Home / Sprains / Peculiarities of dislocation of ankle

Peculiarities of dislocation of ankle

If you have recently sprained ankle was observed mainly in older people, but now this injury is more common among people younger. That is the ankle is most vulnerable when walking. As you know, it consists of three joints that amortiziruemoe with a special cartilage (their name - hyaline). These cartilage located on joint surfaces, reducing friction occurs due to lubricating fluid.

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Due to the large number of muscles, ligaments and tendons of the ankle joint has great mobility. These coupling elements provide mobility of the feet.

Ankle sprain is usually accompanied by displacement of the bones entering into its composition, and damage to the tendons, ligaments and muscles.

Causes of dislocation of the ankle joint

padenie - prichina vyviha golenostopnogo sustavaSuch injuries are often marked not only the elderly, but in young. The fall, walking through the streets during heavy ice, exposed stop - all possible causes of injuries of the ankle joint. Also the risk group also includes young girls who love to wear high heels. Many sports also lead to such dislocation. For example, athletics, in particular cross-country: football, basketball, volleyball, figure skating, tennis is the list of sports in which a high risk of dislocation of the ankle joint. It is possible to continue and continue.

But in the elderly, ankle sprain is the result of age-related muscle atrophy. Ligaments become less elastic, tendons are also "getting old". Stop may not be able to walk the earth (especially if it is a non-smooth surface), which leads to dislocation of the ankle.

If a person has a congenital or acquired defect associated with the different length of the lower extremities, or frequent sprains, weakened muscles of the lower legs, it can all be causes of injuries to the ankle.

Causes of dislocation of the ankle joint can be different, but the consequences are very serious.

Types of sprains ankle

Dislocations of the joint can be:

stroenie golenostopnogo sustava

  • bezrassadnym;
  • break;
  • partial.

Bezrassadnym to include all injuries in which there have been no violations of the integrity of muscles or ligaments. Such injuries happen to people who are professionally engaged in sports with high loads on the ankle. If there is a complete rupture of the ligaments, habitual way of life permanently disrupted, because the process of healing of ligaments takes a long time. And here is a partial torn ligaments can occur with recurrent subluxation of the ankle, usually that kind of damage attributed to diseases of moderate severity.

The symptoms of dislocation of the lower limb

Not always people just go with a similar injury to the doctor. Usually takes several hours, if not days, before a person goes to the emergency room. You should know which symptoms require immediate medical assistance.

  1. The ankle to change shape.
  2. The pain it grows and grows when trying to walk or when you click on the area of injury.
  3. There is an increase in temperature near the ankle joint or the whole body.
  4. Appeared swelling of the injured joint.

rentgenologicheskaya diagnostika vyviha golenostopaThere are three degrees of severity of this type of injury. At the first degree joint is injured slightly, there is a certain discomfort when walking, swelling at the site of injury. Second degree is characterized by significant ligament damage, possible partial ruptures, the outer part of the joint is almost completely swollen, walking becomes difficult. But the third degree sprains is extremely difficult. Ligament is completely torn, there is a significant displacement of the bones, causing severe bleeding and the swelling extends to the whole joint and foot. To go with such a dislocation is impossible.

All the signs of this injury, the patient needs time to notice, to apply for medical assistance in a timely manner. Otherwise, the consequences can be very unpredictable.

The doctor, after a visual inspection of the damaged place definitely sends the patient for x-rays. The joint is necessary to make two projections. On its basis will be the final diagnosis. As a rule, only on the basis of the examination, the diagnosis is impossible.

First aid for the ankle injury

Treatment of dislocation of the ankle joint should be a doctor-the traumatologist. In order to prevent undue injury to the limb, you need to provide first aid to the patient. First you need to lay the victim. The injured leg placed on a pillow or other soft surface to ensure her rest. Dislocation fix with an elastic bandage, and the place of injury to apply something cold to reduce swelling. If the ankle having severe pain, you should take a painkiller. Then take the victim to hospital, where a doctor will supply the necessary diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The treatment of dislocationankle

pervaya pomosh pri vyviheHow to treat a dislocated ankle, usually his physician. He makes appropriate assignments based on the degree of severity of the disease.

For sprains mild treatment is quite simple. The injured area in the first day, you should apply cold (e.g. ice), which partially relieves pain and reduces swelling of the joint. The damaged joint is fixed in place with an elastic bandage or appropriate dressing. Foot relative to the leg should be at a right angle. A bandage holds the foot in this position. It should not be too tight, otherwise the blood supply to the injured area will be disturbed.

The injured limb for several days must be in a state of complete rest, no stress it is best not to.

Usually pain occurs near the ankles or just below.

When pain at the site of injury will stop, we will approach these traditional methods, like warm baths and warm compresses.

Usually within 14 - 20 days after dislocation of the ankle have to fix the damaged joint with an elastic bandage, and if at the end of this period the pain in the damaged joint does not occur, then the bandage can be removed the joint returned to normal.

fiksirovanie golenostopa elastichnym bintom pri vyviheBut when the second and third stages of this dislocation requires prompt treatment. Need reduction vyvinute joint. It must be done in first (or at least second) day after injury. Yourself to return the joint to the place, as you can further damage the torn ligament or soft tissue around the injured joint. Reduction of the joint is usually performed using local anesthesia.

The average severity in the injured joint impose special plaster lagetko to fix the place of dislocation. Usually in two weeks one the doctor removes if the healing went well. After the trauma you need to do physical therapy and a course of massage.

In severe cases, the injured joint is applied plaster, which captures completely the lower part of the legs. The total recovery in this case is not less than 30 days. When the doctor removes the cast, then usually appoints massage courses and physical therapy to restore motor ability.

Usually such patients are assigned analgesics to relieve pain attacks and related complexesvitamins. If the doctor considers it necessary, prescribe a course of physical therapy.

Treatment of these dislocations folk remedies

In the damaged area, you can RUB a paste of diluted concoctions. This medicinal plant helps to remove edema, and promotes the resorption of hematomas at the site of dislocation.

On the second day instead of cold to the affected joint should be applying heat. You can do hot compresses with a decoction of calendula. It is recommended to change as it cools down. Can twice a day to make hot baths to the injured area with the addition of pine extract or sea salt. Most often, the treatment of such injuries can be produced at home.

Recovery time after a dislocated ankle will be different. It all depends on how serious the injury. Usually this period lasts from two weeks to a month. But then, you must undergo a course of rehabilitation.


To avoid dislocation of the lower leg, you need to try not to wear shoes with high heels, to strengthen the joints and muscles. Need to watch my weight and try to get rid of extra pounds. When the likelihood of regular subluxations should be fixing the joint with an elastic bandage and be careful when walking or playing sports.