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Ways of reduction of subluxation of the ankle joint

Subluxation of the ankle joint is a partial displacement of the joint, the ligament is partially torn, and there is a violation of motor functions.

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The most common causes of luxations and subluxations

To injuries of this type can cause sudden physical exertion: drops, shocks. In winter the risk of injury increases due to the ice. In addition, subluxation of the ankle joint may also appear in people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The slightest turn of the foot in the wrong direction leads to subluxation or even dislocation. It should be remembered that the treatment in this case will be totally different for a person suffering from arthritis.

In the case of injury to the ankle it is advisable not to delay the x-rays to determine the extent of damage and assign follow-up treatment.

Symptoms of sprains

The symptoms of luxations and subluxations of the ankle joint are the following:

  1. There is severe pain when attempting movement of the foot.
  2. The second manifestation of injury is the change in the appearance and shape of the joint. It swells and becomes pale blue.
  3. Swelling and hematoma is the third symptom that the patient may perceive as numb limbs if too long sitting, or a failed turn the foot.
  4. The last symptom is limitation of motion, as it causes severe pain when walking and some discomfort.

Aid for dislocations

Upon receipt of the injured ankle are required to hold first aid measures. It is necessary to know everyone. Thus, measures of first aid:

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  1. Immobilize the injured leg, placing under it a cushion. To fix the damaged joint by the tire or any solid object, pre-wound soft tissue.
  2. Apply to the injury ice. This will help relieve the pain.
  3. Possible as soon as possible deliver the victim to the hospital, trying not to disturb the limb.

Some people refuse medical care, I believe that will cope with the trauma on their own. But self-massage and folk remedies are not a guarantee of full recovery. When subluxation of the ankle, you must consult a specialist who can fix the ankle and to provide expert assistance.

The technique of self-reduction in this case will only hurt and could face other injuries. The joint should be reduced in first 2 hours after receiptinjury.

To reduce a dislocation should immediately, otherwise it will be lost time and the tumor will grow, what will prevent to help the patient. In addition, you must pay attention to the fact that there are no complications, such as cracks, fractures,since their presence to straighten the ankle joint is strictly prohibited.

Peculiarities of treatment of sprains

After rendering of medical aid comes the rehabilitation period. It depends on the complexity of subluxation of the ankle. In the treatment treatments:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • medications;
  • physiotherapy.

fiksirovanie golenostopa elastichnym bintom pri podvyviheAll of these types can be assigned only to the attending physician. On the injured ankle should be imposed retentive bandage to full recovery. Tight bandaging is necessary, but so that the blood would run in the ankle and foot are numb. When the procedure for the imposition of an elastic bandage on the ankle, it is important that the limb was raised and is accessible from all sides, otherwise it will be difficult to impose a proper bandage.

One of the ways overlay vintovoi bandage

Above the ankle! begin to shake in a circular motion, then through the rear, around the soles. Then again on the back foot and on the shank in an oblique direction, crossing the previous layer. Repeat 7 more times and fixed. The heel is left open, and the back part covered. Sometimes after reduction of the ankle joint of the patient to leave the hospital for a few days, where all the necessary procedures, and regularly treated the affected area warming ointments. Are physiotherapy:

  • paraffin;
  • elektroforez;
  • thermotherapy.

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of

Tips the treatment of ankle dislocation of folk remedies:

  1. Relieve pain will help burdock or cabbage leaves, if you wrap them at night ankle.
  2. Warm up and relieve inflammation warmed flax seeds, which can be folded in a cotton cloth and apply to the affected area.
  3. Well-warmed up normal mustard. Keep them need 15 - 20 minutes. Then cover the foot of woolen cloth.
  4. Shooting pain syndrome consisting of raw potatoes. Potatoes grated and applied on the ankle, after 15 - 20 minutes to clean with a cloth and wash off any residual juice.
  5. The magnetic therapy. 2-3 times a day applied to the damaged area, and then move clockwise for 15 minutes.
  6. The bath based on essential oils. Take 3-5 drops of essential oil and dissolve them in 2 tablespoons of sea salt, honey, or milk. This mixtureadd in the tub with warm water. The reception of the bath is 10-15 minutes.

There are in addition to these traditional recipes and for the reception inside:

  • the shell of chicken egg to grind and a pinch to put in the food;
  • eat foods containing collagen: cabbage, parsley, tomatoes, jelly fish and salmon.

The return to normal joint should be gradual.

massazh golenostopa pri podvyviheAfter passing the main rehabilitation requires continued treatment. Need to do physical therapy to the muscles and ligaments were strong. In order to avoid injury during strenuous physical activity, be it running or other heavy muscle work, and you need to protect the joints of the joints with an elastic bandage. In order to avoid the above described symptoms should stop wearing high heels, avoid careless movements, lose weight and strengthen joints.

As has been mentioned above, the subluxation is often the cause of arthritis of the ankle. Most often this disease appears in people who are overweight or have weak ligaments. Only one exposed foot can cause an ankle injury. If the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus expressed, it leads to osteoarthritis.

Symptoms of arthritis of the ankle

To manifest the symptoms of this disease include the following:

  • pain in ankle;
  • swelling;
  • the temperature increase of the skin;
  • redness in the affected area;
  • limitation of motion functions;
  • increased local temperature, feeling unwell.

If you suspect arthritis should consult a doctor, as at the initial stage of the disease. Only the passage of time the man becomes difficult to move. But there are two signs to help identify the disease at the initial stage: the first is the soreness in the flexor and extensor movements in the ankle, the second - if the Shoe suddenly began to have close to the supposed region. There are ways of dealing with arthritis of the ankle joint, how to treat it:

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  1. Need to provide foot absolute rest. If you for some reason are unable to follow the regime, it is necessary to apply a pressure bandage and a cane to lean on when walking. Try less weight on it.
  2. Treatment of drugs. Usually prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. It is recommended to wear special orthopedic shoes or foot for fixation of the ankle in one position. This treatmentassigned exclusively by the doctor.

It is important not to forget about conservative treatment:

  • bed rest;
  • the minimum load, and it is better to completely eliminate;
  • antibiotici if bacterial inflammation;
  • a strict diet;
  • vitamins that improves the process of exchange of substances;
  • Physical therapy - gradually increase the load, but under the supervision of a physician.

In severe deformities need surgery, which aims to restore function to the ankle. It can be assigned only to the attending physician if other methods do not help.


Knowing about the causes, symptoms, methods of treatment of subluxation of the ankle joint, and the diseases that may consequently develop, you need to try to avoid this. But if failed to avoid injury, you should immediately consult a doctor and to implement all proposed recommendations.