Home / Injuries / How to recognize and treat a bruised spine

How to recognize and treat a bruised spine

Medicine does not consider the injuries serious injury, but a bruised spine - is another matter. Spine - the basis of the human skeleton, the support for the entire body. In any other type of injury internal organs suffer slightly, because they are surrounded by soft tissues. And the spine is not protected. the subcutaneous layer is small, fat and muscular tissue it is much less than anywhere else.

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Trauma of this kind is dangerous, because it not only damaged tissue or muscles, but also bones, nerves and even the spinal cord.

Such injuries are often plagued people active enough in social terms.

stroenie shejnogo otdela pozvonochnikaPeople at some time loses the ability to work, and it is possible that in the future it is waiting for disability.

Causes of injury may include the following:

  • strike with something heavy on the back;
  • when diving to head the ball;
  • Accidents, especially during emergency braking;
  • jump from the tower;
  • injury in sports activities.

The most frequently injuries are occurring the neck.

What are the injuries of the vertebral column

First and foremost, these injuries are categorized by their severity:

  • mild - slight neurological damage, the body is restored within six months;
  • the average degree - a complete violation of nerve endings in the area of the injured area, the patient is able to recover for 4 months;
  • severe - injury is so strong that fully functions of the body to recover can not, treatment continues for more than six months.

At the location of the injury are classified as follows:

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  1. Injury of the cervical spine. For the patient injury is very dangerous and unpleasant. It occurs if you fall from a small height or someone will stab you from behind in the neck. After receiving a mild injury, the person feels a little pain growing night. But after about a week of this will not be over. If the injury was more severe and there are violations in the area of nerve endings, the patient pursues hearing, memory, vision. Movements become constrained, it's hard to stay long in one position, for example, to sit or stand. There comes a numbness of the injured area. Bad your neck is rotated around during the week.
  2. Injury of the thoracic spine. This Department depends on the work of many organs: the bladder, the stomach, intestines and more. If the injury was minor, onlya small swelling in her place. In more severe injuries disrupted not only the skin but also bone tissue and also the spinal cord. The most severe injuries of this region the following symptoms: pain in the heart muscle, gastric disorders, poor kidney function and more.
  3. Injury of the lumbar spine. Minor injury breaks the skin and muscles that brings the particular suffering of the patient. Severe injuries accompanied by severe pain and discomfort: the inability to sit or stand in one place, poor circulation in the legs (if the damaged nerve endings), edema of the lower extremities. The patient is not able habitually to move due to constant pain.
  4. A bruised tailbone. Most often when falling on slippery surfaces.

In addition to these injuries injuries are combined.

Diagnosis of the disease

The doctor puts the patient diagnosed using the following diagnostic methods:

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  • interview with patient: doctor listens to the patient's complaints, sets the method of injury and any signs of injury were available;
  • medical examination: specialist examines the patient for any obvious defects of the spine after injury, asks a patient to take one or another position to make some kind of gesture;
  • palpation of the back in General and spine in particular: doctor reveals the tension in the spine muscles, pain in the affected area, deformity of the vertebrae, and more;
  • neurological examination: testing the patient for sensitivity, usual reflexes, paralysis of any area of the body;
  • x-ray: two projections reveal the presence of distortions in the vertebral region and possible fractures and cracks;
  • puncture of the spinal cord exclude (or not exclude) an extravasation of blood into the spinal cord;
  • CT scan reveals an area of injury with millimeter precision allows to confirm or deny the integrity of the spine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging detects any changes in the spinal column and the brain detects that blood vessels and nerve roots.

After establishing an accurate diagnosis the doctor prescribes the treatment of each patient on an individual scheme.

How to treat the disease

rentgenologicheskoe issledovanie pozvonochnikaVery important for injuries of the spine to provide proper first aid. It is this:

  1. Urgent call an ambulance. It is not necessary to lift the victim or attempt to move it. If the injured cervical part, you need a splint, not allowing the neck to move. On a stretcher to put the patient carefully, first to get him on his stomach.
  2. For pain relief to the site of injury is applied cold.
  3. In the absence of cardiac activity should begin CPR.

Treatment of slight injury can be produced at home. The patient requires strict bed rest, you can sleep on a hard bed. If the damage is in the neck, wearing a collar Schantz is vital. In the beginning of the disease, you should apply cold to the injured place. As soon as the patient's condition, starts tissue massage near the spine. In case of any changes in health status must notify the attending doctor.

If the injury is of moderate severity or more severe, then the patient hospitalitynet. Made necessary medical procedures. For example, if the vertebrae are shifted, it is their right. For this corsets are sometimes used. If the doctor considers it necessary, then maybe surgical intervention.

Prognosis depends on severity of injury, patient's age, his state of health and from the other.

lechenie ushiba pozvonochnika v bolniceIf the injury is of moderate severity, to restore all functions will take more than a year. In severe to be cured completely impossible, the disease will always make itself felt. But in any case it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of doctors.

Prevention of the disease is impossible because it is impossible to foresee the injury. There are some points that will help to avoid injuries. For example, while driving behind the wheel of a car, you have to be very careful. But the injury is a matter of chance. You can strengthen the back, doing special gymnastics or to swim in the pool. It is possible to continuously perform the massage.

Possible back injury from Pets

The cat and dog may well be a back injury and not only. Most often, the injuries occur due to falls from height, for road injuries (many people like to carry in your own car your four-legged friend) or a failed landing as a result of the jump.

konsultaciya veterinara pri ushibe pozvonochnika u domashnego zhivotnogoWhen injury of the spine in the dog or cat should contact a veterinarian. He will conduct a survey and find out whether the affected bone marrow will determine the injury site and select the method of treatment.

To prevent injury to the dog or cat, it is necessary to protect your pet from falls,shock, loads on the musculoskeletal system. If the injury has occurred, the owner will easily find it at the appearance of pain, reduced activity of the animal, according to his behavior.

The veterinary clinic will perform a complete examination of the animal and prescribe treatment.

Heavy is the case of the combinations of fracture with dislocation. Most often it is then broken and the spinal cord. Have a sick animal come the problem of neurology.

Injured pet almost always need surgical treatment, if conditions permit. Such a method of treatment capable of restoring the spinal cord function and integrity of bones.

Modern veterinary clinics have enough money for the treatment of very complex injuries.


There is carried out the complex of necessary resuscitation. And the owners of cats and dogs should understand that medical assistance must be timely, which will allow to save not only the life of the beloved creature, but also its activity.