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What is a habitual shoulder dislocation

What is the usual dislocation? This question is of interest to many people. A dislocation is called the displacement of the surfaces of the bones of the joints relative to each other. This injury causes damaged capsule and articular ligaments. The cause of damage is injury. Sometimes the disease becomes chronic - habitual dislocation.

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This pathology is manifested by the fact that there is a likelihood of recurrence of the dislocation than once.

What is the shoulder joint

In order to understand that such habitual dislocation of the shoulder, consider the structure of the joint:

  • head shoulder;
  • glenoid cavity;
  • the articular capsule;
  • ligament;
  • surgical neck;
  • nerves;
  • muscles;
  • vessels.

anatomicheskoe stroenie plechevogo sustavaThe surface of the joint forms a hyaline cartilage. With the extreme part of the basin is articular lip.

So, the shoulder joint has a complex structure. When shoulder dislocation occurs separation of the surfaces of the head bones of the joint and the cavity of the blade. Most often this happens during high load or under the influence of pathology. As a rule, the dislocation is the result of a fall on the hand, are at this moment at the right angle, or laid back.

Habitual joint dislocation is more likely to occur if there was a similar trauma. And this happens without the use of force. Sometimes it is enough just to change the position of the shoulder, or put your hands behind your head. This can happen while dressing or while creating hairstyles. The danger is that habitual dislocation may occur even during sleep. According to statistics, it happens to an average of 22.4%.

As classified dislocations

According to medical classifications, there are several types:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • usual;
  • traumatic;
  • complicated;
  • uncomplicated.

Why is there a habitual shoulder dislocation

raznovidnosti vyvihov plechaHabitual dislocation of the shoulder joint. The reasons for the development of this state may be different. This is a serious damage to blood vessels and nerves, articular lips, complex fractures of the joints. The most common cause of habitual dislocation are complications of anterior dislocation of traumatic origin.

Most often, the consequences of some mistakes that were made during the period of treatment and rehabilitation. These include:

  • insufficient use of anesthesia;
  • the incorrect reduction of a dislocation;
  • failure of the doctor to wear the retainerbandage;
  • the stress on the joint prematurely.

This often occurs as a result of tissue damage. For example, the capsules, ligaments, muscles that surround the shoulder joint. This leads to the fact that during the healing phase of injury is the scarring that creates an imbalance in the muscles.

Gradually developing joint instability, culminating in habitual dislocation.

There are several types of instability in the shoulder: compensated and decompensated. In addition, there are certain stages of development of this disease:

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  1. The manifestation of subclinical changes.
  2. Minor symptoms.
  3. Expressed clinical picture.

Depending on this the doctor concludes about the patient's condition and determines the pathological basis. This allows you to choose the most effective treatment and complex rehabilitation methods. In that case, if the disease is discovered at the stage of subclinical symptoms, the doctor may prescribe conservative therapy that avoids the development of this disease.

If treatment is not carried out, the frequency of luxation increases, they start to occur at minimum load. In addition, the process of eliminating of such a dislocation becomes easier. Can handle himself sick.

Characteristic symptoms of dislocations of the shoulder joint

For dislocation characterized by acute pain and restrict the normal functions of the affected joint. In addition, the patient's joint looks deformed. If the old dislocation, it is the seal of the joint capsule, which changes in thickness and loss of elasticity. In the joint cavity starts to grow fibrous tissue that covers the articular surface, gradually it fills all available space. Muscle tissue that surrounds the shoulder joint are also changed. The muscles begin to atrophy, and dystrophic changes appear. The more time has passed since the appearance of the injury, the more manifest signs of degeneration. Gradually, the need arises to conduct the operation as a natural way to reduce joint is impossible. In this case, surgery is the only way to cure the disease.

hirurgicheskoe lechenie vyviha plechaIn the inspection of patients with habitual shoulder dislocation, the doctor will determine the atrophy of muscles, located in the region of the deltoid and shoulder joint. No characteristic changes of the shoulder joint, but there is a change in its functions. Restricted mobility of the shoulder when trying to take your arm to 90 degrees, the patient lacks the rearpart of the brush to the surface of the couch. When you perform a lift the hands up as well restricted. X-ray reveals osteoporosis of the articular bone head in a moderate way.

As a rule, habitual dislocation of the shoulder develops six months after treatment of traumatic dislocation. While acute pain is much weaker than at the time of the development of dislocation. In some cases it is not. According to statistics, men suffer from habitual dislocation of the shoulder more often than women. Many patients already know how to pop it back in, and go to the hospital rarely. However, they limit your hand and try not to make movements that lead to this pathology.

In addition, the affected joint gradually loses sensitivity, because of the violation of the usual functions of nerve endings. Gradually the muscles surrounding the shoulder, atrophies and is unable to maintain his position. In addition, the finite, which is the diseased part of the body is thinner than is healthy.

How the treatment of habitual shoulder dislocation

Usually, the only way to cure habitual luxation is surgery. All other methods are ineffective. Sometimes to prevent the development of complications are courses of massage and physiotherapy. It helps to strengthen muscle tissues. For the effectiveness of the treatment should limit the mobility of the patient's joint.


After the operation the patient's hand should be fixed in a certain position, to do this, apply a bandage. It should be worn not less than one month.