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Rib fracture: effective treatment at home

How real broken ribs treatment at home, can only be decided by the surgeon after examination on the basis of data of x-ray. Broken ribs is not the most common among all injuries of the bones. The reason is that the edges can be damaged only when targeted injuries in the area of the thorax, and such is not often the case. Typically, these injuries to the ribs occur in case of a serious accident, falling from a height, in a fight or other similar circumstances.

problema pereloma rebra

As you know, the ribs protect from all sorts of injuries to major internal organs - heart, lungs, and kidneys. So any injury to these bones can cause damage to these vital systems. And if there is any suspicion of broken ribs, you need to urgently see a doctor. In serious cases, patients hospitalitynet, but if there is no damage to other organs, the person can continue treatment at home, where it will regularly visit the surgeon.

Every person should be able to provide assistance before the arrival of any doctors to the victims, especially if there are suspicions on damage to the skeleton man.

The rendering of first aid

First aid measures if such injury depends on how severe damage to the bones. In any case, if you suspect a fracture in the area of the human thorax should be very carefully and neatly free from wear (exposing the entire upper part of the body).

okazanie pervoj medicinskoj pomoshi pri perelome reberNeed to the victim has taken a semi-sitting position, you need to ask him about how he feels, and to inspect the injured body surface. If the chest is nothing but a little bruising and redness from the bumps, and the patient feels a little difficulty breathing, these are signs of minor damage to edges. The area of possible damage is necessary to exert pressure from the outside. To do this, bend the affected arm at the elbow and tightly secure them any improvised to the affected area. Calling an ambulance is required, as is an eyewitness account about the main symptoms of the victim.

Acute complaints of the victim on pain at the site of injury, shortness of breath, with visible deformations in the area of the chest, when the skin has large bruises and scratches, possible serious closed fracture of the ribs. With this, one must secure a bandage the damaged area, bent arm tight bandage to the injured chest. The victim is better to seat in an inclined state in the direction whereyou can see the damage. Mandatory call an ambulance.

In the case of open fracture with bleeding, you must bandage the wound, when the dressing on the injured area of the skin must be put polyethylene. The bandage is tight to fix the damaged bone in the same state. Call an ambulance and before the ambulance arrived, watch how the victim feels. In any case do not let him sleep. To move the victim before the ambulance can not in any way, so as to displace the broken part of the bone.

The main symptoms of the disease

The main sign of injury to the ribs is the presence of severe pain during deep breathing.

odyshka pri perelome reberBut it happens, if broken, the front and side ribs, and a fracture of the rear edges of such pain usually does not.

Symptoms of broken ribs include:

  • shortness of breath;
  • shortness of breath;
  • the attacks of pain subside, when the patient sits;
  • during inhalation the damaged area of the chest is not expanded;
  • hematoma and bruising on the skin.

The patient's pulse quickens dramatically, with expectoration in the sputum may be blood clots, indicating internal injuries, the skin becomes painful pallor. At a palpation the doctor can diagnose the presence of pneumothorax or hemothorax. After injuries to the ribs may cause swelling at the site of injury. After some time the victim may increase the body temperature.

How to treat at home

In severe cases, fractured ribs treated only in a hospital. But if you do not hurt internal organs, there are no open fractures and serious complications, it is possible not to hospitalize a patient and leave it be treated at home, but under the supervision of a physician.

The main treatment can be appointed only by the doctor after x-ray examination of the places of broken ribs. If the picture shows that the fracture edges are rare, there are cracks, but the internal organs are not affected, then the patient can successfully recover at home.

fiksiruushaya bintovaya povyazka pri perelome reberThe plaster for any rib fractures are not superimposed, with relatively milder forms of this type of injuries is tight bandage on the chest. In order not bothered by severe pain, usually prescribe pain medication in the form of injections or other drugs.

As with any fracture, you must comply with a special diet aimed to supply the body high doses of these macronutrients, such as calcium and phosphorus. These substances are necessary for restoration of injured bone tissue. In addition, fortheir absorption by the body needs to make vitamin D. broken ribs for their early fusion requires a large amount of protein to the diet of the patient is administered any meat products.

The correct nutrition in the period of accretion of fractured ribs should be given the most attention. In addition to various dairy products that contain the above nutrients, you must eat the strong meat broths, cooked with beef bones. And should be prepared for patient meals, rich in gelatin, jelly, puddings, jellies, jellied meat or fish, is a very useful jelly. Useful to Kisel Eastern sweets, which contain a large number of substitute for gelatin is agar-agar. Instead of cookies and other baked goods to eat marshmallows, Turkish delight or any types of pastes.

Strong bones of the human skeleton may not break even in severe injuries. It occurs when the body does not experience lack of vitamins and microelements. In particular, most human bones require calcium and phosphorus. The required amount of phosphorus contained in the fish meat, and the calcium gets into the bones of any dairy products. But fractures doctors prescribe additional vitamin complexes, which contain a complete set of components that contribute to the restoration and fusion of the bones. Can be prescribed certain drugs containing calcium.


There are prohibitions on certain types of food and drinks. Alcohol should be excluded for the duration of the treatment, although it briefly relieves the pain in the region of the fractures, but the effect of pain medications weakens, and with some of them not compatible at all. It is not recommended to eat oily, pickled and salty foods as they adversely affect the recovery of bone tissue in the damaged areas.

The acceleration of the healing process at home

Time of accretion of fractured ribs depends on the severity of the fracture. At home treated mild types such injuries. Usually in adults, the bones heal within a month. But subject to gentle treatment, a special diet, supplementation, containing calcium, recovery can go faster. Moreover strictly bed rest in such fractures is not recommended, as it can lead to stagnation in the lungs and development of pneumonia. Therefore, the patient needs to move, to apply ointments and compresses. Doctors recommend and special breathing exercises.


On the fourth day the patient usually prescribed physiotherapy - UHF, etc. to improve the process of accretion of bone. A week is prescribed a course of physical therapy.