, the dislocation right, in other words, the shift occurs to the right side.

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Most often, subluxation of the cervical vertebrae in the early stages does not have the total clinical picture, i.e. there are no obvious symptoms. As a result, this disease is difficult to diagnose and can take place only with age. It is especially difficult to identify the disease in children.

The General concept of the disease

stroenie atlantaTo understand the causes of this disease, you must have at least a little bit of anatomical knowledge of the cervical vertebrae. Atlas - the first cervical vertebrae, visually similar to a ring, with eye-catching lateral divisions that are adjacent to the cranial vault. Going for Atlanta (subluxation C1) axis - C2 - looks something similar to the first vertebra, however, he looks more like some sort of ring. In addition, the axis differs in that it has the odontoid process of the character. Atlant in conjunction with this toothed bone is a separate joint that is called the joint Crovella. In General, all parts of the cervical vertebrae articular type cartilage covered with some cloth. In addition, they also reinforced in a special way using multiple different cords.

Despite the fact that the design of this kind ensures the diversity of the human motor system, because of its complexity, it is most vulnerable to injury, especially in front of subluxations. No wonder they say that the neck is the most vulnerable part of the body.

The causes of subluxation of cervical vertebra

Mostly the causes of subluxation Atlanta are:

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  1. The person abruptly turns heads in any direction.
  2. Bad fall from any height. Falling from a height of human growth is able to cause significant damage than from a great height.
  3. Bad diving in shallow water and the subsequent impact on the bottom.
  4. Incorrect grouping of the body while performing the somersault.
  5. Neck trauma after a car accident.
  6. The consequences of the fight.
  7. Classes typessports in which the risk of injury.

Often subluxation of Atlanta revealed a newly born child. This situation occurs because the newborn is very weak tendon unit, which can be damaged even from the slightest injury.

Any influence of the mechanical type may lead ultimately to rupture or stretching of the tendons and/or ligaments in the cervical spine, and these factors lead to subluxation of Atlanta.

The symptoms of subluxation Atlanta

After the injury and the subsequent formation of subluxation Atlanta experiences the following symptoms:

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  1. Strong painful sensations when touched to areas close to the skull to the cervical vertebrae.
  2. There is a feeling of strong tension in the neck muscles.
  3. The head is in a forced position because of inability works by turning on one of the sides.
  4. There is a faint swelling of the soft tissues of the cervical vertebrae.

It happens that the appearance of subluxation in Atlanta the process involved and nerve endings located nearby; this usually happens when the neck injuries.

In such situations, there are already neurological symptoms:

  1. Severe headache and consequent insomnia.
  2. Clearly audible noise in the ears.
  3. Paresthesia of the upper extremities.
  4. Severe pain localized in the upper muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as in the lower jaw.
  5. Failure of visual function.

Signs of the disease

Rotary subluxation of Atlanta is characterized by the presence of the following signs:

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  1. Severe limitation of movements of the head, hard to turn head in prone to dislocation direction. In cases. if you try to turn your head through force, appear sharp strong pain.
  2. Sometimes seen severe dizziness and loss of consciousness.

If the dislocation of the subject comes after the Atlanta vertebrae, severe pain impulses felt in the process of swallowing. In addition, you may receive the swelling of the tongue.

With the defeat of the lower vertebrae of the pain is usually localized in the area of shoulder girdle and chest.

The treatment of the disease

If a human gets injured cervical vertebrae, the first thing they fix securely. You can use any means that will help limit movement of the injured neck. Physicians typically use specific tires that provide complete immobility of the neck. In no case should one tryto reduce a dislocation of their own, there is a risk to make it worse.

Admission to hospital for treatment, as a rule, treatment begins immediately. First, the victim has the right to place the cervical vertebrae. It must be done to ensure that swelling has not spread and has not started to interfere with the carrying out of all manipulations. There are different ways to reposition, the most popular of which are:

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  1. The sharp reduction in one motion. To run this method needs a professional. In some situations, reduction to use painkillers.
  2. The use of loop Gleason. The victim is set on the surface under a small angle, whereby the head is above the body. Next, the patient is put on a special fixture, fixed in the chin area, which is a rope connected to a load. The load is lowered, as a result of what is happening and reposition the vertebrae. It is worth saying that this method has a long preparation and conduct. In addition, it is not always effective, however, it is used quite often.
  3. Method Of Vichuga. Usually this method is used in low subluxations without complications. Before direct reduction lesions are anesthetized, removed so that the swelling and inflammation, thanks to the restored muscle tone of the cervical vertebrae. Thereafter, the reduction itself, when the doctor doesn't spend a lot of effort. Sometimes there are cases when the vertebrae snap into place without the help of a doctor.

Once the vertebrae right at the place appointed the wearing of the collar of a Trench, this is necessary even with a slight dislocation.

This step is necessary to relieve the burden on the neck. In addition, it restricts unnecessary movement. After. as from the date of injury and reposition it will take some time, and the acute period has passed, you should take a massage.

In complex drugs included painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Positive effect of application of Diprospan. Such a drug as Mydocalm, has a relaxing effect on muscle tissue. Nootropics are used to improve the microcirculation and blood circulation. Medicines containing vitamin b, strengthen the nervous system. Such drugs are Used and Milgamma.


Subluxation Atlanta is a serious disease which must be combated. You can not to defer access to a doctor, as over time the disease will only get worse and will start even moreinfluence on the human condition. Timely treatment to the doctor will help to avoid aggravating and further neurological problems.